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No.. 4. ..,. . The Secretary op State fob the Coi/ONlbs to His Excellency the Governor. My Lobd, — Downing Street, 14th September, 1906. I have the honour to state, for the information of your Ministers, that a letter has been addressed to the High Commissioner for New Zealand requesting that the sum of £8,061 15s. 9d. may be paid over to the Imperial Government, that being the amount due from your Government in respect of the expenses of the Pacific cable for the year ended the 31st March, 1906. 2. A copy of the printed account of the Board as presented to Parliament is enclosed. . I have, &c, Governor the Right Hon. Lord Plunket, K.C.M.G., X.C.V.0., Arc. Exdin. [P.O. Fin. 06/25.]

Enclosure in No. 4. Pacific Cable Act, 1901 (J Edward VII, o. 31). — Account for the Period ended 31st March, 1906.

I. —Statement showing the Sum issued out of the Consolidated Fund and the Expenditure.

II.—Statement showing the Money borrowed and the Securities created.

III. —Statement showing the Aggregate Amount of Capital Expenditure.


Year in whicli issued. Amount. Amount. Sum issued (out of an authorised issue of £2,000,000) Sum issued (out of an authorised issue of £2,000,000) £ s. d. 1901-2 • 1,060,938 0 0 1902-3 939,066 0 0 £ B. d. Expenditure in the period ended 1,993,933 14 4 31st March. 1905 Expenditure in the year ended 3,774 4 2 31st March, 1906 1,997,707 18 6 Balance in hand .. .. 2,292 1 8 2,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 0 0

Amount. Money b< irrowed. Securities created. £ s. d. him issued as above 2,000,000 0 0 In the period to 31st March, 1902 In the year to 31st March, 1903 2,000,000 0 0 £ s. d. 784,600 0 0 Annuity of £77,544 18s. First payment, 1st December, 1903. 1,215,400 0 0 Last payment, 1st December, 1952. 2,000,000 0 0

Details of Expenditure. In the Period ended 31st March, 1905. In the Year ended 31et March, 1906. Total to 31st March, 1906. £ s. d. 411 6 10 £ s. (1. £ s. d. 5 15 0 417 1 10 [!■) Head office (furniture, &c.) ;2.) StationsBuildings Accessories .. ;3.) CableContract Accessories .. [4.) Instruments ;6.) ShipContract Accessories .. ;6.) Engineers' fees and expenses 63,799 17 10 17,581 17 3 1,790,687 15 6 335 15 0 28,100 4 3 2,206 0 8 66,005 18 6 874 7 11 18,456 5 2 1,790,687 15 6 335 15 0 688 0 7 28,788 4 10 65,910 0 0 6,971 8 1 20,135 9 7 65,910 0 0 6,971 8 1 20,135 9 7 1,993,933 14 4 3,774 4 2 j 1,997,707 18 6