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last-mentioned survey district to the Clutha River; thence by the said Clutha lliver to the southern corner of the Town of Clyde; thence by the south-eastern, northeastern, and north-western boundaries of the said Town of Clyde to the Clutha River aforesaid ; thence by the lastmentioned river to its confluence with the Leaning Rock Creek; thence by the said I.railing Dock Creek to its source : thence by a right line to Leaning Rock ; thence by the summit of the Dunstan Mountains to Cloudy Peak: thence by a line running south 46° east to the Lauder Creek; thence by the s;iiil Lauder Creels to its source; thence by the summit of the Dunstan Mountains to Trig. (1 : and thence by a right line to Mount St. Haitian's, the place of commencement. DUNEDIN Noillll. This district is bounded towards the north by the northern boundary of the Borough of Maori Mill, from the summit of Swampy Mill to the north-eastern corner of Section No. '7i\ Block VIII, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District ; thence towards the east and south-east by the "astern and southeastern boundaries of the Borough of Maori Mill to the north-western boundary of the City of Dnnedin; thence towards the north-west, north-east, and south-east generally by the north-western, north-eastern, and southeastern boundaries of the City of Dnnedin to a point on the shore of Otago Harbour in line with the middle of Frederick Street : thence towards the south-west generally by a line running in the direction of the middle of Frederick Street to the railway-line; thence by the rail-way-line to » poinl in line with the middle of Albany Street : thence by a line to and along the middle of Albany Street to King St i eel : thence along the middle of King Street to Frederick Street ; thence along the middle of Frederick Street to Pitt Street ; thence along the middle of Pitt Street to Elder Street; thence along the middle of Elder Sheet to Argylr Street : thence by a line along (■he middle of Argyle Street and thai line produced to the eastern boundary of the Borough of Roslvn ; thence by the eastern boundary of that Borough to its northeastern corner; thence by the north-eastern boundary of the Borough of ISoslyn to the westernmost corner of the Borough of Maori Mill ; and thence towards the west generally by the western boundary of the Borough of Maori Mill to the summit of Swampy Hill, the place of commencement. Dunedin West. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Dunedir North Electoral District, hereinbefore described, commencing at the south-western corner of Section No. S3 to the Otago Harbour; thence towards the southeast by the Otago Harbour to a point in line with the middle of Stuart Street : thence inwards the south generally by a line to and along the middle of Stuart Street to High Street ; by a line along the middle of High Street to Howling Street; thence by a line along the middle of Howling Street t<. Canongate Street ; thence by a line along the middle of Canongate Street to Duncan Street : thence by a line along the middle of Duncan Street to York Place: thence by a line along the middle of York Place to a point in line with the southern boundary of the Borough of Itoslyn : thence bj a right line to the Borough of Roslyn; thence by the southern and western and northern boundaries of the Borough of Roslyn to the place of commencement. Dttnbdin Central. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Dnnedin West Electoral District, hereinbefore described, commencing at the north-western corner of Section No. 60, Borough of Mornington, to the Otago Harbour: thence towards I lie south-east by the Otago Harbour to a poinl in line with (he middle of Park Street: thence towards I he south generally In a right line in the direction of the middle of Park Street to the Southern Trunk Railway line: thence by the Southern trunk Railway line to Ferguson Street; thence by Ferguson Street to Caversham Valley Road; thence by Caversham Valley Road to the Main South Road; thence by the Main South Road to the south-western cornel' of Section No. 42; thence by the south-western and northwestern boundaries <>f the said Section No. 42 to the southwestern corner of the Borough of Mornington; thence towards the west by the said Borough of Mornington I his district, in addition, also includes the Boroueh of Green Island. Dunedin South. Tins district is bounded towards the north generally by the Mam South Road from v point where it crosses Abbott (reek to the Green Island Borough; thence by the Dunedin Central Electoral District, hereinbefore

described, to the Otago Harbour; thence towards the east by the Otago Harbour and the City of Dunedin boundary to the Borough of St. Kilda ; thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of the last-named borough to the ocean: thence towards the south by the ocean to a point in line with the road forming the north-western boundary of Section No. 165, Green [eland Buefa Survey District : thence by a right line to the middle of the last-mentioned road, and by that road to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Seil ion No. 125 ; thence by a right line to the south-western corner of the last-mentioned section, and by the southwestern boundary-line of the said Section No. 125 to the south-eastern corner of Section No. lJtl ; thence again towards the south generally by the south-eastern boundaries of the last-mentioned section and Sections Nos. I'JI. 122, and 123 to the south-western corner of the last mentioned section: thence by the south-western boundary of the said Section No. 128 and Section No. 124 to the road forming the north-western boundary of the last-mentioned section: thence across that road: thence again towards the south-east generally by the road forming the south eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 71. :{li. and l.'i to the south-western, corner of Section No. 64; thence by the south-western-boundary-line of the last-mentioned section to the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 55; thence towards the south-east by the last-men-tioned road to the Kaikorai River, and by the said Kaikorai River and Abbott Creek to the place of commencement. Chalmess. This district is bounded towards the south west by the middle of the Taieri River from its mouth to the Otago Central Electoral District, hereinbefore described; thence towards the north-west generally by the said Otago Central and Oainaru Electoral Districts, hereinbefore de scribed, to the ocean; thence towards the north-east and south east generally by the ocean to the month of the Taieri River, the place of commencement : excluding the Dunedin North, Dunedin West. Dnnedin Central, and Dunedin South Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described. Bbuce. This district is bounded towards the north and north-east generally by the Otago Central and Chalmers Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, commencing at the south eastern corner of Run No. 163 a, Block V ll . lianklehurn Survey District, to a point in the middle of the Taieri River at its mouth: thence towards the south-easl by the ocean to a point in line with the middle of the Clutha River; thence towards the southwest generally by a right line to the middle of the Koau blanch of the Clutha River; thence by a line along the middle of the said Koau branch of the Clutha River to the Borough of Baldutha; theme In the said Borough of Balclutha to ihe Clutha River:; thence by the middle of the Clutha River to its con fluence with the Pomahaka Riyer; thence by a line along the middle of the last-mentioned river to its confluence with (he Rankleburn; thence by the Rankieburn to its source iie.n , the sout h-castem corner of Run No. I(>3a, the place of commencement. CI.UTHA. This district is bounded towards the north and north east generally by the Otago Central and Bruce Elec toral Districts, hereinbefore described, commencing at the north-western corner of Section No. l(i. Block IX. Glfnkenich Survey District, to a point in the middle of the Clutha River at the ocean: thence towards the south east and south by the ocean to a point in line with tin- middle of the Malauia River; thence towards the west generally by a line along the middle of the Matauia River lo its confluence with the Wvndhani River; thence by the Wvndhani River to where the Owaie Stream joins that river: thence by the Oware Stream to the road forming the north-western boundary of Section No. 29, Block 11. Wyndham Survey District; thence by that road and the road intersecting Sections Nos. 52, 53, 11, and 54, of the said Block 11. by 1 lie road forming the north-west boundary of Section No. 34, Block 111. and intersecting Section No. :!11. Block 111 aforesaid, and 101, 66, (>7. and H!l, Block VII, Tuturau Survey District, lo the Miraihau Stream; thence by the Mimihau Stream to a point in line with the eastern boundarj of Section No. 16. Block X, Tuturau Survey District :'thence to the said eastern boundary and by Sections 16, 15, and 14 to the south-.'astern corner of the last-mentioned section: thence by the southern boundary of Block X aforesaid to its south-eastern corner: theme by Blocks \. IX. and VIII. nnd the eastern boundary of ihe last-mentioned block produced to the south-eastern coiner of Block XII. Waikakahi Survej District; theme by Blocks XII. V. and II Wai kaka Survey District, an,l Block 11. Chntton Survey Dis-