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No. 26. (No. 49.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 25th June, 1901. In reply to your circular dated the 29th March, 1901, enclosing copy of a letter dated the 10th January, 1899, from the Director of Military Intelligence at the War Office, asking for certain information regarding the local Forces of the British colonies, I have the honour to answer the questions therein contained in order: — I. Copies of " The Defence Act, 1886," and " The Defence Act Amendment Act, 1900," are enclosed herewith. 11. (a.) The terms of service for the New Zealand Permanent Force are laid down in clauses 13 and 14 of " The Defence Act Amendment Act, 1900." (b.) Enlistment is voluntary. (c.) The pay for non-commissioned officers and rank and file is laid down by Warrant dated, the 17th August, 1899, a copy of which is attached. (d.) There is no scale of pay laid down for the commissioned ranks, but an allowance of £50 per annum is granted in lieu of quarters. (c.) Members of the Permanent Force are not entitled to pensions except when they are called out for active service, when they would come under the provisions of " The Military Pensions Act, 1886." (/.) A copy of the regulations laid down for the Permanent Force are also enclosed. 111. Eeserve Forces : (a.) This is taken to mean, in the case of this colony, the " Volunteer Force." The term of service, which is voluntary, for this branch of the New Zealand Defence Forces is laid down in clause 53 of " The Defence Act, 1886," as amended by clause 2, subsection (14), of " The Defence Act Amendment Act, 1900." (b.) These corps are paid, in the case of mounted rifles, a capitation allowance for each " efficient " of £3 10s. per annum. All other corps are paid at the rate of £2 10s. for each " efficient." Members of Naval and Garrison Artillery and Submarine Mining Corps are also granted a personal payment of £1 per man per annum, provided they pass in the subjects laid down in the syllabus for the branch of the service. A further sum of £1 is also granted in the case of a man who may gain three consecutive certificates of efficiency in these subjects. A minimum number of these personal payments are also granted to members of Engineer, Field Artillery, Mounted Eifles, and Eifles, on their qualifying in the subjects laid down. The members of the Volunteer Force do not draw pay except when called out for actual service, when they receive the respective rates laid down in paragraph 152, Volunteer Eegulations, a copy of which is enclosed. The members of the Volunteer Force come under the same provisions as to pensions as the Permanent Force (see 11. (c)). All corps that go into camp are granted Is. 6d. per day per man, with an extra allowance, in the case of mounted corps, of Is. 6d. per horse per diem for forage. Free passes over Government Eailways are also granted for the purpose of attending Eifle Association meetings and shooting matches. By clause 12 of " The Defence Act Amendment Act, 1900," the establishment was authorised of an Imperial Eeserve, for service either within or without the colony. His Excellency the Governor has not so far been advised to establish such a reserve, and no steps have as yet been taken to enrol such a reserve force. IV. The training laid down for the several branches of the Volunteer Force is defined in paragraphs 77a, 136, 137, 137 a, 138, 138 a, 139, 148, and 168, Volunteer Eegulations. The Permanent Force, in addition to their ordinary duties, are also exercised in the several duties which they would be called upon to perform in active service.

A.-2, 1902, No. 32.