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APPENDIX (A)—continued. Table showing Officers of the Regular Forces who were employed in the Oversea Dominions in January, 1909, &c.-continued

Bank and Name. Corps. Appointment. From Tol Remarks. Nbw Zealand. Loans. Capt. E. ff. W. Lascelles 3rd D.G. .. Install. Staff, New Zealand 50/5/07 14/11/10 General Staff, 3rd Grade. Lieut. C. Nelson .. 15th Hussars „ „ Major H. D. Tuson, p.s.c. ; Manch. Regt. Adj. and Q.M.G., New Zealand Major H. F. Head ■ .. R.A. . . Dir. Ord. and Commandt. Permanent Force Major-Gen. A. J. Godley, .. Commandt. Defence Forces, C.B., p.s.c. New Zealand Capt. D. C. Spencer-Smith • R.A. . . Staff Officer to Commandt. Forces, New Zealand Major G. N. Johnston .. „ .. Dir. Ord. and Commandt. of Permanent Artillery Capt. H. O. Knox . . j A.S.C. .. To organize N.Z. A.S.C. .. Capt. A. W. MacArthur- 16th Lancers For employment with Forces, Onslow New Zealand Capt. G. C. Hamilton .. Gren. Gds. . . Ditto Capt. W. H. G. Burnett- R. Fus. Hitchcock Capt. A. Moore, D.S.C. .. R. Dub. Fus. Capt. W. G. Braithwaite, R. Welsh Fus. For G.S. 3rd Grade in disD.S.O., p.s.c. tricts New Zealand Capt. W. R. Pinwill, p.s.c. j Liverpl. Regt. Ditto Capt. Cochran, J. K., p.s.c. Leinster Regt. ,, (One officer to be nomi- .. ,, nated) 5/8/07 27/7/07 3/4/08 7/10/10 19/10/10 4/5/11 13/4/H 31/1/09 26/7/10 —/4/11 Date 1 J-Under orders. Attachments. 16/10/10 Date 1 orders. Br. -Gen. R. H. Da vies, C.B. N.Z. Forces .. Commanding 6th Infantry Brigade, England Lieut. - Col. F. W. Abbott, i ,, .. For instruction in England D.S.O. Capt. J. S. Seddon .. „ .. „ Interchanges. 14/10/10! Date 14/10/10, Date 16/7/09 19/1/11 16/7/09; 19/1/11 16/7/09 1 19/1/11 16/7/09 19/1/11 Under orders ! 19/1/11 '. 19/1/11 ! 19/1/11 j Interchange s p ocially arranged for, i.e., 4 officers of subaltern rank to be sent to England , annually for ' an aggregate period of 4 years, vice 2 Staff officers sent to New Zealand for the same period. Lieut. - Col. E. S. Heard, North Fus. .. Dir. Mil. Trng. and Staff p.s.c. Duties, New Zealand Lieut.-Col. J. T. Burnett- Rifle Brigade Dir. Mil. Oper. and Intell., Stuart, D.S.O., p.s.c. New Zealand Lieut. S. A. Grant .. N.Z. Forces .. Attached for instruction in in England Lieut. J. H. Whyte .. „ .. Ditto Lieut. J. E. Barton ' „ .. „ .. .. .. j Lieut. W. L. Robinson .. „ .. ,, .. .. Lieut. I. T. Standish .. R.N.Z. Artill. To be attached for instruction in England Lieut. W. M. McG. Turn- N.Z. Forces . . Ditto bull Lieut. Burn .. .. N.Z. St. Corps ,, .. .. Lieut. Garland .. .. ,, ,, .. South Africa. Loans. 15/2/03 Date 14/1/05 6/8/06 27/7/06 13/10/06 12/10/09 23/2/07 Date Hon. Capt. M. C. Rowland R. Dub. Fus. Staff Officer Trans. Vol. .. Capt. J. C. Hanna .. R.A. . . Adj. Cape Garr. Artill. Capt. R. W. White .. „ . . Adj. Trans. Horse Artill. .. Capt. C. G. Wickham, Norfolk Regt. Adj. Imp. Light Horse, D.S.O. Trans. Capt. F. S. Irvine .. R.A.M.C. .. Adj. M.S.C. Trans. Vol. .. Lieut.-Col. L. J. Shadwell, . . Staff Officer, a Volunteers, p.s.c. Cape of Good Hope