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Hbriot Domain, Otago Land District. Section No. 2, Block 1., Town of Heriot. Area, 9 acres 3 roods 9 perches. A shelter-shed for spectators was erected during the year. Improvements now on domain : Good fences, plantations on two sides, and shelter-shed. Used for football, cricket, and sports. Highbank Domain, Cantebbuey Land District. Reserve No. 3198, Block 11., Corwar Survey District. Area, 10 acres. Improvements now on domain : Fences (out of repair) and plantations. Hinds Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 2281, Block 111., Hinds Survey District. Area, 22 acres 2 roods 7 perches. Nil report furnished. HoRORATA Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserves Nos. 1589 and 2217, Hororata Survey District. Area, 227 acres. One hundred and ninety-six acres leased. Work done during year: Eradication of gorse, hedge-trimming, thinning plantation, and planting trees where others have failed. Improvements now on domain : Two hundred and forty chains wire fences, 60 chains gorse hedges, grandstand and committee rooms, judge's box, stables, saddling-paddouk, racecourse, cycle-track, cricketground, plantations (about 30 acres), about 40 chains footpaths, 60 chains water-race, and 130 acres laid down in grass. Used for sports, picnics, races, and general public recreation. Howell's Point Domain, Southland Land District. Sections Nos. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28, Block 11., and 46, 47, and 48, Block 1., Jacob's River Hundred. Area, 70 acres. Work done during year : Strong bar-gate and 39 chains fences erected. Improvements now on domain: Fences and gate. Used for picnics. Howick Domain, Auckland Land District. Suburban Sections No. 141 to 148, Town of Howick. Area, 8 acres. Work done during year: Hedges trimmed, noxious weeds eradicated, and boundary-road stumped and cleared. Improvements now on domain : Thirty-six chains fences, 60 chains drains, a canal, about a hundred trees, shelter-shed, and tennis-court. Used for sports and picnics. It is proposed during the ensuing year to deepen and clean the canal, which runs through the middle of the domain. At present 4 acres is almost useless if the season is wet. Huirangi Domain, Taranaki Land District. Sections Nos. 138 to 142, 152 to 156, and 166 to 175, Town of Huirangi. Area, 10 acres. Leased on improvement conditions. Improvements now on domain: Fences, plantations, clearing and grassing, and Institute. The Institute-site is also fenced and grassed. HtTNTERVILLE DOMAIN, WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT. Sections Nos. 17, 18, 25, 26, 33, and 54, Town of Hunterville, and 35, Block XV., Tiriraukawa Survey District. Area, 27 acres and 12 perches. Work done during year: Four acres and a half stumped, levelled, drained, and grassed, bicycle-track made, fences repaired, trees trimmed, and a number of trees planted. Improvements now on domain : All fenced and subdivided, plantation of acres, tennis-court, pavilion and conveniences. An area of 2 acres was bought as an addition to the domain. Used for sports, football, cricket, golf, and tennis. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Erection of 3or 4 chains fences, repairs to cycling-track, tree-planting, and erection of band-rotunda. Huhunui Domain, Canterbury Land District. Reserve No. 2598, Waipara and Waikari Survey District. Area, 85 acres 2 roods. Leased on improvement conditions. Work done during year: Twenty-one chains of fences erected and tree-planting (338 trees); the area has had second ploughing. Improvements now on domain : Seventy-one chains plantation, consisting of two rows of pine-trees; 215 chains fences; half-chain race-track, one mile and a quarter with straight railed off; saddling-paddock; horseyards; concrete water-trough; pump, and well. Used for racing. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Further tree-planting and erection of fences. Hyde Domain, Otago Land District. Sections Nos. 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, and 58, Block VII., Rock and Pillar Survey District. Area, 79 acres 2 roods 29 perches. Securely fenced, and used as a racecourse and rifle-range. Inglewood Domain, Taranaki Land District. Sections Nos. 73, 85, 135, 148, 162, 175, 185, 197, 204, 213, 224, 228, and 230, Town of Inglewood. Area, 3 acres 1 rood. Improvements now on domain . Fencing and grassing only. Not used by the public.