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seed-kernels. Thick-meated or soft seeds quickly show signs of dryness when stored in a dry place, or, on the other hand, become too moist when placed in a cool situation. A medium and uniform temperature is generally favourable for the successful transport of any seeds, although further precautions in the form of hermetically sealed packages, or packing in finely powdered charcoal, are resorted to in many cases. Small amounts of such seed as Pinus insignis and /'. muricata gathered from mature trees growing in the Dominion have been obtained annually, and such success has attended these sowings that on our plantations reaching a more mature age we hope to become practically independent of foreign supplies. Certain exotic trees may take generations before becoming acclimatized to the conditions obtaining in New Zealand, and, although such trees may thrive, and yield prolific crops of seed, which on being sown produce strong plants, we do not vet possess sufficient knowledge to state with any degree of certainty if such vigour will lie maintained during the life of the plant. Well-bodied seeds from a healthy mature tree ncit only possess greater germinative qualities, l>ut are also capable of enduring more adverse conditions after sowing. The possession of these facts has influenced the action of the seed-collect,,is for the Department in gathering only from specially selected i rees. During the past four years very limited sowings of hardwoods have been undertaken, simply because the nature of the ground now being operated upon is more suitable for coniferous tree-growing. No difficulty is experienced in securing any desired quantities of hardwood seeds—oak. sycamore which, on falling during tl(e autumn period, are easily swept up and conveyed to the nurseries in sacks. It is customary to devote more care to tin gathering o! English ash. aider, beech, &c. : and in these cases hand-picking direct from the parent Uue has been found to give tin' best results. Before germination is possible, the external covering of the ash-seed requires to be in a decayed state, which is usually broughi about by pitting in a mixture of sand and soil immediately the seed is collected about the latter part of May. If the contents of the pit are kept damp, and periodically " forked." the gradual decay o! i hi' seed-shell is brought about alter twelve months, when sowing may lie undertaken. Seed-testing is always resorted to before finally preparing the seed-beds, as the quality of the s I at all times influences the density of sowing. In dealing with acorns, a trough half filled with water is used, and on emptying a reasonable quani ity of the seed into this receptacle, and stirring t he whole, the inferior acorns will immediately rise to the surface. A large proportion of such seed will germinate if sown ; but experience proves that the resulting plains do not attain youthful vigour to such a degree as the heavier seed, and should lie discarded. The vitality of other varieties is ascertained by simply cutting them open with a penknife. The appearance of pine-seed kernels is ofttimes deceptive, for whilst the desired milky substance is discernible at the first glance, closer examination reveals the existence of a small cavity between the shell and kernel —a state which generally accompanies seed-decay. A further test of germinative capacity can lie made by placing, say. two hundred seeds on a plate which has been covered with a piece of damp flannel. The plate should lie allotted a dark place, and care taken that the flannel retains its moisture. Irregular germination will eventuate from such an experiment when stale or immature seed has been used : lint on ((uniting the number which sprout, ii is possible to estimate fairly accurately what may I xpected m the general sowing. Preparation of Ground for Seed-sowing. Climatic conditions experienced at the three South Island nurseries are sufficiently favourable tor raising the hardier varieties oi timber trees, and in this connection it has been possible to adhere in a general working-system, which, however, receives slight, modifications according to the variations of the seasons. The ground selectee! for the raising of seedlings at each nursen is neither of an exceptionally rich nor damp nature, hut of fair fertility, moderately compact, well drained, and provided with a reasonable amount ol sheltei from the prevailing winds. It is also imperative that a fairly level surface lie available, otherwise, in all probability, the smaller seeds sown will lie washed away if subjected to a heavy fall of rain. Although our germinating-grounds have been specially selected, it occasionally happens that we are compelled through the presence of Ihe destructive bark-eating grass-grub (Odomtria lealandia) to confine the season's sowing operations to a less-culti-vated area, which has been previously utilized lor transplanting purposes: and in this case the amount of preliminary labour in connection with the preparation of ground is. of course, considerably increased. It is not always practicable to adhere ngidlv to any fixed method in transforming the surface-soil from its rough consolidated condii ion to a sufficiently line state for the reception of seeds : but the following procedure, very briefly described, possesses many advantages, and is generally adopted : — 1. Assuming that we are about to operate on virgin ground, the lirsl point of importance will be the removal of any heavy surlace vegetation, preferably by burning, after which the area should he trench-ploughed to a depth of aboul I I in. This first heavy plough-work (which Usually costs I 7s. (id. pci- acre) is generally undertaken by private contract in the late springtime, to permit of the ground becoming sufficiently settled to receive a second cross-ploughing before winter. 2. Previous to the second working, a light dressing of decayed stable manure is applied, and two small ploughs are then brought into requisition, the leading one taking the opening furrow to a depth of from 6 in. to 8 in., whilst the following plough (from which the mould-board has been removed) is directed over the same course, and stirs up tin- subsoil to a further depth of from \ in. to f> in. By this means the ground is thoroughly loosened some I 2 in. or I I in. deep, and the gradual incorporation of surface with subsoil is almost as effectually accomplished as by the old and less speedy trenching liv hand method.