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Power plant: 6,588,708 units of power were generated, at a cost of slightly over Jd. per horse-power hour. The new A.E.G. (Allegemeine Elektricitats Gezellschaft, Berlin) 2,680 horsepower turbo-generator, with switchboards and new boilers of 600 horse-power each, were completed and put into commission; also a new Ingersoll Rand air-compressor of 2,000 cubic feet capacity, driven by a 400 horse-power synchronous motor, added to the air-compressing plant. Mine-rescue apparatus has been obtained, and the men are being trained in its use. Waihi Standard Gold-mining Company. —The only work done in this mine during the year was confined to cleaning up the debris which found its way into the main shaft from the old workings during the strike. Waihi Extended and Pride of Waihi. —Both these claims have been held under protection during the year. Waihi Beefs Consolidated. —A new company has taken up this claim. It is proposed to sink the shaft a farther 286 ft., with the object of exploration at a depth of 1,200 ft. level. Owharoa. Rising Sun Gold-mining Company. —The low level has been extended a total distance of 2,200 ft., and four lodes intersected, varying from 6 in. to 30 in. in width, all of which gave payable assay values. A rise has also been put up and a connection made with the winze from the upper level. Ventilation is now all that could be desired. W aikino-W aiomoko Syndicate. —This claim has been held under protection during the year. Waitekauri. Maoriland Gold-mining Company. —The principal work carried out in this mine during the year has been the extension of the low level, which is now in a total distance of 1,384 ft. The following lodes were passed : At 1,047 ft., a lode 2 ft. in width, assaying lis. per ton; at 1,137 ft., a large body of quartz of low grade; at 1,304 ft., a reef 2 ft. 6 in. in width. A trial parcel of 20 tons was put through the mill; assay value from lip of boxes, £1 ss. per ton. The results at this level are considered satisfactory, and it is anticipated that when the No. 4 lode (worked in the upper levels with good results) is found it will be satisfactory. 1,192 tons from the stopes above the intermediate level produced bullion to the value of £2,286 2s. 9d. Golden Cross Gold-mining Company. —At No. 1 level, the lowest available without pumping (865 ft. northward of the main crosscut), 121 ft. has been driven, and crosscuts put in at various points, exposing large bodies of low-grade ore. The drive is now in the payable zone, and several blocks have been located, which it is expected will be profitable. Recently an outcrop was located 110 ft. north of the main crosscut, and a trial crushing averaged £1 10s. per ton for a width of 8 ft. This appears to be a loop from the main lode, and as a considerable tonnage can be obtained at a low cost the discovery is important. May Bell Syndicate. —One man has been employed prospecting this claim, and has discovered several small lodes giving fair assay values. An attempt is now being made to raise capital to further develop this property. Karangahake. Talisman Consolidated (Limited). —During the year a crosscut driven eastward from No. 12 level south intersected the Welcome reef; the lode where intersected being low grade nothing further was done on same. The south drive at No. 13 level has been advanced considerably beyond the boundary of the Dubbo ore-shoot, without finding anything of value. From the south drive crosscuts were put out east and west in search of parallel ore-bodies, but without success. The south drive at No. 14 level has disclosed considerable fair-grade ore in the Dubbo section. No. 6 winze, No. 14 level, has been sunk 40ft., at which point water was reached; the width and value of the lode is well maintained. The Woodstock shaft was sunk to the random of No. 14 level (490 ft. from collar). The chamber for No. 14 level is cut, and crosscut for the Maria reef has been started. Talisman shaft (depth, 560 ft. below Waitawheta (or river) level): A large chamber was cut out and a horizontal pump 50,000 gallons per hour capacity has been installed. This pump is doing excellent work raising water to the river-level. Owing to the coal strike at Huntly this mine was closed from the 7th November until early in January, resulting in a reduction in the value of the bullion-production of £30,927. New Zealand Crown Mines (Limited). —Below is a summary of the mining and mine-develop-ment work done in this mine for the past year : Crown lode—Driving, 695 ft.; sinking, 111 ft.; rising, 157 ft.; tons mined, 878; total gross value, £1,640. Welcome lode—Driving, 640 ft.; croscutting, 286 ft.; sinking, 452 ft.; rising, 548 ft.; tons mined, 11,589; total gross value, £24,910. Maria lode —Driving, 542 ft.; crosscutting, 39 ft.; sinking, 54 ft.; rising, 234 ft. , tons mined, 2,832; total gross value, £5,952. Ore treated: Number of imperial tons treated, 15,299; ounces of gold recovered, 6,625; ounces of silver recovered, 10,600; value of bullion recovered, £28,884 16s. 4d.; average value recovered per ton of ore, £1 17s. 9d.; gross value of ore treated, £31,662; average value per ton (gross), £2 Is. 5d.; average cost per ton (exclusive of development), 34285. During the past year the following improvements have been carried out: Nos. 4 and 7 levels on the Maria lode have been connected by aerial tram-line, with hoppers erected at both ends. In the Crown section the change-house has been improved, and considerable additions made to the rock-drilling plant. A high-pressure pump has been installed for supplying water to rock-drills above the main adit level, and air and water services have been extended in that direction. Five slime-vats have been equipped with mechanical agitators, and conse-