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Mr. Fraser seconded the motion, and it was carried. Mr. McNab moved, "That this Conference approves of the clause in the Bill now before Parliament reviving ' The Town Districts Act, 1881,' extending the control of the town districts over the main roads, but considers the proposal to deny ratepayers of such districts the privilege of remaining electors of the county wrong." Mr, Engels seconded the motion pro. forma. Mr. Kebbell moved, as an amendment, the insertion of the words, "the association does not approve " after the first word of the resolution. The amendment was ruled out of order. Mr. Monkhouse moved, as an amendment, to strike out all the words after "roads," Mr. Forsyth seconded the amendment, which was lost. Mr. Sommerville moved to strike out the words " extending the control of the town districts over the main roads," but the amendment was not seconded. Mr. Bolton moved to strike out all the words after " 1881," which was seconded by Mr, Engels, and lost. The original resolution was then put, and lost. Mr. Trennery moved, "That this Conference request the Government to reinstate the Crown Lands Rating Act, of three-halfpence in the pound, to enable the Councils to carry on their duties." Mr. Engels seconded the motion pro forma, and it was lost. The Conference then adjourned for lunch. On resuming at 2.30 p.m., the President was granted leave of absence, and Mr. Kebbell was voted to the chair. Mr. Fraser moved, "That, with the view of affording immediate relief to local bodies, the Government be requested to amend during the present session of Parliament ' The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1886,' 'The Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886,' and 'The Counties Act, 1886,' so as to empower the following things to be done: (1.) That a local body shall be permitted to borrow money under ' The Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886,' in order to pay off its overdraft. (2.) That, as soon as any local body shall have paid off its overdraft in the above manner, it shall not be lawful for-such local body to incur new liabilities as overdraft which shall at anytime exceed the amount of uncollected revenue at that particular date." The motion was seconded by Mr. Laird, and carried. Mr. Monkhouse moved, "That powers granted to several counties under 'The Counties Vehicle Licensing Act, 1893,' be extended to all counties." The motion, was seconded by Mr. Bolton, and carried. On the motion of Mr. Sommerville, seconded by Mr. Collins, it was decided that the Government be requested to place this association on the same footing in the matter of privileges as the Municipal Association. A letter was read from Mr. Kennedy, referring to the different modes of valuing for the purpose of levying special rates in special rating districts, and suggesting that the lands contained in such districts should be rated on the values as appearing on the rating-roll in force in the district for the time being.—Ordered to be received. Mr. Monkhouse moved, "That, where in resolution No. 24 the term ' unimproved value' is used, it is to be interpreted as meaning the value of the property minus the value of all improvements made by the occupiers or owners." The motion was seconded by Mr. Engels, and lost. Proposed by Mr. Majendie, seconded by Mr. Peat, " That this Conference resolve itself into committee of the whole to consider the Noxious Weeds Bill."—Carried. Mr. Collins desired to have recorded his opinion, that he thought the Noxious Weeds Bill would do a great deal of harm and cause a great deal of misery if it became law. Proposed by Mr. Sommerville, seconded by Mr. Bolton, " That clause 4 be struck out."— Carried. Proposed by Mr. Sommerville, seconded by Mr. Engels, " That in clause 7 the words ' and burn all refuse therefrom ' be struck out."—Carried. Proposed by Mr. Sommerville, seconded by Mr. Bolton, " That in clause 7, all the words after the words ' boundary-line,' in line 5, page 3, be struck out."—Carried. Schedule A: Noxious Weeds.' — Resolved, " That Bathurst burr, noogoora, blackberry, gorse, sweetbriar, Canadian thistle, and giant burdock be left in schedule; and that broom, star thistle, wild turnip, and mustard be struck out of schedule." Schedule B : Noxious Seeds.— Resolved, " That burdock be left in schedule ; and that thistles (all species) be left in schedule, except Garduus pratensis and Garduus arvensis." Further consideration postponed. Clause 8 : Proposed by Mr. Lang, seconded by Mr. Monkhouse, " That in the first and second lines of section 8 the words ' hay, straw, chaff' be struck out."—Carried. Proposed by Mr. Majendie, seconded by Mr. Collins, " That the whole of section 8 be struck out." —Lost. Proposed by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Mr. Majendie, " That the second paragraph of section 8 be struck out." —Carried. Resolved, " That section 9 remain as it now is." Proposed by Mr. Collins, seconded by Mr. Bolton, "That section 10 be struck out."—Lost. Proposed by Mr. Majendie, seconded by Mr. Bolton, " That, in section 18, all words after ' Government,' in the third line, be struck out."—Carried. Proposed by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Mr. Majendie, " That the word ' may' shall be substituted for the word ' shall,' in line 4 of section 19."—Carried. Proposed by Mr. Collins, seconded by Mr. Bolton, "That section 20 be struck out."—Carried.