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officers of the forces of the various oversea Dominions, who have not hadf equal opportunities of gaining experience in the profession of arms, cannot be expected to have reached the same standard of military knowledge ; and, in the interests of the Imperial General Staff and of the forces of Dominions themselves, it is not considered that any curtailment of the full course of instruction should be permitted in their case. As accommodation at the college is limited, it is necessary that applications for admission should, in future, be despatched in time to reach the War Office by the 31st May annually for admission in the following January. This would give time to consider the possibility of making the necessary arrangements. (Conclusion.) The Committee agree to the general conditions, stated in this paper, as to the qualifications necessary for admission of officers belonging to the forces of the Oversea Dominions to the Staff Colleges at Camberley and Quetta ; and as to the general rule that no period of instruction less than two years should be recognized as qualifying an officer for the p.s.c. certificate. The Committee recommend that the accommodation and staff at Camberley should be increased sufficiently to enable not less than twelve or thirteen officers of the forces of the Dominions to be admitted annually ; and that the Dominions should contribute towards the cost of this increased accommodation and any necessary increase in instructional and administrative staff ; such contribution to take the form of an annual payment per capita for each student at a rate to be agreed on, which it is understood would be, approximately, £200.

APPENDIX (A). Table showing Officers of the Regular Forces who were employed in the Oversea Dominions in January, 1909, or who have been employed there since that date; and Officers of the Forces of the Oversea Dominions employed with or attached to the Regular Forces during the same Period.

Hank and Name. Corps. Appointment. From To Eemarks. Canada. Loans. Capt. E. N. Mozley Maj.-Gen. Sir P. H. N. Lake, K.C.M.G., C.B., p.s.c. Capt. H. R. V. de Bury . . Capt. C. Russell-Brown .. Lieut.-Col. W. G. Gwatkin, p.s.c. Lt.-Col. E. T. Taylor, p.s.c. Major J. B. Pym Major G. R. Poole R.E. Prof., R.M.C., Canada C.G.S. Canada, Insp.-Gen. and Ch. Mil. Adviser Prof. R.M.C., Canada % 25/8/04 1/11/04 25/8/09 11/11/10 Major-Gen. General Staff. Pf. ■■ - ■ E.A. R.E. 23/8/05 28/9/05 15/10/05 22/8/10 31/7/10 20/10/09 Lieut.-Col. C. E. English. . Capt. E. H. Robinson Lieut. E. F. S. Dawson .. Capt. M. St. L. Simon R.M. R.M.A. R.A. A.O.D. R.E. Dir. Oper. and Staff Duties, Canada Comdt. R.M.C., Canada Insp. Small Arms, Canada.. Employed with Forces, Canada Ditto, and C.S.O. Quebec, Comdt. Insp. Ord. Machinery Instr. R.M.C., Canada Instr. in Elocfiric Lighting, Canada Instr. R.M.C., Canada Employed with Forces, Canada Ditto 12/10/05 22/2/06 29/3/06 1/4/06 1/4/06 12/4/06 17/5/06 11/10/09 22/5/10 Date (?) 09 Date 16/5/10 General Staff, 2nd Grade. Ditto. Lieut. W. K. P. Blair . . Capt. W. L. de M. Carey . . R.A. R.E. 20/9/06 10/5/07 Date 10/11/09 Lieut. A. D. MacDonald .. Lieut.-Col. R. K. Scott . . Lieut. L. G. Matterson .. Capt. T. P. C. Smith Capt. H. B. H. Johnston Lieut. Gγ. L. Peterson Capt. A. B. Carey Capt. J. P. Shine Capt. H. A. Kaulbach .. Lieut. W. G. Tyrrell R.A. A.O.D. R.A. R.W.K. Regt. R.A. A.S.C. R.E. R.M. R. Lane. Regt. R.E. 20/2/07 20/5/07 27/9/07 18/10/07 8/4/08 18/7/08 22/8/08 17/9/08 17/9/08 17/9/08 20/3/11 19/5/10 26/9/09 Date 8/5/09 Date Prof. R.M.C., Canada Staff Adj. R.M.C., Canada.. Employed with Forces, Canada Ditto Capt. H. L. Bingay )3 9/10/08