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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House oj Representatives. Thursday, the 3rd Day of July, 1913. Ordered. " That Standing Order No. 219 be suspended, and that a Committee be appointed, consisting of twelve members, to whom shall be referred all Bills specially dealing with the revision of the law, with power to confer and s her with any similar Committee appointed by the Legislative Council; the Committee to have power to call for persons, papers, and records; three to be a quorum: the Committee to consist of Mr. Anderson, Mr. Bell, Mr. Hanan, Mr. Ilindmarsh, Mr. Lee, Mr. McCallum, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Reed, Mr. Sidey, Mr. Statham. Mi. \\'ilford, and the mover." —(Hon. Mr. Herdman.) Tuesday, the 22nd Day of July, 1913. Ordered, " That the Police Offences Amendment Bill be referred to the Statutes Revision Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Herdman.) Tuesday, the 29th Day of July, 1913. Ordered, " That the Land Transfer Amendment Bill be referred to the Statutes Revision Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Herdman.) Tuesday, the 9th Day of September, 1913. Ordered, " That the Municipal Corporations Amendment Bill be referred to the Statutes Revision Committee."— (Hon. Mr. Herdman.) Wednesday, the Bth Day of October, 1913. Ordered, " That the Defamation Bill be referred to the Statutes Revision Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Herdman.) Wednesday, the Bth Day of October, 1913. Ordered, " That the Judicature Amendment Bill be referred to the Statutes Revision Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Herdman.) Wednesday, the 15th day of October, 1913. Ordered, " That the Counties Amendment Bill be referred to the Statutes Revision Mr. Herdman.)


No. Bill or Petition. 351 Alcock and Co. (Limited) Page. J 2 321 Chalmers, J. Counties Amendment Bill 2 2 Defamation Bill Judicature Amendment Hill 2 2

No. Bill or Petition. P Page. Page A 1 "141 \S ■ *■ * » » taviK Land Transfer Amendment Bill 2 Municipal Corporations Amendment Bill .. 2 Police Offences Bill Special report re Chairman (Mr. Reed) .. 2 2