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APPENDIX (A)— continued. Table showing Officers of the Regular Forces who were employed in the Oversea Dominions in January, 1909, &c. —continued.

Bank and Name. Corps. Appointment. From To Remarks. Can a da — continued. Loans —continued. Capt. H. Kemmis-Betty .. R. Can. Regt. Gen. Staff, 3rd Grade, England Major C. Phillipps .. R.A. .. Instr. R. School Artill., Canada Capt. W. J. P. Rodd .. A.O.D. .. Insp. Ord. Machinery Lieut.-Col. J. H. V. Crowe, R.A. .. Comdt. R.M.C., Canada .. p.s.c. Capt. R. C. Hammond . . R.E. .. Prof. R.M.C., Canada Major G. Paley, p.s.c. .. Rifle Brigade Dir. Oper. and Staff Duties, Canada Capt. W. Robertson, p.s.c. R.E. .. Prof. R.M.C., Canada Major T. W. Wood, p.s.c. .. „ .. ,, „ Capt. W. E. Kemble .. R.A. .. Employed with Forces, Canada Capt. A. P. Birchall .. R. Fus. .. Ditto Capt. F. S. Montague-Bates E.S. Regt. Capt. J. B. Walker .. R.A. .. „ Capt. R. S. Bunbury .. „ .. ,, Capt. A. J. Wolff " .. R.E. .. Prof. R.M.C., Canada Capt. F. R. Sedgwick . . R.A. .. ,, ,, Major-Gen. C. J. Mackenzie, .. C.G.S. and 1st Mil. Memb. C.B.. p.s.c. of Militia Council Major H. M. Elliot .. R.A. .. Ch. Instr. R. School Artill., Canada 10/1/09 3 0/11/10 28/5/09 Date 20/8/09 23/9/09 1/10/09 21/10/09 1/4/10 2/4/10 15/4/10 15/4/10 15/4/10 15/4/10 15/4/10 28/7/10 11/8/10 20/10/10 17/3/11 0/11/10 Date ) (War Office). General Staff, 1st Grade. General Staff, 2nd Grade. Ditto. Major-Gen. General Staff. >> Interchanges. Lieut.-Col. 0. B. S. F. Shore, Indian Army To Canada D.S.O., p.s.c. Lieut. W. H. P. Elkins .. R. Can. Artill. To India Capt. C. J. B. Hay, p.s.c. Indian Army To Canada Capt. A. F. C. Williams, „ „ .... D.S.O., p.s.c. Capt. E. K. Eaton .. R. Can. Regt. To India 1/1/08 3/3/09 4/4/08 1909 4/3/09 1911 6/8/10 Date 1/9/10 Replaced by Capt. Hay. Australia. Loans. Major - Gen. G. M. Kirk- ... Inspr. - Gen. Mil. Forces, patrick, p.s.c. Australia Lieut.-Col. C. W. Gwynn, R.E. .. Dir. Mil. Artill. (Mil. Col.), C.M.G., D.S.O., p.s.c. Australia Lieut.-Col. E. G. Sinclair- Yorks. Regt. Dir. of Drills, Musk., &c. Maclagan (Mil. Col.), Australia Capt. R. L. Waller .. R.E. .. Instr. Mil. Col., Australia .. 8/5/10 Date 20/1/11 20/1/11 i „ 20/1/11 I „ General Staff, 2nd Grade. Attachments. Major L. E. Tilney .. Aus. Infy. .. j For instruction in India .. Major M. T. Kirby .. Aus. F. Artill. Major F. H. Russel .. „ „ Capt. E. A. D. Brockman Aus. Infy. .. „ Major W. A. Coxen .. R. Aus. Artill. For instruction in England Capt. H. A. F. Wilkinson Aus. Infy. .. For instruction in India Capt. M. H. Cruikshank .. ,, .. ,, Capt. C. W. H. Coulter .. „ . . Capt. J. H. Bisdee, V.C. Aus. L.H. Lieut. B. A. N. Plant Lieut. E. F. D. Fethers .. Vic. Sco. Regt. Major R. St. J. Pearce .. Aus. F. Artill. „ Col. J. F. Flewell-Smith, Queensland In. „ V.D. Brigade Capt. E. C. Oldham .. Aus. Infy. Col. W. T. Bridges, C.M.G. R. Aus. ArtiE. j Commonwealth Rep. of Im. I G.S. in England 5/9/08 1909 1/9/08 1909 5/9/08 1909 7/9/08 1909 1/1/08 1910 18/10/09 1910 12/10/09 1910 27/9/10 27/9/10 27/9/10 27/9/10 9/10/09 1910 17/10/09 1910 14/10/09 1910 20/8/09 25/5/10 I Interchanges. Capt. H. G. Reid .. A.S.C. .. Employed with Forces, Australia Lieut. H. D. K. Macartney R. Aus. A. .. Attached for instruction, England Capt. F. A. Wilson, D.S.O R.A. .. Dir. Mil. Training, Australia Capt. C. B. B. White, p.s.c. R. Aus. A. .. G.S. 3rd Grade, War Office.. Capt. H. C. McWatters .. Indian Army To Australia Capt. J. C. O'Brien .. Aus. Forces .. To India Major J. K. Forsyth .. „ .. „ Major F. A. Maxwell, V.C, Indian Army To Australia D.S.O., p.s.c. Major 0. L. Gregory .. „ „ Capt. C. H. Brand .. Aus. Forces .. To India Capt. W. E. Manser .. R.E. .. To Australia Major J. H. Bruche .. Aus. Forces .. Attached for instruction in England 22/6/08 15/6/09 21/7/08 25/9/08 Date 24/10/08 3/9/09 27/10/08 14/9/09 4/3/10 12/10/10 Date 7/9/10 17/1/10 25/10/10 25/1/10 15/3/11 ] 15/6/09 Date 3 To Staff College. 22/1/10. ) I I Date 25/10/10 15/3/11