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No. 18. (No. 33.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 4th May, 1901. I have the honour to forward herewith a loyal address from the Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in New Zealand for His Majesty's gracious acceptance. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 19. (No. 34.) Sic, — Government House, Wellington, 7th May, 1901. I have the honour to inform you that my Premier has called my attention to Despatch, N.Z. No. 80, dated the 25th October, 1900,-sent to you by His Honour Sir Eobert Stout, who was then acting as Deputy Governor. This despatch he does not consider to be complete without the copies of the minutes on the covering sheet, and in accordance with his request I have the honour now to enclose copy of—(1) The Solicitor-General's opinion, and (2) minute made by Deputy Governor : — " I hereby certify that, in my opinion, the Bill the Short Title whereof is " above set forth should be reserved for the signification of Her Majesty's " pleasure thereon. The Bill is repugnant to certain provisions of Part I. of " the Imperial Act cited as ' The Merchant Shipping Act, 1894,' which applies " to all Her Majesty's dominions, but is passed under the special powers con- " ferred on colonial Legislatures by section 735 of the Act referred to. In " accordance with that Act, this Bill is in terms expressly reserved for the Eoyal " assent. " W. S. Eeid, Solicitor-General.'' (2.) " For the Eight Hon. the Premier. " Section 4 of this Bill seems to me to invade the prerogative of the " Governor. I doubt if the two Houses ought to put in a Bill that it should be " reserved. It is for the Premier to express his opinion on the subject in " accordance with the law. " Eobert Stout, Deputy Governor." I have, &c, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-l, 1901, No. 43.

No. 20. (No. 35.) Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 4th May, 1901. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. 22, of the sth March, 1901, respecting the proposed survey of the coasts of New Zealand. I have laid the question of selecting places for surveys suitable for the winter months before my Ministers, who have ordered their Nautical Adviser, Captain Blackburne, to confer with Commander Combes on the arrival of H.M.S. "Penguin." I have, &c.,, The Eight Hon. J. Chamberlain, EANFUELY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-2, 1902, No. 25.

2—A. 1.