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Borchardt and Perrott's Trigonometry; Goyen's Advanced Arithmetic. Mechanics —Loney's Mechanics and Hydrostatics. Electricity and magnetism —Notes. Girls : English —A. M. Williams's English Grammar and Composition; Nesfield's Manual of English Grammar and Composition; Nineteenth Century Prose ; Shakespeare's King Lear ; Milton's Comus ; selections from Bacon and Lamb. French —Tutorial French Grammar ; French vocabularies for repetition ; Bue's Idioms ; Songs of Beranger ; Chenier's Select Poems ; Colomba ; selections from Tame ; selections from Petite Authologie dcs Poetes Francais. Latin—Bryan's Latin Prose ; Discernenda Latina ; Allen's Elementary Latin Grammar ; Matriculation selections from Latin authors ; Longmans' Third Latin Course ; Selections from Livy, Book I ; Cicero's Letters; Virgil, Book I; Horace's Odes; Creighton's History Primer (Rome) ; Wilkins's Primer of Roman Antiquities. Mathematics —Goyen's New Arithmetic ; Hall and Knight's Algebra ; Hall and Stevens's School Geometry ; Borchardt and Perrott's Trigonometry. Botany —Dendy and Lucas's Botany ; Lowson's Second Course. Mechanics —Loney's Mechanics and Hydrostatics for Beginners. N.B. —The work in all these subjects is up to Junior University Scholarship standard. Lowest. — Boys : Arithmetic—Goyen (new cd.), to p. 206. Algebra —Hall, School Algebra, to p. 120. Geometry—Hall and Stevens's Geometry, to p. 108. History —Townsend-Warner's Brief Survey of British History, to p. 124. Botany —Evans. English —Mason's Intermediate English Grammar ; Longfellow's Hiawatha ; Arnold's Literary Readers ;In Golden Realms ; Kingsley, Heroes. French — Siepmann's Primary French Course ; Latin—Tutorial Junior Latin Course ; Scake Primse. Chemistry —Newth's Elementary Chemistry. Geography —Arnold's Shilling Geography. Girls : English —Nesfield's Outlines of English Grammar; Nesfield's Oral Exercises in English Composition; R. S. Wood's Word-building and Composition, VI ; Conan Doyle's The White Company ; A Book of Poetry Illustrative of English History, Part II; In Golden Realms ; Townsend Warner's A Brief Survey of British History ; Longmans' Geography, Book 11. French—Tutorial French Grammar ; Longmans' Illustrated First Conversational French Reader. Latin—Longmans' First Latin Course. Mathematics—New Southern Cross Arithmetic, Standard VI; and corresponding lessons in Bradford's Intermediate Arithmetic ; Blackie's Elementary Modern Algebra ; Hall and Stevens's School Geometry, Part I. Botany —Youman's Botany. Cookery and dressmaking.

WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOL. Staff. Boys' School—Mx. P. Milner, M.A. ; Mr. G. H. Uttley, M.A., B.Sc. ; Mr. M. K. MoOullooh, M.A. ; Mr. I). 8Chisholm, M.A. ; Mr. H. H. Allan, M.A. ; Mr. R. C. Ongley; Mr. W. M. Uttley ; Miss M. McCaw ; Mr. V. C. Burry. Girls' School— Miss C. Ferguson, M.A. ; Miss C. B. Mills, M.A., B.Sc. ; Miss A. M. Biidd, M.A. ; Miss M. Reese, B.A. 1. Report of the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors begs to report the continued prosperity of the institutions under their charge. The aggregate enrolment at the schools exceeded all previous records. During the year the Board of Governors, recognizing the necessity of providing largely increased facilities for teaching experimental science to meet the modern educational requirements, have preceeded with the erection of a substantial wing, mainly devoted to this purpose. The annual report of the departmental Inspector was again satisfactory. John Buckley, Chairman. 2. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. — Boys: Mathematics —Baker and Bourne's Algebra, I and II; Hall and Stevens's Geometry ; Hall and Knight's Elementary Trigonometry ; Ward's Trigonometry Papers. Latin— Roby's School Latin Grammar ; Bradley's Latin Prose Composition; Horton's History of Rome ; Ramsay's Elementary Roman Antiquities; Bryan's Csesar's Latin Prose ; Horace, Odes I and 111 ; Livy, Book V; Ovid (selections) ; Vergil, Mneid, XII ; Cicero (selections). French—Berthou's Selections from Modern French Prose and from French Verse; L'Avare; Gautier's (selected pieces) ; Wellington College French Grammar; Bue's French Idioms. English —Nesfield's English, Past and Present; Skeet's Prologue (Chaucer) ; Hamlet; Browning's Poems (selections) ; Tempest; Tennyson's Poems ; Milton's Poems (selections) ; Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies ; miscellaneous readings; Tutorial History of English Literature. Science—Tutorial Chemistry (metals and non-metals) ; Draper's Heat for Advanced Students; Robson's Practical Exercises in Heat. Girls : English —Shakespeare's Richard II and Twelfth Night; Tennyson's shorter poems and Maud and the Princess ; Growth of the British Empire ; Nesfield's Past and Present; Latin —Matriculation Latin (Tutorial Series) ; Csesar's Gallic War, Books I-IV ; prose and sight translation. French —Weekley's Grammar ; Half-hours with Modern Authors ; Bo'ielle's Poetry. Botany —As for Matriculation and Junior Civil Service. Physiology —Furneaux's. Arithmetic—As for Matriculation. Mathematics —As for Matriculation. Scripture —Parables and Miracles in St. Matthew's Gospel. Drawing —Model, freehand, brushwork. Lowest. — Boys : English—Yoxall's Speller ; Nesfield's Outlines of English Grammar ; Nesfield's Oral Composition ; Call of the Homeland ; Rip Van Winkle ; Macaulay's Poems ; Struggle for Freedom ; miscellaneous readings in literature. Latin —Elementa Latina. Mathematics—Baker and Bourne's Algebra, I ; Hall and Stevens's Geometry, I-IV ; Pendlebury's New School Arithmetic. Science —First Stage Physiology ; Furneaux's Physiology. French —Rossman and Schmidt's, Part I ; French without Tears ; selected elementary readings. Girls : English —Discovery of New Worlds ; Laureata ; Nesfield's Manual; Meiklejohn's Spelling. Latin —Longmans' First Course (finished). French—Dent's First Course, to page 85. Botany—Leaf, flower, roots, stems, fruits, four orders.