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Kuirau Domain, Auckland Land District. Section No. 3, Block LV., Town of Rotorua. Area, 12 acres 2 roods 37 perches. This domain is under the control of the Tourist Department, and contains hot springs. Work done during year: Formation of tracks to the springs. Kumeroa Domain, Hawkb's Bat Land District. Section No. 1, Block V., Town of Kumeroa. Area, 10 acres. Leased. Not used by the public. Lake Ellesmere Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 3048, Block XII., Leeston Survey District. Area, 20 acres. Work done during year: Boundary-fences renewed, 1,000 trees planted, and old plantations cleaned. Improvements now on domain: Fences, drains, wells, horse-trough, and plantations. Used chiefly for the accommodation of anglers. There are twenty-one fishermen's huts on the domain. It is proposed to sink an artesian well and erect subdivisional fences during the coming 3 - ear. Lauder Domain, Otago Land District. Section No. 2, Block 111., Lauder Survey District. Area, 200 acres. Work done during year: Stewards' stand erected and 23 acres sown in grass. Improvements now on domain : Fences, two stands enclosed in picket fences, totalisator house, and grassing. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Erection of fences for Plumpton Coursing Club, and tree-planting. Leithfield Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserves Nos. 2777 and 3595, Teviotdale Survey District. Area, 51 acres. Work done during year: Construction of large drain. Improvements now on domain: Fences and drains. A portion of this domain comprises a long strip of the sea-beach, which is used for camping and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Erection of fences and tree-planting. Levin Domain, Wellington Land District. Section No. 21, Block 1., Waiopehu Survey District; Suburban Section No. 24, Town of Levin. Area, 52 acres 1 rood 3 perches. Work done during year: Picket fences erected round part of oval, gaps in plantation replanted, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain: Fences, plantations, racecourse, sports-ground, two tennis-courts, and shelter-shed. Used for football, hockey, cricket, tennis, picnics, cycling, sports, and races. It is proposed to top-dress the cricket-pitch, and construct a cycle-track during ensuing year. Limehills Domain, Southland Land District. Sections Nos. Ito 7, and 9to 17, Block IV., Town of Limehills. Area, 4 acres 1 rood 6 perches. During the year 150 macrocarpa trees were planted and fenced in. Improvements now on domain: Fences, drains, and plantations. Used for cricket, football, and sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Construction of more drains. Lincoln Domain, Canterbury Land District. Parts of Sections Nos. 884, 1712, 1880, and 2223, Town of Lincoln. Area, 6 acres. Work done during year : Tree-planting. Improvements now on domain : Fences and plantation. Used as a public resort. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Repairing fences. Little Riveb Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 1649, Block XIII., Pigeon Bay Survey District. Area, 62 acres 2 roods. Leased for grazing purposes. Improvements now on domain : Fences and grass. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Maintenance. It is considered desirable to exchange the domain for an area more suitable for recreation purposes, and an effort is being made to effect an exchange. Loburn Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 3442, Block 11., Rangiora Survey District. Area, 25 acres. Eighteen acres leased on improvement conditions. Work done during year: Tree-planting, and improvements to existing plantations, and erection of conveniences. Improvements now on domain: Sixty-five chains boundary and subdivisional fences and hedges, small lake, and good iron entrance-gate. Used for athletic sports and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Maintenance and further tree-planting. Lumsden Domain, Southland Land District. Sections Nos. Ito 6, Block XXIII., Town of Lumsden. Area, 19 acres 1 rood 4 perches. Work done during year: Inside'of running-track ploughed and levelled. Improvements now on domain : Secure fences, building, urinal, quarter-mile running-track. Used for sports and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Formation of sports-ground.