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Hard/woods.— Raising of the hardwoods oak. ash, eyeamore, walnut, chestnut, &c. is a com* paratively easy matter when compared with the system adopted foe Coniferae, as already explained ; but, nevertheless, deep tillage is essential if successful results are to he anticipated. On roughly raking the whole length of the plot to lie sown to a width of about .'? ft., a line is tightly stretched and attached to pegs at each end. Along this line a uniform drill the exact width of the spade is formed, varying in depth according to the variety and size of the seed being sown. On completion of this drill, the seeds are deposited therein, and the surface-soil, which had by this time become hard through employees moving about, is thoroughly stirred up again by the aid of a one-horse Plane! cultivator. The Levelling-process is now repealed, and t lie line brought forward about "JO in., which provides lor an alleyway of about 12 in. in width between the drills. Again a drill is formed as before, and the soil removed therefrom is now used to cover the exposed seeds in the previously prepared drill. In the following table information is disclosed relative to the cost of the principal varieties of seed sown in the South Island nurseries, number of seedlings raised per pound, &c. Although results for some years past have been reviewed in arriving at these figures, and a fair average is presented, the inconsistency both of seed-vitality and variation in size renders the compilation of a thoroughly incontestible estimate impossible: —

Tending Seed-beds. As may In , expected, the greatest care and discretion must be employed in executing the various items of labour directly associated with the tending of forest plants up to the yearling stage. During the currency of a dry season occasional applications of water are necessary, and this is conducted by means of water-pipes, with conveniently situated standpipes. to which are attached hoses with finespray nozzles. In this connection, however, it is wiser to moisten the ground thoroughly at limited intervals than adopt a practice of almost incessant surface-watering, which experience proves nol only accelerates the formation of a hard, crusty surface, lint induces " daniping-off." The removal of weeds from among seedlings is generally repeated two or three times during the season, and is undertaken preferably when tin , ground is in a thoroughly moist condition. Small pocket-knives after the l'ainpa style are used, and by keeping a keen edge on them it is an easy matter to sever the weeds a little below the collar, without disturbing the seedlings. It is often advantageous to pull up gently by the spreading roots such weeds as sorrel after the young trees are well advanced. although the adoption of this method during the period of seed-germination would give rise to unquestionable failure. By February the young plants should be growing vigorously, and all scrim-covering may then be dispensed with. To minimize the risk of an abrupt cessation in the progress of seedlinggrowth, a simple " hardening-off " system is adhered to. Seed-frames are tilted up on one side, and held in that position by specially made bars or blocks of wood. A greater circulation of air is thus permitted to encompass the germinating-ground. and. after about a fortnight of such treatment (or early in March) the permanent removal and stacking of frames may be carried on with perfect safety. Wrenching. The success we ha\e achieved iii transplanting young pines, evergreens, and seedlings generally that produce lengthened tap-roots is attributed largely to a system of wrenching, which is performed by two employees, who are provided with specially sharpened spades, Each man stands on opposite sides of the drill being lifted, and by brisk foot-pressure drives the spade full depth at such an angle

Varietj cif Seed. ■« 'tlr fe r £gr -° m - """"' 1 jari\ Buropaefl leptofepia I'inus Laricio .. austriaca strobue .. ponderosa Benthamiana murkata.. radiata .. I'ircji ezoelsa sitchnisis Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia Kraxinns excelsior „ americanus Queicue pedunculate Kagus svlvatica Betula alba Juglana regia .. ('astanra vrsrn Veer pseudo-platanue saccharum 'Thuja plicata .. (lupreeHUB Lawsoniana Alnus glutinosa Kobhiia pseudo-acacia . . A verages s. rl. s.'Jd. 2 9j 72.:lOO 3,2 Id 1 , :W T, R, H Europe. g 8 98,800 3,800 2 fl 24 T :i :!.', 28,900 ' 8,400 0 5j IH T, R, H .■ill" 19,320 5,800 0 8 14 T, IS. H .. L2 5 21,620 1,200 10 4 lit T, R, H America. .. II 1.1 9,800 4,600 2 :!• 12 T, K. H , .. II 10 S.840 2,740 4 4] li T. R, H ! l.-> !t 24,260 8,300 I 10} 17 T. H New Zealand. :i ii ls.2.")(l li.8(Mi Oβ] II T. H 1 *!, 50,310 9,200 0 2| 2<l T. H Europe. . . I!) f 187,000 17.10(1 I l| 32 T. H .. V.i 7 37,320 3,900 3 -V; 18 T, K. H Amerioa. 14 8,260 1,500 0 lOl 5 T New Zealand. :i (i S..-)00 I.8OO 1 llj (i T America. 0 o. , . 120 90 o .->! I T. H New Zealand. 6 9 996 886 r> 3 3 T III r>00.000 1,200 0 5j 52 T, H. H (l ."">.', io 30 L3 LOj o. 1 , T il l<, 104 80 4 2 0| T 0 8" 4,890 l.iioo 0 •"> ii T 1 i> 5,376 5oo 0 !i 8 T America. 4 2 325,600 32,000 0 Ii 34 T New Zealand. 8 6 116,300 14,500 0 7" 20 T, H (I JO I 120.400 7,640 0 Ij ::i T. R, II 13 18,866 2.800 0 6j 12 T. H. H 6 8j (.7,098 .-),(i22 -2 3j I6j ... T — Tapanui N'uisn-> ; II Hanmer Springs ffursery; H Ranforl] Efunery.