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said Hae Hae te Moana raver to its confluence with the Op-ihi River; thence towards the south by a line along the middle of the said Opihi River to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary-line of Section No. 30438, Block 111, Tengawai Survey District ; thence by a right line to the south-eastern corner of the last-mentioned section; I hence by the south-eastern boundary of the said Section No. 30438 and the south-eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 30437 and 304:->4 to the north-eastern corner of the last-mentioned section: thence by the north-eastern boundary of the said Section No. 30454 to the southeastern boundary of Section No. 19949, Block XV, Opuha Survey District ; thence by the south-eastern boundary of the said Sections Nos. 19949, 20209, and 25368 to the South Opuha River; thence by the last-mentioned river to the county boundary, intersecting Run No. 208, between Geraldine and Mackenzie Counties: thence i\ne west by the said county boundary to the Two Thumb Range, and by thi' Two Thumb Range to Mount Musgrave, the place of commencement. TI.MA'M . This district is bounded towards the south-east by the ocean, commencing at a point being 'he production of it line along the middle of the road forming the .southern boundary of Section No. 19856, Block VII, Arowhenua Survey District, to a point in line with the middle of. the Pareora River; thence towards the south-west by a right line to and along the middle of the said Pareora River to the nad forming the north-west boundary of Section No. 16029, Block 111, Otaio Survey District': thence towards the west generally by a right line to the lastmentioned road, by that road, and the mad intersecting Education Reserve No. 1203 to the Pareora Road; thence by the read forming the north-western boundaries of Sections Nos. 15613 and 1443.S of the said Block 111 and of Sections Nos. 1 < i 7r>.s and 10570 to Cusott Road; thence across <'us:)tt Road by the road forming the northern boundary of Section No. 1()3(>4 to Bl'iggS Road; thence by Briggs Road to Coonoor Road : thence by the said Coonoor Road to the road Forming the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 15928; thence by the last-men-tioned road and the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 14376, 15803, 15897, 15699, 15467, 11524, 13606, 14773, 17625, to tjpper Washdyke Road, across the last-mentioned road, anil by Brockley Road and the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 15930, intersecting Section No. 10547, and passing Sections Nos. 23953 and 15761 to the Cliffs Road : thence by Cliffs Road to the south western corner of Section No. 111. Rosewill Settlement ; thence by the road forming the north-western boundaries of the said Section No. 114 and Sections Nos. 115, lit;, and lbs to Downs Road : thence by Downs Jioad to Levels Valley Road : thence towards the west generally by Levels Valley Road to Rolling Ridges Road, by the last-mentioned road to the Timai'U Fairlie Railway line: thence by the last-mentioned railway-line to the Levels Plains Middle Road : thence by the last-mentioned road to the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 22161, 20817, and 20966, Block V, Arowhenua Survey District; thence towards the north by 111• - mad forming the southern boundaries of the last mentioned sections and Section No. 21370. lie serve 1363, the abutment of a road, and Section No. 14574 to the Southern Trunk Railway line; thence across the last-mentioned railway-line to the load forming the southern boundary of Section No. 23225, Block VI, Arowhenua Survey District; thence by the last-men-tioned road to SeadowD Road : thence by Seadown Road to the road forming Ihe south-western boundary of Section No. 3903; thence by the road forming the southwestern boundaries of the last-mentioned section and Sections Nos. 3963, 12167, 12846, and 19856, and a line along the middle of the last-mentioned road produced to the orean, the place of commencement. Temuka. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Seiwyn and Ashburton Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from a point near Sealy's Pass, on the Southern Alps, to the mouth of the Orari River at the ocean: thence towards the south-east by the ocean to the Tiniaiu Electoral District, hereinbefore described; thence by the said Tiniaru Electoral District to the mouth of the Pareora River; thence again towards I he south-east by the mean from the mouth of the last-mentioned river to the southern boundary of the Xi Wainono Lagoon : thence towards the south-west generally by the southern boundary of the said Xi Wainono Lagoon to the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 29327. Block Nil. Waimate Survey District; thence by the road Forming the southern boundary of the said Section No. 29327 and its production to a point on the Waituna Stream : thence by the said Waituna Stream to the Southern Trunk Railway

line; thence bj the railway-line to its junction with the Studholme Waimate Waihao Downs Railway line; thence by the last-mentioned railway-line to i h> , Borough of Waimate; thence by the said Borough of Waimate to the railway-line aforesaid, and by the last mentioned railway-line to the north branch of the Waihao River; thence by the north branch of the Waihao River to a point in line with the northern boundary-line of Section Nn. 29778, Block \. Nimrod Survey District; thence by a right line to and by the northern boundary-line of that section to the eastern boundary-line of Section No. 29716: thence by the si! i<l eastern boundary ■ line to the road intersecting tin , last-mentioned Bection ; thence by that road and the road intersecting Section No. 2K237. Blocks V and IX, of the said Nimrod Survey District, to the south-western corner of the said Section No. 28237; li\ a right line to ihe south-eastern coiner of Sec tion No. 28203, Block XII. Dalzell Survey District; thence by the south-western boundary-line of the said Section No. 28203 to the Kakataramea Main Road; thence by the Hakataramea Mam Road to the mail intersecting Section No. 26389, Block Vlll. Dalzell Survey District; thrill— i>v the last-mentioned road and the road intersecting Sections Nes. 29797, 26391, 28202, 27294, 27296, 29719, 2.V22. 29864 of the Block VIII ; thence by the road intersecting Sections Nos. 29360, 29359, 29358, 2935]. 29357, and 33199, Block VII, to the north-western boundary-line of the said Section No. 33199; thence by the north-western boundary-line of the last-mentioned section to its north-western corner; thence by a right line io Trig. Station X : thence again towards the south generally by the summit <if the main range crossing over tiit- Kirkliston Range and through 'Iris. Stations \Y, S. V, I. <!. I. .1 to the confluence of the Waitaki and Ahuriri Rivers; thence by thp Waitaki Bivei to its confluence with the Ohau River; thence by the Ohau River to Lake Ohau : thence by Lake Ohau and the Hopkins River to its source : thence by a right line to Mount Hopkins, in the Southern Alps : and thence towards the north-west by 111' , Westland Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the Selwvn Electoral District, the place of commencement. Waitaki. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Temuka Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Southern Alps to the ocean : thence towards the cast by the ocean to a point in line with the s nit h westei n boundary of the Township of Eveline ; thence towards the south east generally by a right line to and by the said south-western boundary tn the Southern Trunk Railway line; thence by the said railway - line to the southernmost corner of the Township of Floraville ; thence by the south-western boundary of tin , said township to tin- Main South Road; thence by the Main South Road and Section No. 10 to the Township of Newhurgh ; thence by thai township to the Borough of Oamaru; thence by the said Borough of Oamaru to the Southern Trunk Railway line: thence by the last-mentioned railway-line to the Township of Maheno: thence by the said Township of Maher.o to the Mnlieiio-1 lerbert Road : thence by the last mentioned road to the Township of Herbert : thence by the said Township of Berber! to the Southern Trunk Railway line; thence again by the said Southern Trunk Railway line to the south branch of the Waianakarua River; thence towards the south-west generally by the list-mentioned liver to its source; thence by the northeastern boundaries of Sections Nos. Hi. 15, 11. and 43, Block 111. Waihemo Survey District, and the north cistern boundaries of Sections Nos. 7. (J. ~>. I. 3, and 2. Block V. Waihemo Survey District, to the summit of the HorSe Range; thence towards the south-west generally by the summit of the Horse Range and Kakanui Mountains to Kyeburn II il! : 1 hence by the watershed to Mount Ida : thence by the summit of the Sawkdun Range to the era boundary of Turnagain Survey District; thence by a line running due wist, being the northern boundaries of Turnagain and St. Bathan's Survey Districts, to Mount St. Bathan's; thence by the summit of St. Bathan's Range and Wether Range, and continued i n ovei Lindis I'ass. Longalip Hill, to Mount Martha: thence towards the north-west by the watershed between the Ahuriri and II until Rivers to the summit of the Southern Alps; and thence by the sum mil of the Southern Alps to the place of commencement. Oamaru. This district is bounded towards the north-east and north-west generally by the Waitaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the northernmost corner of Section No. 2. Block V. Waihemo Survey District, to the ocean: thence towards the east and north generally by the ocean to a point in line with the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section So. I. Block f. North