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Staff. Mr W. F. Walters, B.A. ; Mr J. Stewart. B.A. ; Mr. A. H. R. Amess, M.A. ; Miss F. E. Kershaw, M.A. ; Miss M. M. Steven, 8.A., B.Sc. 1. Report of the Board op Governors. The personnel of the Board is as follows : Mr. Joshua Tucker (Chairman), His Worship the Mayor (Henry Davis. Esq.), and Messrs. C. Reid, W. B. Denshire, W. H. Collins, Hugo Friedlander, and W. T. Lil. The Board held twelve meetings ; the average attendance being five. The total enrolment of pupils during the year was 125, 67 boys and 58 girls ; the number of hew pupils entering being 46, 30 boys and 16 girls. The number of fee-paying pupils was 5. There were in attendance 5 scholarship-holders (1 Senior Board, 2 Junior Board, and 2 Junior National). Mr. Norris, first assistant master, was appointed Assistant Registrar of the University of New Zealand, and Mr. John Stewart, M.A., was appointed to fill the vacancy. Instruction in commercial work and manual and technical subjects was carried on as usual. Experimental work in agriculture on the section provided by the Board was carried on with success, and it is hoped to extend the scope of this work in the future. Mr. T. H. Gill, Inspector of Secondary Schools, visited the school in September. The following are the examination results : 5 candidates entered for the University Scholarship Examinations, of whom 1 gained a Senior National Scholarship, 1 passed the Examination with credit, and was awarded a Gammack Scholarship, and the remaining 3 passed Matriculation on the examination ; in addition, 5 candidates passed the Matriculation Examination, 18 candidates passed the Civil Service Examination (2'with credit), 1 candidate gained a Senior Education Board Scholarship, and 14 candidates were awarded Senior Free Places, and 3 gained an extension of Junior Free Places for a third year. The grounds have been further improved during the past year, and a concrete swimming-bath, 75 ft. by 36 ft., is now in course of construction, which when finished, will add much to the educational value of the institution. Joshua Tucker, Chairman. 2. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —English —Paradise Lost, Book I ; King Lear ; Macbeth ; Chaucer's Man of Lawes Tale ; Stobart's Epochs of Literature (9 books) ; Readings from prominent authors from 449 to 1850 ; Lees's English Grammar on Historical Lines ; Nesfield's Aids to English Grammar and Composition ; Williams's Composition ; Notes on Grammar a.nd. Literature. Latin—Matriculation selections from Latin authors (Virgil, Cicero, Caesar) ; Horace's Odes, Book I; selections from Tacitus and Livy ; Spragge's Latin Prose ; Latin Grammar (Gildersleeve and Lodge) ; Roman history and antiquities ; prosody. French —Weekley's Matriculation Course ; Weekley's French Prose ; Rey's French Composition ; Matriculation French Reader; Siepmann's French Course, Part 111, to p. 83; unseens; phonetics. Mathematics —Arithmetic, whole subject (Goyen's Arithmetic) ; algebra, Hall and Knight, to end of permutations and combinations ; geometry, Baker and Bourne, to end of Book VII; trigonometry, Bridgett and Hyslop, to end of solution of triangles. Heat—Stewart's Matriculation Heat; additional notes to cover Junior University Scholarship work. Botany —As for Junior University Scholarship (Dendy and Lucas). Lowest. —English —Nesfield's Aids to English Grammar and Composition, to p. 106 ; Jones's First English Course ; Goyen's Composition ; Analysis ; synthesis ; parsing ; punctuation ; prosody ; selections from Browning's poems ; Tale of Two Cities. Latin —Longmans' Latin Course, to p. 158 ; Ora Maritima : French—Siepmann's French Course, Part I (the whole book). Arithmetic—Goyen's Higher Arithmetic, pp. 188-286. Algebra — Baker and Bourne — Geometry — Kerr's Constructive Geometry ; Baker and Bourne, Book Ito proposition 16, with easy exercises. Agriculture—Kirk's Elementary Agriculture ; practical and experimental work in the field and the laboratory. Botany— Evans's Botany, to p. 185. Book-keeping —Grierson's Book-keeping. Shorthand —Gregg's Handbook. Typewriting, woodwork, cooking, and dressmaking —According to Department's syllabus.

TIMARU HIGH SCHOOL. Staff. Boys' School.— Mr. George A. Simmers, M.A. ; Mr. R. H. Rockell, M.A. ;MrW.H. F. Munro, M.A. ; Mr. A. G. ° "ffWs' School— Miss B. M. Watt. M.A. ; Miss .). Mulholland ; Miss F. J. W. Hodges, M.A. ; Miss E. Reid. 1. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest.—Boys : Latin—Cicero, De Senectute ; Virgil, iEneid, IV ; Ovid, Metamorphoses, I, 11 1-350 ; Matriculation Latin Construing-book (W. B. Clive) ; Tutorial Latin Grammar (Clive) ; Tutorial Latin Composition (Clive) ; Shuckburgh's History of Rome. French—Colomba (Merimee) ; Siepmann's Third French Course, pp. 63-128 ; Anderson's Manual of French. Prose Construction, pp 1-80 134-137, 162-174; Poemes Choisis (Dv Pontet) ; Siepmann's Short French Grammar; also note's on phonetic transcription, proverbs, &c. English—Williams, English Grammar and Composition ; Nesfield's Historical English Grammar; Romola (Eliot), chap, i-xxx; Tempest (Shakespeare) ; also notes on history of England, criticism, &c. Mathematics—University Entrance Scholarship work ; Hall and Stevens's Geometry; Hall and Knight's Algebra; Tutorial Algebra ;

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