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9. Give a short description of the Peninsular War. 10. Trace the history of religious toleration from 1603 to the date of the removal of the Catholic disabilities. 11. Write short notes on —Test Act, Hampton Court Conference, Peace of Utrecht, Dispensing Power, Septennial Act, Letters of Junius, the Pelhams, Abolition of Slavery.

History. — For Class E, and for Junior Civil Service. Time allowed : 3 hours. [N.B. —Two questions only in each section are to be attempted.] A. 1. What were the chief features of the Feudal System, and over what period in English history did this system extend ? 2. Give the dates of the English sovereigns from 1066 to 1603, and mention their relationship to one another. 3. On what three grounds did William I. base his claim to the English crown ? How far were these claims justified ? 4. What was the attitude of the first four sovereigns (William 1.-Stephen) towards the Church ? B. 1. Eelate the most important events in the reign of King John. 2. Write a short biography of the Black Prince. 3. With the aid of the following mnemonic— "All Zittle &oys wever will mention all iShese /torrid fateful battles to JBosworth"—mention the battles fought in the Wars of the Eoses, and give an account of any one of them. 4. Give (with dates) the main provisions of—the Constitutions of Clarendon, Magna Charta, the Statute of Mortmain, the Statute of Praemunire. C. 1. Give a brief account of the following persons: Simon de Mqptfort, Caxton, Hampden, Bacon, Jeffreys. 2. Draw up a genealogical table showing the descent of James I. from Edward 111. 3. Give the chief events in the reign of Henry VII. or of Edward VI. 4. Assign events to the following dates: b.c. 55; a.d. 449, 597, 1204, 1215, 1346, 1356, 1360, 1485, 1588, 1605, 1689, 1760, 1776, 1815. D. 1. Give the main provisions of the Bill of Eights, the Peace of Eyswick, and the Treaty of Utrecht. 2. What were the causes of James the Second's unpopularity ? 3. Write a brief life either of Nelson or of Wellington, specifying the chief battles fought. 4. Give an account of any battles you know of in India that were important in the founding of the English Empire there. B. 1. Mention the chief events in the reign of George 11. of of William IV. 2. Give the dates of the Hanoverian sovereigns; show their relationship to one another, and trace the descent of George I. from James I. , 3. What causes led to the American War? Give the names of two battles in it. 4. Sketch thejpolitical career of Walpole, or of Pitt, Earl of Chatham.

English History. — For Senior Civil Service. Time allowed : 3 hours. 1. Discuss the political and religious results of the revolution of 1688. 2. Describe the negotiations-leading to the parliamentary union of England and Scotland, and the conditions on which union was secured. 3. Give a brief account of the career of Sir Eobert Walpole, with especial reference to his policy. 4. " The expansion of England in the New World and in Asia is the formula which sums up for England the history of the eighteenth century." Discuss this statement as fully as you can. 5. Give an account of the events that led to the loss of the English colonies in America. 6. What do you know of George Canning ? Discuss his foreign policy. 7. Describe the political agitation that led to the passing of the Eeform Bill of 1832. Mention the abuses that this bill was intended to remedy, and give its provisions. 8. Give some account of the industrial development of England between 1780 and 1837. 9. Write short notes on the following subjects : Letters of Junius, Septennial Act, Forty-five, John Wesley, Warren Hastings, William Huskisson.

Latin. — For Class D, and for Senior and Junior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. (a.) Decline throughout, alter, ipse; in singular only, alius, se, splendide mendax ; in plural only, vivida vis. (b.) Parse fully /em, duce, versus, voti, vis, canis. If any of the words has more than one value, indicate it. 3—E. la.