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No. 3. The Agent-Geneeal to the Hon. the Peemiee. Westminster Chambers, 13, Victoria Street, London, S.W., (Memorandum.) 15th June, 1900. Ottawa and Hull Fiee.—ln continuation of my letter of 11th ultimo, No. 1054,1 beg to enclose copy of a further letter from the High Commissioner for Canada, forwarding copy of a communication from Mr. George H. Perley, the chairman of the Fire Belief Fund, acknowledging the contribution from New Zealand. I also enclose the official receipt, which reached this office yesterday through Lord Strathcona. W. P. Beeves.

Enclosure 1 in No. 3. Office of the High Commissioner for Canada, Deab Me. Eeeves, — 17, Victoria Street, S.W., Ist June, 1900. With reference to your letter of 9th ultimo, enclosing a cheque representing the contribution from New Zealand towards the Ottawa Fire Fund, I now beg to enclose a copy of a communication which Mr. George H. Perley, the chairman of the fund, has addressed to the manager of the Ottawa branch of the Bank of Montreal (by whom it was presumably remitted at the request of Sir Wilfrid Laurier) in acknowledging the remittance. I am, <fee, The Hon. W. Pember Eeeves. Steathcona.

Enclosure 2 in No. 3. Ottawa and Hull Fire Belief, Deae Sib,— Ottawa, Ont., 14th May, 1900. On behalf of the Belief Committee, 1 beg to acknowledge receipt from you of $24,982-89, donation to the Fire Fund, made by the Colony of New Zealand. I need not say how thoroughly we all appreciate the exceeding kindness of our trans-Pacific cousins in sending such a very large subscription to help in relieving the people who suffered here by the late fire, and I wish you would express to them the special thanks of this committee and the citizens of Ottawa for their kindness. Yours, &c, Geobge H. Peeley, W. J. Anderson, Esq., Chairman, Ottawa and Hull Fire Belief Fund. Manager, Bank of Montreal, Ottawa, Ont.

Enclosure 3 in No. 3. Ottawa and Hull Fike Belief Fund. The Bank of Ottawa, Ottawa, 11th May, 1900. Eeceived from Colony of New Zealand the sum of £5,133 9s. sd. (sterling), to be placed to the credit of the above fund. For the Bank of Ottawa. W. Duthie, pro Manager. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,375 copies), £1 Is.

By Authority: John Maokay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9oo. Price 3d.]