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Robert Malcolm (Limited). Auckland .. Electric lift .. Ernest Forrester; I + years .. 18th January, 1911 ; legs crushed Contrary i<i instructions, Forrester was attempting to stop the lift, when he fell, and his legs were caught between the edge and the floor of the lift and crushed. Aulsebrook and Oo., Christchuroh .. Cream-depositor .. Horace Lee : 2.'J year.-- .. L9th January, 191 I : linger injured Lee was standing on steps when he slipped, and in trying to save himself Ins finger got into the cogs of the machine, the first finger of his right hand being crushed. Cromwell and Bannockburn Collieries Boiler .. .. William Scoti Crombie ; Xi 19th January, 1911; scalded .. Crombie was trying to shut the blow-off cock of a boiler when he Company (Limited), Bannockburn years slipped, and, the contents escaping, he was scalded on his right teg and ankle. Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch .. Butter- washing .. J. Harvey : 2i> ye . . 27th January, 191 I : finger injured While working at the butter-machine Harvey got his lingers into the gearing, losing a nail, and receiving othei minor injuries. Marlborough Timber Company (Limited), Locomotive .. Arthur Birss, 24 years ; William 28th January, 1911 j Birsa bruised, Birss lost control of the engine when descending an incline. The Opouri Valley Climo, 21 year-: Climo nose and jaw broken engine ran ofi the line and crashed into the stump of a tree, throwing Birss and Climo off with considerable force. The logs on the trolly attached to the engine added to the difficulty of stopping the engine after it had attained a certain speed. Murray- (Limited). Cnderw I .. Power-press .. Alexander Robertson; 18 years 28th January, 1911 : hand injured Robertson's thumb got under the stamping-die when he was working at the press, causing the loss of the thumb-nail and a llesh wound. Alliance Box Company (Limited), Dun- Cornering .. Eva Bennett ; 19 years . . :{iith January. 191 I : finger injured Bennett tried to adjust the machine without stopping it. The edin index finger of her left hand slipped under the knife, and was cut and crushed. Southern Cross Biscuit Company, Wa- Geared lift .. Lena Poye ; 17 year- .. 1st February, 1911 : crushed ■• Against instructions, Poyegot on the lift while il was workinf nganui while leaning over the side of the cage a projecting beam crushed her slightly against the framework of the cage. Packer and Jones, Christchurch .. Circular saw .. P. C. Pearoe ; 22 ye .. 10th February. 1911 : shoulder While Per. working at the saw-bench a piece of timber bruised • accidentally fell on the saw and was thrown back, striking him on the riL'lit shoulder, and bruising it severely. I), i.e. Idie. Auckland .. .. Saw/niU .. .. W. Dye ; 35 years .. .. 13th February, 191 1 ; leg out .. Dye was employed oiling a pulley, when he dropped the oil-can. In stepping back his leg was struck by the belt-fastener of an adjacent belt, and cut. Smith arid Caughey, Auckland .. Electric elevator .. George ii. Wilson: S3 years .. loth February, 1911 : back hurt .. In stepping into the lift while it was in motion, Wilson was caught between the lift and the landing, and sustained slight injuries to his back. Kauri Timber Company (Limited) .. Circular saw .. John Stone ; 31 years .. 8thMarch, 1911 ; fingersout ■■ Stone allowed his fingers to come into contact wi three of them were badly cut. Southern Cross Biscuit Company (Li- Biscuit-mixer .. Samuel Shanks ; 19 years .. j 10th March, 191 1 ; finger injured.. Shanks was cleaning the machine when it was in motion, and his mited). Wanganui finger wa-- caught by the mixer. The Phoenix Company (Limited), Dun- Dough-brake .. James Henry Simpson; 19 years 14th March, 1911 ; hand crushed.. When feeding the machine Simpson's left hand was caught by the edin rollers. Aulsebrook and Co.. Christchuroh .. Dough-brake .. William George Lurch ; 23years loth March, 1911 : elbow crushed Lurch was caught by the rollers while he was working at this bine. Sargood, Son, and Ewen (Limited), Dun- Sole-moulding .. Robert McCarragen; 17 years 22nd March, 1911 ; finger crushed McCarragen slipped while he was working at the mouldingedin machine, and in trying to recover himself iie placed his hand in a moving part of the machine, getting his finger ('rushed. W. Bates and Son, Christchuroh . . Moulding .. Theodore Dethier; ~:4 years . . 24th March. lit 1 1 ; wrist injured . . When Dethier was putting a piece of timber through the machine it sprang back and struck his wrist, spraining ii. Sargood, Son. and Ewen (Limited), Dun- Insole-flexing .. George Hevenson : 15 years . . 29th March. 191 1 : linger crushed While the machine was in motion Sevenson tried to remove a edin piece of leather from it. The little finger of his right hand was caught by the cogs, and crushed. W. Bates and Son, Christohurch .. Sandpapering .. Leonard Wise; 22 years .. :ilst March, 1911; nail lost .. Wise allowed his hand to come into contact with the machine while it was in motion, and lost the nail of the little finger of bis right hand.