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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Leave.

No. 1. Westminster Chambers, 13, Victoria Street, London, S.W., Sib,— 11th May, 1900. Eeferring to your cablegram of the 7th instant, instructing me to pay the equivalent of $25,000 as a contribution towards the funds which are being raised on behalf of the sufferers from the fire at Ottawa, I beg to transmit copy of letter which I accordingly addressed to Lord Strathcona and Mount Eoyal, the High Commissioner for Canada, forwarding the amount to him for payment to the Eight Hon. the Premier of Canada, and copy of Lord Strathcona's reply. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. the Premier, Wellington. W. P. Eeeves.

Enclosure in No. 1. Deae Lobd Steathcona, — 13, Victoria Street, S.W., 9th May, 1900. I have received a cablegram from my Government authorising me to pay to the Eight Hon. the Premier of Canada the equivalent of $525,000 as a contribution from the Colony of New Zealand towards the funds which are being raised for the relief of those suffering from the effects of the great fire at Ottawa. I accordingly request the favour of your receiving the amount, cheque for which I herewith enclose ; and in forwarding it to Sir Wilfrid Laurier I beg that you will express to him the sincere sympathy which my Government and the people of New Zealand feel towards those affected by that great disaster. I am, &c, W. P. Eeeves. The Eight Hon. Lord Strathcona and Mount Eoyal, G.C.M.G., &c, High Commissioner for Canada.

No. 2. Dear Mb. Eeeves,— 17, Victoria Street, S.W., 10th May, 1900. I beg to acknowledge, with many thanks, your letter of the 9th instant, and the cheque for £5,133 9s. 5d., the equivalent of $25,000, which you have been authorised by your Government to pay to the Premier of Canada as a contribution towards the fund that is being raised for the relief of the sufferers from the great fire at Ottawa. I have transmitted the cheque to the ißank of Montreal, and asked them to forward the amount to their Ottawa branch to the credit of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. A telegram has been sent to Sir Wilfrid on the subject in which I have informed him of the tenor of your letter. In the meantime permit me to say, on behalf of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and of the people of Canada, how much, I am sure, they will appreciate the kind action of New Zealand in the matter, and the generous sympathy and spontaneous assistance which they have been good enough to •extend to their fellow-subjects in the Dominion. The receipts enclosed with your letter are returned herewith. Believe me, &c, The Hon. W. P. Eeeves, Steathcona. Agent-General for New Zealand, 13, Victoria Street, S.W.