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In November the upper standards of the preparatory class were examined by Mr. William Brock. one of the Inspectors of the North Canterbury Education Board. Four pupils received proficiency "certificates for the Sixth Standard, and three were awarded competency certificates in Standard V. At the December University Examinations, Senior National Scholarships were won by Thursa Warring, "Ruby Ray, and Nancy Wagstaff ; Mabel .Jones was placed in the credit list, and gained a Gammack Scholarship : another pupil matriculated on the Scholarship papers. Sixteen pupils were presented for matriculation, of whom ten passed. Twelve pupils passed the Junior Civil Service Examination, three being placed on the credit list. Four pupils won Senior Education Board Scholarships offered by the North Canterbury Education Board —Beatrice Smith, Elsie Hall, Gertrude Greig, and Mabel Large. The arrangements made by the Governors for enabling all the pupils to view the Coronation Day procession as it passed the school were marred by the heavy rain. The school year was in other respects uneventful. During the year the degree of M.A., University of New Zealand, was conferred on three past pupils. Alice Candy also gaining second-class honours in political science, Edith Jackson >second-class honours in physical science (electricity), and Helen Leversedge second-class honours in Latin and French. The degree of B.A. was conferred on Jessie Hay and Lydia Suckling, and exhibitions in French and biology were won at Canterbury College by Catherine Reynolds and Julia Pegg respectively. M. V. Gibson, Lady Principal. 2. Work ok the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —All work to the standard required for the University Entrance Scholarship Examination. Subjects : Mathematics (Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry) ; English (grammar, historical derivation, composition, literature) ; Latin; French; Roman history ; science (elementary physical science, heat, and elementary botany) ; German is an alternative with science. Latin —Virgil, selections from Georgics ; Virgil, iEneid, Book II ; Horace, Odes, Book I ; Livy, Book V ; Kennedy's Revised Latin Primer; Bradley' s Latin Prose Composition; Walter's Hints and Helps to Latin Prose ; Stedman's Latin Examination Papers. English—Shakespeare, King Lear ; Macaulay, Prose Book ; Emerson, Prose Book ; Buskin, selections ; Chaucer, Nun Priestes Tale ; English Odes ; Nesfield's Historical English and Derivation; Nesfield's Aids to Study and Composition. French— Sarcey, Le Siege de Paris ; La Fontaine, Longer Fables ; Daudet, Lettres de Mon Moulin ; English Colloquialisms and French Equivalents ; Spiers's Graduated Course of Translation into French Prose ; Spiers's Rapid French Exercises ; Siepmann's Short French Grammar ; Gasc's French Dictionary. German—Schiller, Wilhelm Tell, Buchheim ; Wildenbruch, Em Opfer dcs Berufs, &c. ; Eine Frage. Ebers. Mathematics—Baker and Bourne's Elementary Algebra, Part II ; Hall and Knight's Algebra : Loney's Trigonometry, Part 1 ; Hall and Stevens's Geometry, Parts I to VI. History—Horton's Roman History ; Roman Antiquities Primer; First History of Rome. Science—Draper's Heat; Lowson's Second-stage Botany. Lowest. —Work of standard above that required for proficiency certificate, as a first-year course for preparation for the Senior Free Place Examination. Subjects : Arithmetic ; English (grammar, composition, literature) ; French ; history ; geography ; science (botany or laws of health) ; Latin and elementary geometry, or cooking and domestic science ; drawing ; class singing ; plain sewing ; drill; swimming (optional). The lowest form is Form IV, junior. Latin—Longmans' Latin Course. English—Dickens, Dombey and Son ; Laureate Poetry Book ; Preparatory Reading and Composition, Marsh ; Nesfield's Outline of English Grammar. French—Dent's New First French Book; Sound and Sentence Practice, Part 1. Mathematics—Loney's Shilling Arithmetic. History—Tout's History of Great Britain, Part 11. Geography—World Pictures, Reynolds. Science—Gillies's First Studies in Plant Life in Australasia ; Nabarro's Laws of Health.

CHRIST'S COLLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Staff. Rev. C. H. Moreland, M.A. ; Rev. Canon W. A. Hare, M.A. ; Mr. E. G. Hogg, M.A. ; Mr. A. E. Flower, M.A., M.Sc.; Mr J Monteath, B.A. ; Mr. J..W. Ransom, B.A. ; Mr. G. H. Merton, B.A. ; Mr. E. Jenkins, M.A. ; Mr. H. Hudson, B.A. ; Mr. H. B. Lusk, M.A., LL.B. ; Mr. E. H. Severne, 8.A.; Mr. N. McK. Gibson ; Mr. A. J. Merton ; Mr. J. M. Madden : Captain Farthing, B.A. Work or the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest—Work as for Junior Scholarship at the University of New Zealand. Lowest.—Reading— Bell's Literary Reader, No. 3 ; Longmans' New Zealand Reader, pages 1-105. Re-petition—After Blenheim; Lucy Gray ; Wreck of the Hesperus; Burial of Sir John Moore. English Grammar —Longmans' Grammar and Composition, Part I; simple analysis; correction of sentences, &c. Composition—Black's Picture Lessons in English, Part I. History—Blackwood's Short Stories from English History. Geography—Southern Cross Geography. Standard 111. Arithmetic— Zealandia Arithmetic. Standard [11. Divinity—Ainslie's Lessons on th*> Gospels; Church Catechism (Francis).