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quently a considerable improvement has been effected in the percentage of bullion-recovery. Towards the end of the year the company was reconstructed, and with the capital now available it is expected that a vigorous policy of development will be pursued. Dominion Gold-mining Company. —During the year work has been confined to the extension of the eastern low level, which has been somewhat retarded by a heavy flow of water and the disturbed nature of the ground. A good class of country is now being penetrated, and, according to the mine-plan, No. 1 reef should be intersected shortly. Paeroa. Waihi-Paeroa Gold-extraction Company. —Owing to a protracted drought causing an exceptionally low river to the end of May, great difficulty was experienced in obtaining sufficient tailing to keep the works employed. To prevent a recurrence in any similar dry season, a permanent bridge has been constructed across the river in front of the works, and a high flume erected to convey the treated sands to a point nearly a mile downstream from the works. A good deal of trouble has been caused by buried logs, for the removal of which a Priestman dredge has since been employed. A tramway has been constructed for transport of coal and supplies from the railway-station. During the year 140,100 tons of sand treated produced bullion valued at £42,300. Komata. Komata Beefs Gold-mining Company. —Early in the year the drive south on Lavington's lode in the old Komata reefs section of the property was retimbered, and driving south resumed. The lode pinched from 4 ft. in width at the face to a few inches at 472 ft. therefrom. Towards ' the end of the year some work was done (D reef) in a crosscut on Smithy, or No. 1, level, Te Ao Marama section. After driving 38$ ft. north and 40 ft. south work was stopped, and protection has been granted. No work is being done in the mine. During the year 3,080 tons of ore was crushed and treated at the battery, for a return of bullion valued at £6,964 lis. 10d., in addition to which £21,024 18s. Bd. was obtained by a general final cleaning-up of the whole plant. During 1913 an average of twenty-two men were employed. Mara to to. Silver Stream Mines (Limited). —Operations in this mine have been chiefly confined to stoping on the Julia and Queen reefs above the low level. Thirty-one tons of selected ore shipped to Australia for treatment produced bullion valued at £1,115. Tellnrides Proprietary (Limited). —Owing to the extremely dry weather which prevailed during the year it was found necessary to construct another water-race. Work in the mine is still confined to extending the Gordon low level to 250 ft, to intersect the Julia, and 280 ft. to intersect the Queen lodes. Te Aroha. Hardy's Mines. —This property has been under protection during the year. The company, however, erected on the flat a small but complete cyanide plant to treat about 3,000 tons of tailing accumulated in the early days. Waitawheta Gold-prospecting Syndicate. —A new ten-stamp mill, with cyanide plant, has been erected on the site of the old mill, which was burnt down early in January, 1912. No mining was carried out. Coromandel. Four-in-Hand. —Work has been confined during the year to prospecting; 1201b. of picked ore treated produced gold valued at £83 6s. 6d. Boyal Oak Gold-mining Company. —This mine has been let on tribute. Four men obtained gold valued at £655 from the surface. Venture Claim. —Owned and worked by Regan Bros., who received a Government subsidy to assist them in putting in a low level. Several small leaders were intersected, and 3 tons treated produced bullion valued at £43 10s. Mount Welcome Gold-mining Company. —Work in this mine has been confined to driving a low level to intersect lodes satisfactorily worked in the upper levels, but which could not be followed down on account of the great amount of water. A Government subsidy of ss. per foot was authorized for 600 ft. After driving 415 ft. a small lode was intersected, the ore showing gold freely, and 161b. of fair picked stone was selected. The lode is now being driven upon. Exault and Bingleader Syndicate. —Prospecting operations were carried out upon different lodes outcropping on the surface. About 50 tons of ore have been selected for treatment. Gallant Syndicate. —During the year a new shaft was sunk to a depth of 50 ft. and crosscuts started east and west from the bottom to intersect Scotty's and the Kapanga lodes immediately under where it is reported rich ore was obtained in the early days. Old Hauraki Gold-mining Company. —This mine was worked by wages-men up to the end of August. The lodes, however, became poor, and owing to financial difficulties protection was applied for and granted, subject to the mine being let on tribute. During the year this mine produced bullion in value £2,158 3s. 10d., of which £1,112 was obtained by tributers. Hauraki Beefs Gold-mining Company. —Operations have been principally confined to the Golconda reef at No. 1 level. Several stoping-blocks were opened up, gold being' freely distributed through the ore. This work was carried on uninterruptedly until the adjoining Old Hauraki Mine ceased pumping, when this company was faced with the question of dealing with the water formerly raised by the Old Hauraki pumping plant. To deal with this water new pumping machinery was erected on the Hauraki north shaft 1,000 ft. nearer the present working-faces, and a solid concrete dam built in the main crosscut.