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IV.—Statement showing the Expenses of the Cable in the Year ended 31st March, 1906.

V. —Statement showing (a) the Securities purchased and sold, and (b) the Sums received and expended on account of the Provident Fund in the Year ended 31st March, 1906.


Details of Receipt*. Parliamentary Grant. Re venae. Detiiils of Expenditure. Annuity for the Replacement of Capital. Workingexpenses. Balance on 31st March, 1905 Received from H.M. Treasury out of the parliamentary grant-in-aid Traffic receipts (less £2,042 0s. 7d. paid out to the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Atlantic Companies for the insertion of date and time j tnd for duplicate copies) Interest on money placed on deposit £ 8. d. 28,711 15 2 69.325 10 0 £ a. d. Third annuity payment .. 77,554 18 0 Head office (salaries and expenses) Head office (advertising and ; canvassing, engineers' ■ fees, royalties, and cost of remitting money Home) Cable- stations (salaries and expenses) Cable - ship (salaries and i expenses) Provident Fund—contribution to (Statement V) Transferred to Cable Repair —Reserve and General Renewal Fund (Statement VI) Expenses in connection with the opening of new offices in Australia 4.91 ti II 4 91,814 8 11 1,400 2 S 29,697 18 3 138 4 4 15,338 17 3 1,369 5 5 34,000 0 0 251 2 « 91,052 13 3 98,037 8 2 irillVA'H IKJL 1 1J 1 1 <■ IIIC 86,963 17 0 77,544 18 0 ; 164,508 15 0 25,481 3 5 j 189,989 18 5 Balance on 31st March, 1906 189,989 18 5 i

Securities purchased. (For Details Mβ below.) Cash Receipts. Securities sold. (For Details gee beiow.) - Cash - ■-■ - Payment*. Balance on 31st March, 1904 Transferred from the account of annual expenses (Statement IV) Contribution of employees .. Interest on securities Securities purchased (as per contra) £ s. d. 5,000 0 0 £ s. d. 1,655 6 5 1,359 5 5 Invested in securities, viz. :— £1,000 Canadian Northern Railway 3-per-oent. debenture stock (guaranteed by the Canadian Government) at 95, balance of amount due on allotment £900 London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway 4 - per - cent, debenture stock at 123J £1,400 Metropolitan Water Board 3-per-cent. B. stock at Payment to employees on cessation of services Auditor's fee £ s. d. 750 0 0 1,359 5 5 236 19 8 1,122 19 8 3,300 0 0 1,365 18 6 I -23 19 6 10 0 0 Balance on 31st March, 1900 8,300 0 0 3,372 17 7 1,237 19 4 8,300 0 0 4,fi!0 16 11 8,300 0 0 4,610 16 11

Balance on 31st March, 1905. Securities purchased during Period of Account. Securities sold during Period of Account. Balance on 31st March, 1906. Value at [arket Price on 31st [arch, 1906. Details of Seeuritie*. Total. London County Council 3-per-cent. stock London, Brighton, and South Coast Bailway 4-per-eent. debenture stock Canadian Northern Railway 3-per-cent. debenture stock (guaranteed by Canadian Government) Metropolitan Water Board 3-per-cent. B. stock £ a. d. 4,100 0 0 £ i. d. £ s. d. 4,100 0 0 £ ». d. 4,100 0 0 99J £ s. d. 4,009 5 0 flOO 0 0 900 0 0 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 120 2,160 0 0 i.lMXI 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 9) 910 0 0 1,400 0 0 1,400 0 0 1,400 0 0 1,36] 0 0 96^ 5,000 0 0 3,300 0 0 8,300 0 0 8,300 0 0 8,490 S 0