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wire fences, iron gate, and 60 chains footpaths. Used for picnics and sight-seeing only. Early in 1904 15 or 20 acres of bush on the domain was swept by fire, but the principal portion was saved by the energy and assistance of residents, change of wind, and contour of the ground. Danger from fire is annually recurrent, and would be somewhat minimised if the beautiful bushclad area to the north of the domain was purchased as an addition. Kihtkihi Domain, Auckland Land District. Sections Nos. 220 to 220, 228 to 234, 236 to 241, and 359 to 380, Town of Kihikihi. Area, 42 acres. Leased. Work done during year: New roof put on grandstand. Improvements now on domain : One hundred and thirteen chains fences, grandstand, and small plantations. Used for football, polo, sports, picnics, and races. It is intended to further improve the grandstand during the ensuing jear. Kimbbrley Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 1566, Block 111., Hawkins Survey District. Area, 14 acres. Leased on improvement conditions. Improvements now on domain: Fences and plantation. Used for school-children's sports. It is proposed to plough and resow the domain with grass and clovers during the ensuing year. About one-third of the trees in the plantation were blown down during a gale last November. Kimbolton Domain, Wellington Land District. Section No. 92c, Block XIII., Apiti Survey District, and Suburban Section No. 16, Township of Birmingham. Area, 37 acres and 3 perches. Leased. Work done during year: Three quarters of an acre fenced off and planted with ornamental trees, and fences erected around groups of trees. The middle portion will be opened to the public as soon as the trees have made a good start; this will afford a public garden close to the Business part of the township. Improvements now on domain: 102 chains fences, plantation, and portion felled and grassed. The domain is not yet used by the public. Kirwee Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 2416, Hawkins Survey District. Area, 10 acres. Work done during year: Water-race cleared, hedges cut, and gorse grubbed. Improvements now on domain: Fenced on north and south boundaries with sod-and-wire fences, and on east and west boundaries with plain and barb-wire fences, and surrounded by plantation. The area also contains a cycle-track and a cricket-pitch laid in cement. Used for tennis, cricket, cycling, picnics, &c. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Painting and repairing entrance-gates, clearing water-race, and trimming hedges and trees. Knottingly Park Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 1857, Waimate Survey District. Area, 169 acres. Seventy-three acres leased on improvement conditions. The nursery for native plants was fenced and planted during the year; the plantations were also thinned to a considerable extent, which enhanced the appearance of the park. Improvements now on domain: Caretaker's house, windmill, fish-ponds, cook-house for picnic parties, native plantations (fenced and drained), pheasant-run, good fences, and plantations. Used for picnics, camping, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Thinning plantations, and further tree-planting. Kongutu Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 3594, Block X., Wakanui Survey District. Area, 3 acres 1 rood. During the year the domain was fenced, belt of shelter-trees planted, and the approaches to the domain improved. Kowai Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 2066, Bock VIII., Section No. 7989 and Part of Section No. 7855, Block XII., Grey Survey District. Area, 247 acres and 10 perches. Work done during year: Maintenance. Improvements now on domain: Fences, plantations, windmill, tank, and buildings, containing stewards' room, jockeys' room, &c. Used for picnics, sports, and races. Kowai Pass Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 1252, Bock XII., Kowai Survey District. Area, 100 acres. Work done during year: New fences erected on western boundary, and two new iron entrancegates erected, Pinus insignia trees topped and some near the roadway felled, live hedges trimmed and kept in order. Improvements now on domain: Surrounded by plantations, two tennis-courts, and pavilion. Used for sports, picnics, football, tennis, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Further tree-topping. Kuaotunu Domain, Auckland Land District. Section No. 6, Block 11., Otama Survey District. Area, 11 acres 3 roods 30 perches. Work done duiing year: Macrocarpa trees planted, culvert over creek constructed, gates and fences repaired. Improvements now on domain: Fences, gates, culvert, and plantations. Used for sports and football. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Draining, clearing, and treeplanting.