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4. I shall be glad to receive in due course copies of the return made by your Government to the International Bureau under Article XXXYIII of the Service Regulations, and also copies of subsequent modifications and additions thereto, and of any other notifications made to the Bureau. I have, &c, Governor the Right Hon. Lord Plunket, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.0., &c. Crewe. [I'd. 08/389(14).] No. 55. The Right Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor. My Lord,— Downing Street, 22nd May, 1908. With reference to my predecessor's despatch of the 25th March [not printed], I have the honour to transmit to you, for the information of your Ministers copy of the form of license [not printed], which the Post master (General proposes to issue to shipowners in respect of the installation and working of wireless apparatus on their vessels. 2. At the same time I have to request you to inform your Ministers that His Majesty's Government bave had under their consideration the question of the position, while within the territorial waters of the United Kingdom, of vessels registered in the British dominions, which are installed with wireless telegraphy under the authority of a colonial license. .'i. Your Ministers will observe that the exemption contained in the Order in Council in favour of such ships only applies while they are on the high seas, and when they come within the territorial waters of the United Kingdom they would, strictly speaking, be unlicensed British ships, and, as such, subject to the penalties prescribed in " The Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1904." 4. His Majesty's Government, however, propose not to take any proceedings in the territorial waters of the United Kingdom against a colonial ship which has been duly licensed by the colonial authority, provided that she complies with the same conditions as are imposed in these waters on ships registered in the United Kingdom. 5. In view of this decision, I trust that your Government will be prepared to adopt a similar attitude in regard to the use of wireless telegraphy in its territorial waters by ships registered in the United Kingdom, and also by ships registered in any other British possession or protectorate. I have, &c, Governor the Right Hon. Lord Plunket, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.0., &c. Crewe. [Tel. 08 880(13).] No. 56. The Director, International Bureau of the Telegraph Union, Berne, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Intel-national Bureau of the Telegraph Union (International Radio-telegraphic Sir, — Convention), Berne, Ist July, 1908. I have the honour to forward you the following items of general interest to the telegraph administrations of the signatory States of the Berlin International Radio-telegraph Convention of 3rd November. 1906, which have been brought under the notice of the International Bureau since the last notification. Classification of Contracting Administrations as regards the General Expenses of the International Bureau, With reference to Article XXXVII of the Service Regulations under the International Radiotelegraphic Convention, the Administrations of Denmark. Germany, Monaco, Roumania, and Spain have given notice regarding their contributions to the'general expenses of the International Bureau for the Radiotelegraphic Service. They wish to be included in the following classes : Denmark, lourth-class ; Germany, first-class ; Monaco, sixth class ; Roumania, third class ; Spain, second class. The Governor-General of the Principality of Monaco, on notifying his inclusion in the sixth class, notifies t hat the (!o\ eminent of the Principality has given, through the diplomatic channel, its adhesion to the International Convention signed at Berlin on the 3rd November, 1906. He also informs me that no wireless installation exists at present in the Principality, but that the service will be organised as soon as circumstances permit. Ratification of tin International Radiotelegraph Convention and the Service Regulations thereunder. According to a communication from the German Administration dated the Ist July, 1908, the International Radiotelegraphic Convention of Berlin of 3rd November, 1906, with the Additional Agreement, the Final Protocol and the Service Regulations under the principal Convention, have been ratified by the following countries: Belgium, Brazil. Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Norway, Roumania. Spain, and Sweden. In addition, the Radiotelegraphic Convention, the Final Protocol, and the Regulations have been ratified by (beat Britain, Japan, and Mexico. Mexico has subsequently adhered to the Additional Agreement not signed by it at Berlin.