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No. 21. (No. 36.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, Bth May, 1901. In reply to your circular despatch of the Ist February, 1901, relative to the Convention between the United Kingdom and Japan for the reciprocal protection of the estates of deceased persons, I beg to inform you that my Government does not desire that the stipulations of the Convention should be made applicable to this colony. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-2, 1902, No. 19.

No. 22. (No. 39.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 10th May, 1901. I have the honour to inform you, in reply to your despatch (Honours) of the 14th March, that I have informed the Hon. Sir Henry John Miller that, by command of'the King, the patent of knighthood has been transmitted to me, and Sir H. Miller has requested me to personally hand the same to him when he comes next to Wellington. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 23. (No. 40.) Sir,— Government House, Wellington, 10th May, 1901. I have honour to forward herewith a loyal address from the Senate of the University of New Zealand for His Majesty's gracious acceptance. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 24. (No. 43.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 16th May, 1901. In reply to your despatch (New Zealand), dated the 7th December, 1900, relative to Colonial Forces in South Africa, I have the honour to inform you that my Government have approved, with slight modification to meet local conditions, of the form of certificate of discharge as forwarded in your despatch. 2. All men discharged from these Contingents will be furnished with such a certificate. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-2, 1902, No. 7.

. . No. 25. (No. 44.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 16th May, 1901. I have the honour to inform you, in reply to your despatch (New Zealand, General) dated the 29th September, 1900, on the regulations governing the issue of the medal for long service and good conduct to the Permanent Forces of New Zealand, that my Government are preparing regulations on the same lines, with a view to New Zealand regulations being similar to those now in force in England. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.