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llurljoui and Btueskin Survey District; thence again towards the cast by v right line to the last - mentioned load, and by the said mad and the road Forming tin , 1 astnii boundaries of Sections \<>s. 2, ■). 10, 13, 1">, 17, Reserve 314, 2 of 1 .s. l of is. intersecting Section No. 19, ;.iid Forming the eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 51, ."):!. .">(>, .")7, lili of the said Block I. Ninth H ai l>lllll and Blueskin Survey District, intersecting Section No. 1, Block VI. forming the eastern boundaries "I Sections No*. 9(1 anil 72. Slock \'II. and along the eastern and southern boundaries of Section No. 73. Block VII aforesaid ; thence inwards the south generally by the southern boundary of the last -mentioned section to il istern boundary of Section No. .V): thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of the last-mentioned Ruction t<. the load forming the western boundary of the said Section No. .")."): thence by that road and the road forming the western and north-eastern boundary of Section No. 54, the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 53, the western boundaries of Sections Nos. .V_\ 93. 94, and a quarry reserve to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 31, Block I : thence by the southern boundary of thi' last-mentioned section and the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 32, 1 of 33, 2 of 33. 34. 88, 1 of 36, and 2 of 3(> to the southwestern corner of the last-mentioned ection j 1 heme by the road forming the western boundary of the said Section No. 2 of 3<>. Sections Nos. 37. 73. and 77. Education Reserve, to the south-western corner of Section No. 1 of 4fl ; thence by the western boundary of 1 in' last-mentioned section to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 2 of I. Block 11. North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District, by the road forming the southwestern boundary of the last-mentioned section and Sec lions Nos. 1 of i. 3 of 3. '_' of 3, and 1 to a point in line with the south.eastern boundary-line of Section No. 11, Block 111. North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District; thence by a light line from the last-mentioned point to Double Hill Trig. Station: thence towards the south by a line due west from the said Double Hill Trig. Station. along the northern boundary of North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District and that line produced, to a point on a line drawn from Silver Peak to Swampy Hill : thence towards the west generally by a line front the last-men-tioned point to Silver Peak : thence by a right line from the said Silver Peak to the north-eastern corner of Section No. 1. Block VII, Silver Peak Survey District : thence by a line due west, to south-western corner of a quarry reserve. Block IX. Silver Peak Survey District; I hence by the western boundary of the last-mentioned quarry reserve and the western boundary of Section Xo. 1 to the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 5; thence by the last-mentioned road to the south-western corner of the said Section No. 5; thence by the western boundary of the last -mentioned section and the western boundaries of Runs Nos. 171b, 17Ig, and 171 c to Trig. 1). Hummock: thence by a right line from the last-mentioned trig, to the south-western corner of Section No. 2. quarry reserve. Block VI. Budle Survey District ; thence by the load forming the western boundary of the last-mentioned section and the road forming the western boundaries of Sections Nos. 11. l/j. 24, 10, 17, to the north-westernmost corner of Section No. 19: thence towards the north-west generally by Section No. '.'O, by Forest Reserves Nos. 22 and 23. Sections Nos. 2(1 and 27 of the said Block VI, by Sections Nos. 17, Hi. 22, 21. ■Jli. 111, of Block 11. Budle Survey District, by Sections Nos. 11, 13. and 12. by an auriferous reserve of 617 acres. by Sections Nos. 11. 10, and 9 of Block I. Highlay Survey District, to tlie Waikouaiti River, by that river to the Roiith-easternmosi corner of Section S*o. (>, Block VIII. Dunback Survey District ; I hence by the said Section No. (i. and by Sections Nos. 5, 1. 3. 2.' and 1 of Block XI of the said district: thence by Sections .Nos. 8 and 7 of Block VI of the said district, by Section No. 1 of Block X to the Shag River; thence by the Shag River ami Happy Valley Creek to the road forming the eastern boundary of Section No. 54. Block V. Waihemo Survey District: thence by the said road to the road forming the eastern boundary of Section No. 61, Block V. and 8. Block VIII. Waihemo Survey District, to the place of commencement. Otaco Centkai . This district is bounded towards the north-east by the Waitaki an. l Oamaru Electoral Dishicts. hereinbefore described, from Mount St. Bathan's, on the St. Bathan's Range, to a point near Silver Peak Trie., on the western boundary of Waikouaiti County : thence by a line from the last-mentioned point to Silver Stream ; thence by the said Silver Stream to tin- northern i ndary oi Dunedin and Easi Taieri Survey District ; thence towards the south generally, by the northern boundary of the said Dunedin und East Taieri Survey District, to the north-eastern

corner of Section No. 19, Block II; theme by the northern boundary of the last-mentioned seetiun and the northern boundaries nf Sections Nus. 18, 17. 15, 11. 2 nf 13, 1 of 13, 11, 10, and 9 to the mad forming the north-eastern boundary uf Seetiun No. 11. and by the mad forming the north-eastern boundaiy of the said Seetiun Nn. It tn the Taieri River : thence by the said Taieri River to its confluence with the Waipori River: thence by the said Waipori River to Waipori Lake: thence by the said Waipuri and Tatawai Lakes tn the Waipori River, and by the last-mentioned river to the western boundary of Maungatua Survey District,; I hence hy the western boundary of the last-mentioned survey district to the southern boundary of Block VI. Waipori Survey District: thence by the southern and eastern boundaries uf the said Block VI ; lln nee by the eastern boundary of Block 111 and the production of the last - mentioned boundary to Lee Stream; thence by the said Lee Stream to its source; thence by a line to the track intersecting Run 260b ; thence by the last-mentioned track tn its junction with the pule track from Waipori to the Deep Stream; thence by the last-mentioned track to its junction with the track intersecting Run Nn. 259; thence by the last-mentioned track, passing Trig. C. in its junction with the track intersecting Run Nn. 353 c; thence by the last-mentioned track to the western boundary nf the said Run No. 353(*; thence by the western boundary nf tho last-mentioned run tn the Beaumont River; thence by the said Beaumont River tv its confluence with the Clutha River: thence by the said Clutha M'-vi-v tn the southernmost corner of Block I, Crookston Survey District ; theme by the southern boundaries uf Blocks I and XVI in the eastern boundary uf Blnek XIV; thence by the eastern, northern, and western boundaries uf the' last-mentioned blnek and the western boundaries uf Blocks XIX and XX to the southwestern corner uf Block XX aforesaid; thence by the eastern and southern boundaries uf Run No. 168 ato the mad forming the south-western boundary nf Section No. I. Block IX. Rankleburn Survey District; thence by the lastmentioned mad and the mad funning the sunth-western boundaries of Seel inns Nus. II and 111 of the said Block IX ; thence by the mad forming the south-western boundary of Section No. 19. Blnek XV, Glenkenich Survey District, to the south-eastern comer of Seetiun No. 17: thence by the south-western boundaiy of the last-mentioned section and the southern boundary of Section No. Hi to the eastern boundary of Seetiun No. 15; theme by the road intersecting the last-mentioned seetiun and Seetiuns Nos. 13, 11, and 10, and forming the southern boundary of Section No. 3, to the north-western corner nf the last-mentioned section; thence by a right line tn Crookston Burn: thence by the- said Crookston Burn tv its confluence with the Pomahaka River: thence by the said Pnmahaka River to a point in line- with the mad intersecting Section No. 3. Block XVI. Glenkenich Survey District : theme by a right line in the last-mentioned road; thence by the .aid road intersecting Sections Nus. 3. I. 7, and the road forming the southern boundaries uf Sections 39. 11, and forming the southern and south-western boundary of Section No. 14, the southern boundaries -if Sections 15. 16, and 18, and funning th e western boundaiy uf Section No. 49 (reserve), to its junction with the mad funning the southern boundaries nf Sections Nos. 7. 8. 9, and 10.°Wa.iknikni Village Settlement ; thence- by the road intersecting Sections Nos. 20, 21, Blnek X. Glenkenich Survey District; thence by the mad forming the southern and south-western boundaries of Section Nn. 21, Block IX. (ilenkenioh Survey District, tv th,- north-western eornei uf the said Section Nn. 21; thence by the crossing nf a mad and the lorthern 1 ndaries uf Seetiuns Nos. 20, 19. 17. and 10 •v the western boundary nf the Glenkenich Survey District t. thence towards ihe west generally by the western boundary nf the said Glenkenich Survey District and the production uf the last-mentioned boundary tv the Leithen Burn; thence by the Leithen Burn and the leading spur "l> to the summit of the Umbrella Mountains; "hence by the summit uf the said Umbrella Mountains over Black Umbrella Trig. D. Crown Rock, While Coomb, G.L.F., tn the eastern cornel nf Run No. 500, Block VIII. Teviut Survey District : thence by th,- northern boundary of the last-mentioned survey district to the eastern boundary of Obelisk Survey District: thence by the eastern 'and southern boundaries nf the said Obelisk Survey District tn Trig. C: theme by the eastern watersheds o_ th.- eastern watershed uf the Fraser River and Omen Creek, and the extension uf th.- track along th,- said watersheds, to the western boundary uf Section No. 2, Block 111 Eraser Survey District: thence by th,, western and southern boundaries nl the said Section Nn. 2 and Section No. I Block 111. and ihe southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 2 3. and 1. Block I. Fraser Shim. District; theme by the eastern boundaries nf ihe said Section No. I and Section No. 1 to the northern boundary uf the Fraser Survey District aforesaid; thence by the northern boundary of the