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19. Some of you people recognize that? —They have to pay the penalty. 20. Do you think they are wrong in coming out? —Certainly they are, but they may have reasons and "think it their duty to come out because they are linked up with other trades.' 21. Mr. Veitch.] The heading of Part VI that we are dealing with reads, "Strikes and Lockouts by Persons not bound by Award or Industrial Agreement." It does not say "strikes and lockouts by unions." Do you think it desirable to extend this to organized labour?—l have looked for the motive of the Government in recognizing such unions up to the present juncture when the employers are saying that there are to be no more unregistered unions, and the only motive 1 can see on the part of the Government is that they intend, as stated by one of their leaders, to repeal the Arbitration Act. If this Part VI is passed then that is a substitute for the Arbitration Act, and that Act will go as soon as they like, because this will then apply to all workers. There will be no Act and no union, and that is why tin word " workers'" and not " unions " is used now . 22. It applies to individual workers as well as unions. Subclause (1) of clause 138 reads. "In the case of an intention to strike on the part of ten or more workers." Do you think it would be better to arrange for a percentage of the union ? In some cases ten might be the whole union, and in other cases it might not be? —I am opposed to the whole of Part VI going through. If Part VI is put into the main Act then it will suit, and then only. The polishers in the trade, for instance, may come out at any time. We still have the advice of the Minister of Customs to strike. The matter has never been fixed as regards pyridine. If the employers say " You have to use pyridine "we have got to do it. There has been an alternative only granted since we brought the matter under the notice of the Government, and if the employers wanted to forceus for any reason out on strike all they need say is " You will have to use pyridine." The average percentage might be a higher number than that, but with ten or more workers the polishers could give notice that they intended to strike. The arbitration unionists are not anxious to strike —they must have some real grievance for it; and if Part VI is put in the main Act then 1 am sure no strike will ever take place. In other words, the making of a strikelawful if certain conditions are observed will save practically all unions from ever striking.

Approximate Ooei <>/ Paper —Preparation, not given; printing (1,250 copies), €13 10s.

Authority : John M\ckay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l3.

Prfae 9d.