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2. Translate into English prose— (a.) The Power of Time. Tempore ruricolae patiens fit taurus aratn, Praebet et incurvo colla premenda iugo. Tempore paret equus lentis animosus habenis, Et placido duros accipit ore lupos. Tempore Poenorum compescitur ira leonum, Nee feritas animo, quae fuit ante, manet. Quaeque sui monitis obtemperat Inda magistri Belua, servitium tempore victa subit. Hoc tenuat dentem terras scindentis aratri; Hoc rigidas silices, hoc adamanta terit. Hoc etiam saevas paulatim mitigat iras, Hoc minuit luctus maestaque corda levat. — Ovid. Trist. iv. 6. (b.) Hannibal mourns for SycJiaeus. " Cerno " ait " adverso pulchrum sub pectore vulnus Guspidis Iliacae. Dignus Garthagine, dignus Hasdrubale ad manes ibis : nee te-optima mater Dissimilem lugebit avis, Stygiave sub umbra Degenerem cernens noster vitabit Hamilcar. At mihi Flaminius, tarn maesti causa doloris, Morte sua minuat luctus. Haec pompa sequetur Exequias, seroque emptum volet impia Boma, Non violasse mci corpus mucrone Sychaei." —Sil. Ital. v. 592. 3. Translate into Latin prose : — The gentleman to whom I addressed my discourse said to me, with a sort of smile which usually arises from pity to the ignorant, that he was glad of any occasion to keep me among them, and desired my permission to explain to the company what I had said. He did so, and they talked together for some time in their own language, whereof I understood not a syllable, neither could I observe by their countenances what impression my discourse had made on them. After a short silence, the same person told me that his friends were very much pleased with the remarks which I had made on the great happiness and advantages of immortal life, and that they desired to know what scheme of living I should have formed to myself if it had fallen to my lot to have been born a Struldbrug.— Swift (slightly altered). 4. Give the reason for the subjunctive mood of the words in italics in extracts 1 (a) and 1 (b). 5. Explain the cases of the words in italics in extracts 2 (a) and 2 (b). 6. Write out the principal parts of the verbs in the last six lines of extract 2 (b). 7. In extract 1 (a) convert the last lines (Nee solus — date) into oratio obliqua, substituting dixit for inquit. 8. Give the simple words from which are derived— remedium, gestare, porrigere, honorificus, ruricola, exequiae.

French. — For Class D, and for Civil Service Junior. Time allowed: Three hours. 1. Translate into English : — Eugene Sue etant revenu a Paris, un editeur intelligent et chercheur vint le trouver et lvi apporta une publication anglaise illustree, dont les gravures et le texte etaient consacres ala peinture dcs mysteres de Londres. "Un ouvrage de cc genre, lvi dit-il, sur Paris, aurait de grandes chances de succes. Voulez-vous me le faire? " " Une revue illustree! lvi repondit Eugene Sue, cela ne me tente guere. En fin, j'y penserai." Quelque temps apres, je recus a la campagne un petit carton brun renfermant deux ou trois cents pages de manuscrit, et accompagne de cc mot, que j'ai toujours garde: " Mon bon Ernest, je vous envoie je ne sais quoi; lisez. C'est peut-etre bete comme un chou. Cela ma bien amuse a, faire, mais cela amusera-t-il les autres a lire? Voila le douteux. Vite un mot gui me disc votre opinion." Je lus .... e'etait la moitie dv premier volume dcs " Mysteres de Paris."— E. Legouve. 2. (a.) Etant revenu: Give a list of verbs, with their meanings, which are conjugated with etre. (b.) Une publication anglaise: What adjectives as a rule precede the substantive they qualify ? (c.) Me le faire: State rules for the position of conjunctive personal pronouns before a verb. (d.) Ne me tente guere: Quote other negative, or virtually negative, expressions similar to ne-guere. (c.) J'y penserai: What is the difference in meaning between j'y penserai and fen penserai ? (J.) Give the first person plural of each of the simple tenses of the indicative of the following verbs: Dit, voulez, faire, envoie, lire, recus. (g.) Accompagne de: Quote five other verbs followed by de with the sense in which it is used here.