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resultant benefit from its use as compared with a hydrant we were forced to greatly curtail tinuse of the latter, on aceob f the serious interference with the water-preesure at the bath-pumpa caused by the continuous use of the hydrant. At Oliinciniii ii two new mads were Formed —viz.. Tunohopo and Ariariterangi Streets, a total length of 10 chains. Ai Whakarewarewa, as indicated in lasl repent, we have experienced considerable difficulty in maintaining the roads within the village, on account of subsidences due to the thermal activity. The main road to the Spout Hath is especially troublesome. Fihe-i'ki:yi:ntion. The station and firebell tower was completed and formally taken over in June, 1913. The personnel of the Kire Board has been partially changed through the departure from the district of Messrs. J. R. Raw and W. I!. Blow. These gentlemen have been replaced by Messrs. l<. Gardner (elected Chairman) and K. Goodson respectively. The Hoard's levy on the Town Account for the current year was £184 ."is. (id., to meet which a rate of §d. per pound was struck on the value of improvements. Hospital and Charitable Aid. The levy made on the Town Account by the Waikato Hospital and Charitable Aid Hoard for year ending ."51st March, 1913, amounted to .£lB7 10s. Id., which was met by a rate of per pound struck on the capital value. Progress of the Town. During the year forty-four permits were issued, for new buildings and alterations of existing ones, of a total value of £10,615. The total rateable (capital) value of the town is £482,430. Statement of Receipts and Expenditure, Kotohua Town Account. 1902—14. The revenue amounted to £4,526, as again si £4,334 for the previous year, and the expenditure amounted to £4,488, as against £4,694. Full details of the work carried out are r iven in the attached report of the Resident Officer, and the following tables give the detailed revenue and expenditure of the town since its incorporation :—

0 The expenditure was as follows: —

Revenue. 1002. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 191S. 1914. I Crown rents Bath fees Xightsoil fees Publicans' licenses General licenses Library fees Pound fees Dog-registration Contributions to worka Hospital Account Sundries £ £ 1,198 12,016 i 474 869 279 :i74 168 169 38 93 21 23 29 28 14 14 £ ; 1 ,940 1,269 411 165 81 34 :si 22 £ 1,976 1,442 512 184 124 70 77 47 £ 1,870 1,203 517 186 169 62 39 36 £ £ 1,618 2,277 1,324 1,294 513 950 189 182 128 i 189 58 ' 81 47 50 29 34 £ 1,945 1,492 590 189 203 85 78 22 31 £ 1,883 1,719 379 186 141 81 50 32 43 £ 1,748 1.519 415 188 169 123 75 29 182 99 131 £ 1,944 1,325 354 186 189 114 80 52 26 235 £ 1,699 1,227 339 186 207 117 80 41 180 2 256 £ 1,811 1,314 343 201 212 102 93 47 113 2 288 ■ ■ >. is :f4 22 15 25 57 93 121 i30 Total revenue 2,236 i 3,620 3,975 1 4,447 4,107 3,963 5,150 4,756 4,644 4,678 4,512 4,334 4,526 . I

Expenditure. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1906. 190». 1910. 1911. 1912. 191S. 1914. Works Nightsoil Pire-preventiuii Isolation Hospital, maintenance Licensing expenses Library Pound Street-lighting Insurance Salaries Office expenses Sundries £ 1,160 269 £ £ 2,797 2,710 :!63 314 39 56 £ 3,195 412 153 46 £ £ 3,429 2,723 394 417 4 I 151 17 38 £ 4,240 485 154 92 £ 2,538 462 117 356 £ 2,708 394 102 211 £ £ £ 3,171 2,957 3,4(56 375 356 380 72 79 27 141 35 38 £ 3,349 289 I) 13 15 39 26 104 20 62 17 37 50 170 5 22 110 24 151 30 26 51 328 122 58 98 112 26 158 35 427 64 39 23 25 ; 21 115 114 IJ3 24 2.1 61 158 158 144 30 32 39 458 336 264 62 24 47 19 166 94 4,648 4,309 4,694 23 109 50 170 42 300 28 128 192 52 105 13 19 334 337 55 47 104 43 20 335 102 102 20 18 374 334 64 170 126 70 23 S 337 157 189 Total expenditure 1,802 3,707 3,708 4,447 4,500 4,128 5,833 4,249 4,374 4.488