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Rotorua Town Bai.a.m k-shekt for Yeah ENDING 31st March, 1914. General Account. Receipts. £ g, d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance at 31st March, 1913 .. .. Hi:) 3 4 Administration — Treasury— Salaries .. .. .. .. 300 (I 0 Bathfees .. .. .. .. 1,313 19 I Printing and advertising .. .. 411 3 Rents of Crown lands .. .. I,Bll' 0 0 Audit fees .. .. .. .. (i 10 0 Fees and fines (Magistrates' Court) .. 6 14 0 Bankoharge .. .. .. 0 10 0 Fees — Bank interesi rerdraft .. .. 3 4 6 Nightsoilservioe .. .. .. .'t4:i l> 8 Office expenses .. .. .. IS t> II Public pound .. .. .. 9:i !t ti Public works— Dog-registration .. ~ .. 47 7 r> Maintenance of streets and roads (labour Licenses — and material) .. .. .. 3.34!) 2 1(1 Building permits .. .. .. 37 10 0 Street-lighting .. .. .. 170 I R Vehicle .. .. .. .. 104 (I 10 Xijrhtsoil serviceDrivers" .. .. .. .. 8 8 0 Labour .. .. .. .. 212 8 0 Publicans' .. .. .. .. 200 13 4 Fodder and plant .. .. .. 76 3 4 Plumbers' .. .. .. .. 0 •"> 0 Pound Aocouni Fodder and advertising.. SO I 4 Auctioneers' .. .. .. 16 0 0 Public Health — Sanitary inspection .. 80 0 o Billiard-room .. .. .. I- o (I Public Library — Hall .. .. .. .. 7 10 0 Salary .. .. .. .. 60 0 0 Shows .. .. .. .. l>o o 0 Book's and papers .. .. .. 25 14 11 Shooting-gallery .. .. .. 0 15 .0 Telephone. &o. .. .. .. 22 Hi 2 Second-hand dealers' .. .. 010 0 Licensing expenses — Tauranga County Hawkers' .. .. .. .. 0 6 0 Council .. .. .. .. 22 17 fi Hoardings .. .. .. .. 414 0 Miscellaneous — Rents— Insurance— Fire and accident .. 42 .'i 7 Real property .. .. .. 54 13 II : Dog-registration .. .. .. 16 2 4 Boat-shed and Explosive-magazine oom Ground-rents, SeoiAon 39, suburbs .. 4 0 0 partments .. .. .. 4;{ !• ."> Purchase of uniforms .. .. i> 4 o I'u hi ie Library— Sanatorium fees (J. Stanley) .. .. 22 10 0 Subscriptions .. .. .. 16 14 6 Rents .. .. .. ' .. •"{!• 7 ii Total expenditure .. .. 4.487 8 5 Government subsidy .. .. 17 I :t Credit balance, 31st March, 1914 232 4 7 Material sold .. .. .. .. 2li 8 10 Contributions to works.. .. .. 113 4 10 Isolation Hospital — Fees recovered from patients .. .. .. .. 2 0 0 Miscellaneous— Native village revenue. .. .. I 14 0 Sale of by-laws and badges .. .. 10 0 Refund of accident pay (J. Stanley) .. 34 2 8 ~ proportion cost uniforms .. 218 Ii ~ wages .. .. .. 5 9 0 „ proportion cost horse-feed .. 7 10 0 Hire of tarpaulins .. .. .. 010 0 Grant from Government to meet claims of Tauranga County Council on adjust ment of accounts when Rotorua ('ounty was created in January, 1887 .. 100 0 0 Penalty—lo per cent, on overdue rates .. I 17 6 84.719 13 0 £4,719 13 0 Wμ. Hill. 27th April. 1914. Resident Officer, Rotorua. Separate, Account. 1. Hospital anj> Chakitabi,k Aid Ratk Aooouut. Receipts. € s. d. . Expenditure. £ ■. d. Rates, I'll 011 .. '.. .. .. 0 16 Debit balance, 31st March, 1913 .. .. 44 J I fi I'll 112 .. .., .. .. <> 0 3 VVaikato Hospital Board .. .. .. 187 19 J Rates, 1912-13 .. .. .. .. 71144 Printing and advertising .. .. .. 16 3 Rates, 1913-14 .. i*. .. .. 152 011 Postages .. .. .. .. 0 6 4 Debit balance, 31st March. 1914 .. .. 4 Hi 2 £234 13 2 £234 13 2 2. I'tkk-i'kkvkntton Ratk Accobnt. Receipt*. £ -. d. Expenditure. £ b. d. Rates. 1912-13 .. .. .. .. LO9 4 8 Debit balance, 31st March. I9|:{ .. .. 68 16 7 Rates, 1913-14 .. .. .. .. 236 16 9 Rotonia Fire Board .. .. .. 219 I H Printing and advertising .. .. .. 1 16 3 Postages .. . . .. .. 0 6 4 Credit balance, 31st March, 1914 .. .. 70 1 9 £345 1 5 . £345 1 5 3. Rotorua Cemetery Account (Section .v>. Cemeteries Act, IfM)S). Receipt*. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance. 31st March, I UK! .. .. 81 3 10 Maintenance .. .. .. 50 5 6 Fees for exclusive rights of burial .. .. 7 0 0 Bank charges .. .. .. .. 0.10 0 Fees for ordinary burial .. .. .. 12 13 0 Balance, 31st March, 1914 .. .. oo' 1 4 £100 16 10 ' £100 I r> 10