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Laid upon the Table of both Houses of the General Assembly by Leave.

Telegeam from Peemiee to all Members of the General Assembly, dated Ist May, 1900. You will have noticed Press messages about the conflagration that has occurred in Canada, and the destitution and suffering occasioned thereby. Kindly inform me whether you think the Government should, for and on behalf of the people of this colony, extend practical sympathy by sending contribution. Please reply by memo. E. J. Seddon.

Replies from Membees of the House of Repeesentatives. Right Hon. the Premier. Port Chalmers, 2nd May, 1900. I heaetily approve of Government giving financial help to Ottawa sufferers, especially when the colony is in a nourishing condition, as it is. E. G. Allen.

Right Hon. R. J. Seddon. Dunedin North, 2nd May, 1900. Reply your memo. Ottawa conflagration, believe our people desire to show practical sympathy with the sufferers, and I therefore think Government should promptly send assistance. James Allen.

Hon. R. J. Seddon. Dunedin, 2nd May, 1900. Yes, at once. J. F. Aenold.

The Premier. ■ Wellington, 2nd May, 1900. In reply to memo, about Ottawa, I think that to make a contribution from public funds would create a dangerous precedent, only to be justified by some great Imperial emergency. Moreover, I could not in any case approve present proposals without fuller knowledge of our financial position and of Canada's competency to cope with the disaster. I respectfully suggest that Ministers could attain the desired object without straining the Constitution, by opening a public subscriptionlist and heading it themselves. A. R. Atkinson.

Hon. the Premier. Dunedin, 2nd May, 1900. Be Ottawa fire : Think private subscriptions will cope with disaster. If precedent to be made of granting State funds, think Indian famine has first claim. A. R. Baeclay.

The Premier. Bae's Junction, 3rd May, 1900. Would support vote, but think private subscriptions would better represent the sympathy of the colonists of New Zealand. Jas. Bennet.

The Bight Hon. R. J. Seddon. Auckland, 4th May, 1900. Am of opinion Government should contribute a reasonable amount to Canadian Eire Relief Bund. John Bollaed.

Hon. R. J. Seddon. Christchurch, 3rd May, 1900. Appeove proposal colony send assistance to allay suffering caused by Ottawa fire. D. Buddo, Eernside.