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(2.) A topographical map, drawn according to regulations, covering not less than twenty-five square miles of country. (3.) A working plot of rural sections, drawn to a scale of 10 chains to an inch, not less than two square miles in area. (4.) A town plan, illustrating standard and Land Transfer work, not less than a scale of 1 or 2 chains to an inch. (5.) A plan of a railway and road (or water-race), according to regulations, representing a plan of land to be taken under the Public Works Act. (6.) A computation-book to contain trig., traverse, area, and road calculations, &c. Maximum marks, 30. The subjects for examination shall be, — (B.) Computations : — (1.) Trigonometry, right- and oblique-angled triangles. (2.) Heights and distances. (3.) Road-sides and intersections of section-lines. (4.) Problems in computation of areas, and subdivision of lands. (5.) Problems in computation of land-values, rents, loading, &c. (6.) Taking out quantities, engineering. (7.) Reduction of a short traverse on meridian and perpendicular of an initial station. Maximum marks, 35. (C.) Theory, adjustment, and use of drawing instruments, scales, &c, also of pantograph, eidograph, and planimeter, with short, graphic description of theory and use of logarithms. Maximum marks, 20. (D.) Plotting :— (1.) Preparation of sheets for plotting, laying off of trig, stations, meridian, and perpendicular lines. (2.) Plotting from co-ordinates and field-books. (3.) Compilation of maps and reduction of plans. Maximum marks, 20. (E.) Knowledge of survey regulations applicable to maps, and duties of draughtsmen. Maximum marks, 15. (F.) Preparation of and recording of titles : — (1.) On official plans. (2.) On titles. (3.) Technical descriptions of boundaries of districts, &c. Maximum marks, 20. (G.) Quality of drawing and handwriting. Maximum marks, 30. 5. In order to pass the examination a candidate must gain not less than 50 per cent, in each of the subjects " A to G," and not less than 70 per cent, of the total possible maximum of marks assignable. If the failure to obtain a pass is due to failure in not more than two of the subjects " A to G," the candidate may, after six months from the date of his last examination, come up again for examination in these subjects. 6. Each candidate that passes the examination shall be entitled to a certificate of competency as a draughtsman issued under the hand of the Commissioner. As witness my hand this twenty-fifth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. D. Robertson, Public Service Commissioner. In pursuance of the provisions of the Public Service Act, 1912, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, approves of th£ foregoing regulations. Liverpool, Governor Approved in Council this seventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. J. F. Andrews, Clerk of the Executive Council.

AMENDMENT TO THE REGULATIONS UNDER THE PUBLIC SERVICE ACT, 1912 (POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT). In pursuance and exercise of the authority conferred upon him by the Public Service Act, 1912, the Commissioner, with the approval of the Governor in Council, doth hereby make the following amendment to the regulations applicable to officers of the Post and Telegraph Department, made on the twentieth day of May, one thousand nin» hundred and fourteen, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the twenty-fifth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, in the manner and to the extent set forth in the Schedule hereto. Such amendment shall have effect from and after the date of publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette.