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Thomas I'rico and Co., Akatarawa .. Log-hauling .. William August Maiumn : 2b 28th September, 1910; skull frac- Manson «<:s employed at a log-haulei. The hooks ot the wire years tured rope became detached when there was a. considerable strain on the rope, and, rebounding, struck him on the head, fracturing his .skull. He died next day from his injuries. William Parkinson and Co.. Auckland Gas-engine .. William Norman Miller: 18years 3Uth September, 1910; skull frac- Miller was assisting to start the gas-engine by pulling on the tined fly-wheel. He lost his balance, and was crushed between the By-wheel rim and the bed of the engine. Waihi Gold-mining Company (Limited), Q a u r t z - reduction .loyce Chapman : 37 years .. 11th November, 1P.J0 ; genera] .. Chapman was engaged adjusting certain parts of the gearing Waihi plant connected with an elevator, which was in motion at the time. His clot hint;- was caught by the machinery in motion, which w him in and severely injured his head and the upper part of bis body. Death was instantaneous. Wellington Harbour Board, Wellington Hydraulie'capstan John Patrick Baillie; 56 years 12th November, 1910; crushed .. Baillie was woi itan in motion on the wharf when his leg got into the bight of the rope, winding him around the Ian i:i motion, and killing him instantly. The Co-operative Transport and Agency Motor-bus .. Albert Stinson j 29 years .. 16th November, 1910; fatal .. ''■ ascending a moderate grade the motor- but suddenly Company (Limited), New Plymouth swerved and {ell over an embankment, crushing Stinson fatally. Southland Co-operative Bread Company, Gas-engine .. George Thomae Smyth; 45years I let December, 1910 ; general .. Smyth was passing by the engine when it is presumed he slipped Invercargill and fell head lirst into the fly-wheel of the engine, causing injuries from which he died. Hugh Wilson, Carterton .. .. Gas-engine .. Hugh Wilson; 54 years .. l'Jth December, 1910; arm severed Wilson was putting a belt on the pulley of the grindstone when his right arm got entangled with the belt. The arm was completelj severed at the shoulder, and he died from his injuries and shock an hour later. McKinstrey and Wilkinson. Whangarei Log-hauling winch John Pitman: 14 years .. 201 h December, 1910: crushed .. While hauling a log up with the ai<l of a steam-.wmch Pitman left the staiting-lever of the winch with the engine working. For some reason he caught the wire rope, by means of which t in- log was being hauled, with his hands, when he was drawn , into the winch machinery and killed instantly. Marlborough Timber Companyl (Li- Locomotive .. George Anderson, 52 years; 28th January, 1911: general .. The engine-driver of this locomotive lost control of the engine raited), Opouri Valley John Corliss, 50 years ; Wil- while coming down an incline. Attached n> the locomotive liam O'Brien, 32 years were tw< trucks carrying logs. The engine was derailed and clashed intc a tree. The impetus saused a log from the truck to start forward, which pinned Anderson and O'Brien against the boiler. Two of the boiler connections wen' broken, which permitted steam and water to escape, scalding <-oth badly. Anderson, besides the scalding, had a fractured left arm and skull : O'Brien had a severe wound in the throat, a fractured jaw. and a broken neck. Corliss was thrown clear of the engine, but had two fractures of the right leg and one side of his chest, crushed in. The Northern Timber New : Drag bench .. Walter Millett; 56Jyears .. 13th February, 1911; abdomen A piece of timber Millet t was sawing flew back and struck him on Zealand (Limited), Taupiri injured the abdomen, causing internal hemorrhage. Death ensued shortly afterwards. The Hawera County Electric Company Electrical transformer Joseph A. Henderson: 14 years ■ 7th March, 1911 .. .. Henderson was in the transformer house, and took hold of a live (Limited), Hawera electric wire, which electrocuted him. an II I