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Great Britain has adhered to the Radiotelegraph Convention on behalf of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Cape Colony, Natal, Transvaal, India, and its other colonies and protectorates. Although ratification by several countries has not yet been made, the provisions of the Regulations will be applied generally on the date fixed—lst July, 1908. ******* I have, &c, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. E. Frey, Director. [Tel. 08/389(17).] No. 57. The Right Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies, to His Excellency the Governor. My Lord, — Downing Street, 3rd July, 1908. With reference to my despatch of the 19th May, I have the honour to request you to inform your Ministers that His Majesty's Government have now ratified the Radiotelegraphic Convention of 1906, and have notified the adhesion of all the British colonies, possessions, and protectorates except Newfoundland and the Orange River Colony. 2. At the same time, His Majesty's Government have reserved for themselves and the adhering self-governing Dominions the right of exemption referred to in Article II of the Final Protocol. I have, &c, Governor, The Right Hon. Lord*Plunket, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.0., &c. Crewe. [Tel. 08/389(19).] No. 58. The Director, International Bureau of the Telegraph Union, Berne, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. International Bureau of the Telegraph Union (International Radio-telegraph Sir, — Convention), Berne, Ist August, 1908. I have the honour to" communicate to you the following items of general interest to the telegraph administrations of the'Jsignatory States of the International Radiotelegraph Convention of Berlin (3rd November, 1906) which have been brought to the knowledge of the International Bureau since the last notification. Ratification of the Convention (Radiotelegraph). In my notification of Ist July last I published a communication from the German Administration, according to which Great Britain adhered to the Radio-telegraph Convention on behalf of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Cape Colony, Natal, Transvaal, India, and its other colonies and protectorates. According to later information which has reached me from the offices of Germany and Great Britain, this information has to be modified to read that this adhesion includes the countries above mentioned and the whole of the other colonies and protectorates with the exception of Newfoundland and Orange River Colony. ******* I have, &c, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. E. Frey, Director. [Td. 08/380(22).] No. 59. The Director, International Bureau of the Telegraph Union, Berne, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. International Bureau of the Telegraph Union (International Radiotelegraph Sir, — Convention), Berne, 3rd August, 1908. In terms of the regulations relating to radiotelegraph)' which the Lisbon International Conference inserted in the Service Regulations, and which came into force on the Ist July, 1908, I propose, in accordance with the provisions of Article LXXXIV (5) of the Lisbon Regulations, to show in the next Annexe (No. 23) to the Offical Nomenclature of Telegraph Offices, which will be published on Ist September, 1908, the names of the land and stationary ship stations. Consequently I have the honour to request that you will kindly forward me a list of Radiotelegraph stations open for international traffic which your Administration wishes to appear in the Official Nomenclature of Telegraph Offices, adding also, if necessary, the name of the territorial subdivision to be shown in the second column of the list. It is to be understood, however, that in the case of homonymous places, the name of the territorial subdivision or of the country will be inserted, as usual, in the first column of the Nomenclature. The names of the Radiotelegraph stations will be always printed on ajseparate line. I have, &c, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. E. Frey, Director. [Tel. 08/389(23).]