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Statement of Balances. Account*. £ s. d. £ s. d. ! Balances. £ s. A. £ s. AGeneral Account .. Or. 232 4 7 Credits— Separate Account No. 2 .. Cr. 70 1 !• Rotorua Town Account] 289 211 Separate Account No. 3 .. Cr. 50 1 4 Less unpresented cheques 5 0 0 352 7 8 ■ 284 2 11 Separate Account No. 1.. .. Dr. 4Hi 2 Cemetery Account .. .. .. 50 I 4 Cash in hand .. .. .. .. 1373 £347 11 6 £347 11 t> Wμ. Hill, 27th April, 1914. Resident Officer, Rotorua. Statement nf Assets and Liabilities. Aasel?. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Outstanding accounts .. .. .. Iβ" 3 2 General Account —Bank .. 289 211 Outstanding cheque—General Acrnunl .. 0 0 I) Cemetery Account —Bank .. 50 1 4 Cash in hand .. .. 13 7 3jj . 352 11 6 Outstanding Accounts — Kerbing and channelling .. It! 17 I Explosives .. .. 015 6 Rents— Boatshcd compartments. . 13 8 1 Heal property (sections).. 11 15 6 Explosive-magazines .. I*s 0 Isolation Hospital fees .. 30 11 0 Nightsoil fees .. .. 213 7 10 Library — Rent of room, Waiariki Land Board .. 7 10 0 295 10 3 Outstanding rates — Hospital and charitable aid, 11)13-14 .. 49 9 9 Hospital and charitable aid, arrears .. .. 4 7 2 Fire-prevention, 1913-14 .. 77 14 2 Fin-prevention, arrears .. 2 9 9 10 per cent, penalty .. 10 4 135 1 2 Estimated — Library building ami furniture .. .. .. 800 0 0 Nightsoi) depot, buildings, and plant .. .. 170 0 0 Pound cottage .. .. 170 0 0 General working plant .. 480 0 0 • Rowing Club shed .. 500 0 0 Fencing, &c, Marine Parade 125 0 0 "Fencing, &c, gravel-pit reserve .. .. .. 42 0 0 Office furniture and plant .. 170 0 0 Cemetery chapel .. .. 140 0 0 Benzene-magazine .. 90 0 0 2,687 0 0 £3,470 2 11 £172 3 2 Wμ. Hill. 27th April, 1914.'.- Resident Officer, Rotorua. REPORT OF THE TOURIST AGENT. ROTORUA. . The Tourist Agent at Rotorua (Mr. William Hill) reports as follows : — Buildings and Baths. During the year the buildings belonging to the Department were maintained in good order. the necessary repair* and improvements being effected. The Sanatorium lias had its shingle roof removed and a new galvani/ed-iron roof laid and various improvements added, the chief of which was an auxiliary electric cooker to facilitate the preparation of foods required for invalids when the main (coal) range was either fully occupied or not alight. Water-supply. During the year forty-seven new consumers have been connected to the mains, and. as most of them have been in the suburbs, these connections involved the laying of considerable lengths of piping.