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3. By the advent of spring, through its lengthened exposure to air, moisture, and frosts, the upturned soils should be in a state of pulverization, although it is customary to again stir the whole thoroughly with a Planei Jr. cultivator, alter which a few strokes with the harrows should complete the initial process of preparation. Seed-sowing. Coniferae. Undoubtedly the most important and interesting item of labour connected with tin' nursery-work is the propagation by seed of the various species of Coniferae, which includes larch, pines, and spruces. This operation is generally carried out during the month of October, when sap is most active; l>ut as the actual Bowing of small seeds can only lie performed successfully in comparatively calm weather, frequent intermissions are not unusual. The arrangement of seed beds requires some little forethought. Although a casual observer is inclined to discredit the necessity of keeping lines of trees and beds straight and parallel, more intimate acquaintance with the work shows that the little extra labour thus entailed nol only im proves the appearance of the tree-raising station, but also promotes economy in the working of small blocks of ground. The seed-bed area having been measured a 1 each end. iron pegs are driven in the exact width of beds, which vary according to the size of frames being used. Between each seed-bed, which may be either 27 in.. -'(I in. 42 in., or 72 in. wide, an alleyway or path, for convenience in weeding, &C., is marked oil. measuring from 21 in. to 27 in. in width. Three or four light win- lines are then stretched across the block, and attached to corresponding pegs, after which the building of Ihe beds is com meiiced . Experience has shown that the rougher the nature of the soil being operated upon the greater the necessity in the first place of elevating the seed-beds, and as the soil lor this purpose is taken from the alleyways, a hollow remains, into which all lumps are drawn when raking is in progress. A light dressing of bonedusi or superphosphate, according to fertility and soil-requirements, is then applied to the beds in their rough stale and thoroughly incorporated with the soil by 1 he agency of small sixtoothed potato-drags, which also take the place of rakes in drawing off the larger stones and lumps of claw A perfectly tine and uniform surface is lastly prepared by the most skilled workers, who. after pushing and drawing the toothed side id' the rakes across the bed. and extracting any small pea-like lumps, reverse the tool, and conduct what is termed the final " back-raking." The bed should now be nearly an inch higher than the adjoining alleyways, and in readiness for sowing. To diretf the roller, the line is again connected at each end of the bed. and a wooden cylinder is drawn by two men (as shown in illustration). Four surface impressions, about 12 in. in width, are thus regularly formed. Several smaller sizes of similarly ((instructed contrivances are used, and are manipulated in precisely the same manner. Immediately the rolling - process has extended to the end of the " break" seed-sowjng is Commenced, and on the return journey the sowers precede the roller, which firmly presses the s I to the required depth. It may here be mentioned that the ground should not be in an absolutely dry condition, as in this slate it is impossible to imbed the seed with the desired lirmness. A certain amount of dampness is essential to insure success, although on no account should the work be attempted when the soil is in so moist a condition as to adhere to the working-tools. The firmly pressed seeds may now be covered with a composition of finely sifted soil. sand, and ashes, to whitji is added during the mixing-process a light dusting of bonedust. Thi' correct deptll for sowing varies according to the size of the seed, so that English birch (which is usually sown broadcast) receives merely sufficient top-dusting to keep it iv its place, whilst the heavier seed of. say. Pinus Benthamiana would require to be under the surface to a. depth of about J, in. Generally speaking, we adhere as nearly as possible to the recognized formula, and endeavour to effecl a uniform covering which will, on examination, disclose the seeds at a deptll of about one and a half times their own diameter. Density of sowing calls lor a few special remarks, although no attempt can be made here to introduce technical detail ,it any length. To regulate the desired crop, sowers must bear iv mind at Ihe outset the uerminat ing-ca pacily of the seed being operated with: ami this information is obtained by test inn , as previously mentioned. The larch-seeds when subjected to a test give mosl inconsistent results : one season perhaps 18 pel- cent, germinating, whilst in the ensuing year probably only one-sixth of this percentage may be reckoned upon. This fact alone will amply demonstrate how impossible it is to conform to any fixed rules regarding thickness in sowing. Included m tin' table apportioned hereto will be found an estimated average number ol seeds required for sowing over I square inch of ground. The voting seedlings are protected from birds and wind by covering (he beds with frames IS ft. long, and of various widths, the most convenient size being (> ft. wide. The sides are made of (i in. by I. 1 , in. black-pine or totara, and are secured by four cross pieces of | in. piping, which are then affixed to the sides by means of bored flanges. To give further rigidity to the frame, a piece of angle nun. ]}, in. by I in., is screwed to each end. and finally small J-in.-mesh netting is stapled over the top. It was generally conceded during the early stages of tree-raising in the southern nurseries that additional shelter would not be conducive to the health of seedlings, and would probably accelerate "damping oil"' the common fungus disorder which develops under moist and close atmospheres. crowding, and indifferent watering. Of recent years, however, all seed-frames have been covered with No. 0 scrim. 6 ft. wide (which may be purchased at a wholesale rate of about 2.1(1. per yard), without influencing the "damping oil'" In any extent. After the young plants have become well established. this covering is removed, and the gradual tilting of frames harden off seedlings sufficiently to permit of their being taken oil a few weeks later.