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per ton, for width of 56 in.; from 668 ft. to 740 ft., 10s. 3d. per ton for width of 60 in.: from (40 tt. to 7b4 ft., £5 9s. 4d. per ton, for a width of 55 in.; from 764 ft. to 786 ft., £6 5s 3d per ton for a width of 51 in. At 786 ft. the reef is cut off by the main fault, The following crosscuts exposed the lull width of the lode : No. 3 crosscut (at 280 ft. east of main crosscut), 22 ft wide ■ value, 10s. Id. : No. 4 crosscut (at 370 ft. east of main crosscut), 18 ft. wide; value 9s • No 5 crosscut at (470 ft. east of main crosscut), 15 ft. wide; value, £1 Bs. 9d. : No. 6 crosscut (at 565 ft east of main crosscut), ft. wide; value, lis. 6d. : No. 7 crosscut (at 680 ft. east of main crosscut), 21 It. wide; value, Is. Continuing the drive beyond the fault, the next 16 ft is broken country. From 802 ft. to 809 ft. is disturbed quartz, assaying £3 2s. Cd. From 809 ft to 856 it. is disturbed country; irom 856 it. to 866 it. is reei, assaying £1 15s. 9d.; irom 866 it' to 871 ft. is country rock; from 871 ft. to 874 ft. is reef, assaying £1 55.; from 874 ft to 880 ft' is country rock. Drives on the 856-866 vein and the 871-874 vein then advanced east to 920 it and also west until the fault was met. The two veins were broken out as one body a total n e t fn g l ? alol ' 6 aYel ' a S e width bein g 8 ft - and the average value £3 4s. 6d. per ton. From 920 ft. to 973 ft. east the mam lode is disturbed, and low grade. At 920 ft. east a main crosscut to the Grace lode was started and has advanced 165 ft. At 8 ft. cut 20 in. of quartz, assaying tKcifX if 15t 7 V, t 36 f m io ( i f *? UartZ ' J M _ aying £1 4S - 4d - llle CrOSSOUt 1S in disturbed country to 70ft, Prom 78 ft. to 124 ft. passed through a solid body of mixed quartz and country of low value. From 124 ft. to 165 ft. the country is disturbed. At 920 ft. east a main crosscut to tbe Koyal lode was started, and has advanced through solid country to 213 ft At 145 ft it passed through a 42 in. seam of quartz of low value. No. 8 rise advanced 37 ft., making total s'Vis a ß d * winze Irom No 5 level; the foot-wall was exposed, and the assays averaged tfi . _ I™" W V J" 186 /. _ N ?" 13 " Se WaS put U P B6 '*•» and holed t0 winze from No. 5 level; the first 34ft assayed 18s. lid. for 48 m. wide; the ore is narrow, and cuts out at 45 ft. above the level; foot-wall is exposed. No. 18 rise was put up 54 ft., and holed to winze from No. 5 level • i Wl *nf* m " Se l _ 4l^ ln -' a " d aSßays avera -°d 2s. Id. per ton. No. 8 winze was S 8 !!'//"? 8 averaged-From level to 14 ft., £1 175., for width of 45 in.; from 14 ft. to 2*nft V' W H °1 35 .? ,; tr 45 ft t0 50 ft ' £1 lls - for width of 66 in. A crosscut at 50 ft. down exposed both walls. The reef was 25 ft, wide, and assays averaged £2 13s Id Ino. 9 winze was sunk 37 ft.; assays averaged-From level to 26 ft., £2 Bs. fid.? for a width of 38 m ; from 26 ft. to 30 ft Bs. lid., for a width of 39 in. : only the foot-wall being exposed i At? T 6 w "° k 5 /l f V aSSayS averaged-From level to 17 ft, down, no value; from 17 ft a,l i d r n ' ™ 3S ' 4d - ir ° m Wldth 0f 48in - from 48ft ' to 56 ft. down, £3 3s. 8d from width of 40 in. The crosscut at 50 ft. down exposed lode of quartz, stringers, and country 10 ft ?rt~ S T^fn £2 ?' Pe l \° Q ; At the W6St dHve < west of crosscut) the main o '' T „_*"* boundai - at 441.ft.; assays averaged-From 313 ft to 365 ft., £2 7s 7d for 64 in. width; from 365 ft. to 441 ft., £1 10s. 7d., for 58 in. width No. 4 crosscut (at 345 tt. west) proved the lode to be lOf ft. wide, and assays averaged £1 2s lOd £2 6s° n 6d TW ""T* 42 .° f - JtV he lode pr ° Ved t0 be 9ft wide ' and --ys averaged fny urtler ouartz'° S AtlOft 26 $" . nto the country, but did not discfose any lurtner quartz. At 10 ft. west of No. 3 rise a crosscut was driven 21 ft. into the foot-wall No 5" Wl° q Ti a T dlSC ™ d - No , 4"f was put up 35*. ft., and holed to the winze from No. 5 level. The walls were not exposed, and assays averaged 6s. 6d. for 48 in width of rise No. 4 winze was sunk 15 ft. in low-grade quartz; the walls were not exposed No t win c was sunk 12 ft. cose to the foot-wall lode; from level to 7 ft. down assays averaged £2 kj tor 32 in.; and from 7 ft. to 12 ft., £1 18s. Bd. for 30 in. width. To effect a direct communication w_To7 tt iZ Tf T™* & f ** *$* "*"> 66 * ™ d ™™ a~the tot wall of the lode The average of assays along this drive was £1 is. sd. for a width of 77 in Republic lode-No. 1 winze (60 ft. east of the south-east crosscut) was sunk 4 ft JNo. 5 level : Royal lode—No. 1 winze was sunk 73 ft,; assays averae-ed—From W«i + n w tt£2 Is 6d., for 48 in. of width; from 32 ft, to 58 ft., 19 . Id.? or 47 _of widto from 58 ft' to 73 ft., 15s for 52 in of width: the walls are not exposed. No 8! winze t - assays averaged-From level to 21 ft., 9s„ for 32 in. of width; from 21ft to 65 ft 51 iL _. ' for 40 in. of width at 50 ft down the lode is 5 ft. wide, with both waUs' exposed '' flllVt ?;1 T, M aS 1 rted f /° m l t sh " nka g e sto Pe at 70 ft. above No. 5 level. After 66 ft of Hsin_ it holed to No 1 winze from No. 4 level. Assays averaged, from stope to 15 ft. up, £1 7s 6d fof "No Tw/ M 1 f ft 'n P ' f l 12S - 8d -' f ° r 42 in - ° f Width : the walls are'ntt exposed No 5 Lei lay^ wi TorY a ,. d C ° nneCted with No ' 1 "se from °' ° , ' f^.' lys averaged £2 lis., for 40m. of width: walls not exposed. No 1 shaft I'mainl was sunk 77|ft making total of 1,167 ft, below the surface, and 85* ft. below No 6 level to_r 2 s t below No 6 1 P T nP Sh f " a / eef f" king n ° rth - east > andllniost vertica.: Assays taken 25 ft. below No. 6 level gave Bs. per ton, for 66 in. width; at 52 ft. down 2ft on north west side, gave a value of 13s. 7d.; the next sft., 7s. 9d.; and next 6ft Tre valueless _ osft. down, 5 ft. on south-east side assayed 7s. 9d. per ton; at 68 ft down the rlef -TMn ft w!de, and assayed £1 12s. 6d. across the centre of shaft ™ 18, Iv reef was 10 ft. 73 ft. down the'reef is worth 14s. for 9 ft. of width and at 80 t 12s' oTT A * Milling results: 98,383 tons, of 2,0001b. each, toe fveTage '„t „wS_ waf/^' 7d per ton, gave a gross value of £204,765 2s. 5d Total valipe of KolHor . n . _ 8 0,019 19,. 9d. E_,io» of mill : Work io eo„„_n ™S to _L*S___J; s; e^sssT.—^oSroS