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(b.) Translate into German — (1.) These are my books. (2.) Wishing to see him, I went to his house. (3.) He has become ill from working too much. (4.) I shall drink a cup of tea or coffee. (5.) The sooner you read the book the better.

No. 24. — German. —(/.) Composition and Unprepared Translation. — For Class C and for Civil Service Senior. Time allowed: Two hours. [If you write in German characters, use a fine pen.] 1. Translate into English— Fiete Krey searches for Treasure. Piete Krey aber blieb oben in der diirren Heide stehen ; als Jorn sich umsah, stand er wie em schwarzen Pfahl am Horizont. Langsam kehrfce Fiete Krey sich urn und ging wieder in die Mulde hinunter, legte sein Biindel neben das Wasser, zog seine Jacke aus, legte sich ins Gras und langte in das Wasser, so tief er konnte. So kroch er rund urn das Wasser und fand nichts. Da kleidete er sich eilig aus, und als er nackend war, fasste er einige starke Zweige, die am Eande lagen und stieg vorsichtig in das kalte Wasser und bekam Grund. Es reichte ihm bis an die Brust. Er trat vorsichtig hin und her; aber er spurte nichts Hartes. Es war alles weich, Sand und verwestes Laub. Er tauchte dreimal unter und suchte an den Randern, aber da war nichts als cine glatte Lehmwand, mit Wassergewachs iiberzogen. Da gab er es auf. Er stieg wieder heraus und stand cine Weile, cheer nach dem Hemde griff. Er stand gerade und still. Er spurte die schneidende Kiilte nicht, die ihn mit feinen, eisigen Buten schlug. Er stand und sah ins Wasser, das mit Stillem, traurigem Auge ihn ansah, als hielte es wehmiitig sein Geheimniss fest.— Oustav Frenssen. 2. Translate into English— The Awakened Rose. Die Knospe traiimte yon Sonnenschein, Vom Eauschen der Blatter im griinen Ham Yon der Quelle melodischem Wogenfall, Yon Siissen Tonen der Nachtigall, Und yon den Liiften, die kosen und schaukeln, Und yon den Diiften, die schmeicheln und gaukeln. Und als die Knospe zur Eose erwacht, Da hat sic mild durch Thranen gelacht, Und hat geschaut, und hat gelauscht, Wie's leuchtet und klingt, wie's duftet und rauscht. Und als ihr Traumen nun wurde wahr, Da hat sic vor siissem Staunen gelebt, Und leis geniistert: " Ist mir's doch gar, Als hatte'ich das Alles schon einmal erlebt! " — Sallet. 3. Translate into German — (a.) Well, Staphyla died one day, and a great loss she was to me, and I went into the market to buy me another slave. But, by the gods! they were all grown so dear since I had bought poor Staphyla, and money was so scarce, that I was about to leave the place in despair, when a merchant me by the robe. " Mistress," said he, "dost thou want a slave cheap? I have a child to sell—a bargain. She is but little, and almost an infant, it is true; but she is quick and quiet, docile( 2 ) and clever, sings well, and is of good blood, I assure you." "Of what country?" said I. " Thessalian." Now, I know the Thessalians are acute and gentle ; so I said I would see the girl. I found her just as you see her now, scarcely smaller and scarcely younger in appearance. I asked the merchant his price :it was moderate, and I bought her at once. The merchant brought her to my house, and disappeared in an instant. Well, my friends, guess my astonishment when I found she was blind ! Ha ! a clever fellow that merchant. I 1) Pluck, ztipfen. ( 2 ) Docile, gelehrig. DBAE C— ( &> ) I hope you have received the card I sent you last week. I went to the post again to-day to get the letter I expected from you, but found none. Last Sunday I went to a concert, as you and I did a fortnight ago. It was a delightful concert, but I could not help thinking how much more I should have enjoyed it had you been with me. We have long hours at the office, but 1 will try to write regularly each week. Please try to do the same. Your affectionate brother, G. 4. Translate into German— (a.) There was much talking and laughing. (b.) He received three-fourths of the money. (c.) What are you afraid of ? (d.) He walked there and back. (c.) He did it in a most satisfactory manner. (/.) He wrote to his friend and his son (i.e., his friend's son).