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8. Find the cube root of 2461-375, and the fourth root of 923521. 9. If the three-pound loaf cost 7d. when wheat is 355. a quarter, what should be the price of wheat when the two-pound loaf costs 4-Jd. ? 10. In what time will £419 amount to £486 4s. 3-J-d. at 4f f simple interest ? 11. A can do twice as much as B : in what time will each of them do separately as much as they can do together in 8 days ? 12. The simple interest on a certain sum of money for 2 years is £71 16s. 7-J-d., and the'discount on the same sum for the same length of time, and at the same rate per annum, is £63 17s. Find the rate per annum, and the sum.

Geography. — For Glass D. Time alloived : 3 hours. 1. Explain the terms —atoll, canon, fumarole, geyser, landes, mirage, moraine, polder, solfatara, tundra. 2. Give a general account of the circulation of the atmosphere, and state more particularly what you know of the following winds : simoom, monsoon, tornado, trade-winds, harmattan, sirocco, fohn winds, anti-trade winds, etesian winds, land and sea breezes. 3. State what you know of the causes and the phenomena of tides. What functions do tides perform in the economy of nature ? 4. Mention and describe the rainless, or almost rainless, portions of the earth's surface. In each case account for the lack of rain. 5. Draw a sketch-map of the basin of the Nile, inserting as much detail as you can. 6. Explain the term " sphere of influence." Draw a sketch-map of Africa (without unnecessary detail), marking the various possessions and spheres of influence of the different European nations. 7. Give a brief description of China, and indicate as far as you can the nature and extent of the claims now being made upon her by European nations. 8. Give an account of the chief trade routes in the Pacific Ocean. 9. Describe the chief volcanic regions of the world, mentioning the most important volcanoes in each, giving (approximately) their height, and stating whether they are active or extinct. 10. From what countries are the following commodities chiefly derived—wool, cotton, wheat, gold, silk, rice, timber, coal, iron, hides ? Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of the various wheat-producing countries in competing for the wheat trade. 11. What do you know of—Dyea, Cavite, Samarkand, Say, Bahr-el-Ghazal, Oberammergau, Perim, Matanzas, Weihaiwei, Kalgoorlie?

Geography. — For Glass E, and for Junior Civil Service. Time allowed : 3 hours. 1. Compare the climates of England, Spain, and Madeira, on the eastern side of the Atlantic, with the climate of states or places in about the same latitude on the western side. 2. Describe the natural features of the larger islands of the West Indies, and draw a sketchmap of Jamaica, showing its principal towns. 3. Name the principal ranges of the mountain systems of Africa. 4. What are the principal islands and groups of islands of the Malay Archipelago? State the nation to which each island or group belo.ngs. 5. Describe the route of the railway that is being constructed through Asiatic Eussia, naming the rivers to be crossed and the terminal point on the Pacific Coast. . 6. Which of the European States formerly ruled by the Sultan of Turkey have since passed under the administration of any other Power ? Which of them have become quite independent ? 7. Describe the different routes by which the Isthmus of Panama can be approached by a vessel from the Atlantic, noticing the countries or islands passed on the way. 8. Give some account of tfte Persian Gulf, its characteristics and commercial possibilities. 9. Where are the following situated : Dunkirk, Callao, Mount Haidinger, Labuan, Coolgardie, Port Underwood, Acapulco, Srinagar, Nagasaki, Collingwood ? 10. Give a brief account of one of the larger drainage areas of New Zealand, with reference to its rivers and tributaries, townships, soil, productions, and industries.

History. — For Glass D. Time allowed : 3 hours. 1. What claims has King Alfred to the title of " the Great" ? 2. What was the Hundred Years' War? Give a brief account of its main incidents. 3. Discuss briefly England's relations with foreign countries in the reign of Elizabeth. 4. Mention in order Charles the First's various parliaments before 1640, and describe briefly the proceedings of each. 5. Give a brief sketch of the career of Oliver Cromwell,- and contrast his foreign policy with that of Charles 11. 6. Detail briefly the chief events of the reign of William 111., and discuss that sovereign's character as a statesman. 7. Give a short account of the various attempts made by the exiled Stuarts to recover the throne of England. 8. Give an account of the career of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and discuss his statesmanship, with especial reference to his foreign policy.