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No. 60. The Director, International Bureau of the Telegraph Union, Berne, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, gm _ International Bureau of the Telegraph Union, Berne, 6th August, 1908. As most of the Administrations of the signatory States of the International Radiotelegraph Convention have forwarded me the information relating to the international stations of their country I propose to prepare the Nomenclature of these stations as provided by Articles IV and XXXV 111 of the ServiceJßegulations annexed to the Convention. To this end I have the honour to ask you to 1. The number of copies your Administration wiU require, apart from those which it is entitled to TGC6IV6 frCG 2. The approximate number of copies it will be advisable to reserve for your Administration for its future requirements until the publication of the next edition, 3. The language or languages in which the explanatory remarks which precede the list ot ottices should be printed. I have, &c, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. E. Frey, Director. i l',l. 08 :is'.i(24).] _ t No. 61. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Director, International Bureau of the Telegraph Union, Berne. g IR _ General Post Office, Wellington, 2nd October, 1908. ' I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 3rd August last, asking to be furnished with a list of any radiotelegraph stations established by this Administration, and to inform you that no radiotelegraph stations have yet been opened in New Zealand. I have, &c, D. Robertson, Secretary. The Director, International Bureau of the Telegraph Union (International Radiotelegraph Convention), Berne [Tel. 08/389(23). j _^_______^^_^_ No. 62. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Director, International Bureau of the Telegraph Union, Berne. SIR __ General Post Office, Wellington, 3rd£october, 1908. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your circular letter of the 6th August, with respect to the proposed publication of the Nomenclature of radiotelegraph stations. This Department will not require any copies additional to those which it is entitled to receive free. No copies on account of this Department's probable future requirements need be reserved after the first supply has been made. . So far as this Administration is concerned, it is desired that the explanatory remarks which precede the list of officers should be printed in English. I have, &c, D. Robertson, Secretary. The Director, International Bureau of the Telegraph Union (International Radiotelegraph Convention), Berne. [Tel. 08/880(24).] __^_^__^______ No. 63. Mr. S. Irwin Crookes, Epsom, Auckland, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General. Onslow Road, Epsom, Auckland, 19th December, 1908. S, R _ Re Cost of New Cable and Cost of Wireless Installation. I read with considerable interest your remarks on the proposed State-owned cable between New Zealand and Australia, and knowing a great deal about the working and recent progress of wireless telegraphy, as well as being in the possession of special information about long-distance working of the same, I have ventured to write you on the matter. I beg to suggest that, before a decision to lay a new cable is arrived at, the fullest investigations be made into the costs, working, capabilities, and reliability of wireless telegraphy for long-distance I am enclosing some details [not printed] which will probably interest you, and have taken your published figures as the basis of my comparison. As you will receive this in Auckland, I should be pleased to discuss matters with you, should you feel so inclined, and care to make an appointment, I have, &c, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, New Zealand. 8. Irwin Crookes. Tel. 09/344. J