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Mr. Laird seconded the motion. Mr. Kebbell moved, as an amendment, " That the consent of the ratepayers should be first obtained, and that the amount of the rate should be altered to one-farthing. Mr. Engels seconded the amendment, which was lost. Mr. Bolton proposed, " That County Councils should be given power to strike a rate of onefarthing in the pound for the restoration of bridges." The amendment was seconded by Mr. Kebbell, and was lost by the casting-vote of the President. The original resolution was then put, and lost. The Conference then resumed, and adopted the resolutions passed in committee. Mr. Coleman Phillips read a paper on the subject of the improvement of the system of local government. The consideration of the paper was adjourned. The Council then adjourned until 10 a.m. of the 9th instant.

Thursday, 9th August, 1894. The Conference resumed at 10 a.m. on the 9th. Present: Mr. Yon Reden (Chairman); Messrs. Collins, Phillips, McMillan, Bolton, Sommerville, Majendie, Field, Kebbell, Trennery, Engels, Forsyth, Monkhouse, Peat, Lang, J. G. Wilson, and Laird. Mr. Bolton moved, " That clause 131, subsection (15), of the Public Works Bill be amended by the addition of the word ' pig,' after the word ' cattle,' in order to allow pigs to be impounded." Mr. Monkhouse seconded the motion, and it was carried. Mr. Peat, on behalf of Mr. Laird, moved, "That the question of adjusting the boundaries of counties, where such adjustment is necessary from the natural features of the country, be considered by this Conference, with a view to getting this done generally over the colony." The motion was seconded by Mr. Bolton, who remarked that endless trouble was caused to counties by the peculiarities of the boundaries. Mr. Collins moved, as an amendment, " That Government be requested, during the recess, to take into consideration the question of adjusting the boundaries of counties and ridings, where such adjustment is necessary from the natural features of the country." This was seconded by Mr. Engels, and carried. Mr. Monkhouse moved, " That powers granted to several counties under 'The Counties Vehicle Licensing Act, 1893,' be extended to all counties." Mr. Forsyth seconded the motion, the consideration of which was eventually adjourned. Mr. A. Forsyth moved, " That, in the case of deferred-payment or perpetual-lease lands being paid for in land-scrip, the Government be asked to pay ' thirds' to the local bodies the same as if the land had been paid for in cash." The motion was seconded by Mr. Bolton, and agreed to. Mr. H. A. Field moved, " That the Government be asked to introduce a measure providing for the rating of Native lands by County Councils and Road Boards, for the purpose and upon the same basis as that obtaining in respect of European lands." Mr. Kebbell seconded the motion, which was carried. Mr. Sommerville moved, " That the Government be asked to make provision in the Public Works Acts Amendment Act, now before the House, for the conveyance of metal on Government ailways for use by local bodies at a nominal cost." The motion found a seconder in Mr. Kebbell, and was carried. Mr. Sommerville moved, " That the Legislature be asked to take into consideration the question of consolidating the different loans under the Loans to Local Bodies Act now current, with a view to their conversion into a 4-per-cent. loan instead of 5-per-cent." Mr. Fraser seconded the motion pro forma, and it was lost. Mr. Sommerville moved, " That, in all cases of cash purchases of lands not fronting roads constructed by the Government previous to sale, one-third of the price be dealt with in the same manner as though sold under the lease in perpetuity." Mr. Kebbell seconded the motion. Mr. Bolton moved, as an amendment, the following addition: "That, where land is leased in perpetuity, and a deposit paid for survey-fees, and afterwards credited in payment of rent, one-third of the same shall be handed over to the local body interested." Mr. Majendie seconded, and the words were added to the resolution, which was then put and carried. Mr. McNab moved, " That, to enable County Councils to compel all owners of gorse fences from which gorse has spread over the road to clear such gorse to the full width of the road, section 6 of' The Public Works Acts Amendment Act, 1889,' be amended by striking out the words 'up to the middle line of such road or street' from subsection (2)." Mr. Sommerville seconded the motion, and it was carried. On the motion of Mr. McNab, seconded by Mr. Bolton, it was resolved, " That a clause be added to the Counties Act enabling the County Councils to procure from Municipal Corporations such information as they may require, as in the case of Road Boards and Town Boards." Mr. McNab moved, and it was seconded by Mr. Bolton, pro forma, " That County Councils be exempt from the provisions of the Dog Registration Act- requiring the issue of collars with the badges, as it simply adds to the cost of administration." The motion was lost. Mr. McNab moved, "That section 26 of 'The Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1885,' be repealed." Mr. McMillan seconded the motion, which was carried. Mr. McNab moved, " That county licenses be issued to hawkers for £ and £ , according to the different classes, and that, for the further sums of £ and £ respectively, these hawkers be allowed to hawk within a borough."