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No. 6.—Return of Fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1911.

. Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Ganse of Accident, and Remarks. Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. I I I Broad. Small, and Co.. Te Tumutu .. Locomotive .. William Jamee Dowiirjg ; 32 years 28th May. 1910; general .. Dowling was thrown off the locomotive engine, which had gained considerable speed while coming down an incline, and was fatally injured by his fall. Colonial Sugar Refining Company Shafts and belts Thomas Roberta ; .'J4 years .. 4th June, 1910 ; skull fractured . . Roberts had just thrown a belt off :i pulley by means of a bar. (Limited). Auckland driving conveyer The belt was then hanging slack between the driving-pulley and rail-fencing. While Roberts was leaning on this rail the driving-pulley gripped the belt in such a way as to quickly wind it up. The belt somehow got hold of the rail, which was torn from the platform, causing Roberts to fall a distance of 40 ft. or 50 ft. His skull was fractured, and he succumbed to his injuries on the way to the hospital. A. Quinlan, Nireaha . . .. Sawmill .. A. Nicol : 34 years . . .. 16th June. 1910 : arm broken and Whilst putting a belt on to the emery-pulley Nicol's jersey was spine injured caught by The shall. He was carried round the shaft, his arm being broken and his -pine injured. The injuries caused his death six days later. Otago Harbour Hoard, Dunedin ■.. Dredge ihopper) .. Findlay Malcolm; 39 years .. 18th June, 1910; general .. While engaged lifting tin: hopper-doors of the dredge iJaleolm's clothing caught on to the horizontal shaft. The shaft drew him round, and crushed him against the side of the winch. He sustained concussion of the brain, broken ribs and leg, and other internal injuries. Waihi Gold-mining Company (Limited), i Main-line shafting.. George Heneey; 'M years .. 14th August, l!Hu : skull fractured While attempting alone to put a belt on a pulley Henesy became Waikino entangled in a collar on the shafting. He was wound round the shafting, and his head coming into contact with an adjacent platform his skull and right leg were fractured. He died twelve hours later. Gear Mem Company, Petone ■ ■ Digester .. .. Joseph Roddie : 59 yean . . 16th Vugust, 1910 ; head injured Roddis had been attending to tin- blowing-ofi of (his digester foi some time. On this occasion he omitted to ease off the steam before slackening oil' the manhole-door of the digester. On the dooi being released steam, together with the contents of the digester, came rushing out and carried Roddis off his feet and high into tlu air. He fell on to the floor and sustained serious injuries to his 1ht.iI and face, death being instantaneous. Turangarere Sawmill Company, Turanga- Wire rope on tram- Selby Buraon ; 38 years .. IHtli August, 1910; arm and leg in- Burson was trucking timber lo the mill, returning with i mpty rare line jured trucks k. the bush, when his tal blew off. In attempting to pul the brakes on the trucks bo he might stop the trucks to get his hat he fell underneath them. He was so severely injured about the arms and legs that he died of shock four days afterwards. John Mill and Co. (Limited), Port Tubular boiler .. William Clements : +:{ years .. 22nd August, 1910; scalded .. Clements was engaged slackening the compression-nuts of the Chalmers safety-valve gear when the safety-valve suddenly lifted. Water and steam escaped together through the safety-valve opening, scalding Clements severely. He died from the effects of the burns next day. Finnerty and Carey, Waimangaroa .'. Sawmill .. .. I James Finnerty ; 38 years .. 27th September, 1910; skull frac- Finnerty was struck on the head with a piece of timber which the tured saw had detached from the piece of timber that was being cut up at the bench. It fractured his skull.