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Mr. Kebbell moved, " That charitable aid should be distributed by the local body which raises the rate, provided that a certain percentage of their rates shall be paid by the local bodies towards the charitable aid of towns." This motion was seconded by Mr. Coleman Phillips. Mr. Wilson moved, as an amendment, to strike out all the words after "rate," which was seconded by Mr. Peat and carried. On the motion of Mr. Monkhouse, seconded by Mr. Sommerville, it was agreed, "That where, as under ' The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act, 1893,' a local body has to pay officers and costs of administration, they shall have power to appoint such officers and control administration." Mr. Wilson moved, "That the Loans to Local Bodies Act should be amended in the following direction (1.) Voting for loans: the loan shall be considered carried when the majority of those voting for it shall be in favour of the loan. (2.) That, in the case of a petition being presented asking for a loan, the local body should be permitted to pay the interest out of the general rate. (3.) That, in the case of bridges on a main road, the Government should subsidise the local body by pound for pound." The motion was seconded by Mr. Bolton, and at his suggestion clause 1 was amended to read that a majority of the votes cast, instead of a majority of voters on the roll, should be the number required to carry the poll. Mr. Monkhouse moved, as an amendment, " That either a majority of votes exercisable, or twothirds of those cast, be required to carry a poll." The amendment was seconded by Mr. Sommerville, and carried by 6 to 4. Mr. S. Forsyth moved, " That, in the opinion of this Conference, it is desirable that the number of local bodies in the colony be reduced, and that all be made elective." Mr. Engels seconded the motion, which was carried. Mr. Monkhouse moved, "That where all roads in a county, or part of a county, are under the control of the County Council, and a rate is, or rates are, levied in excess of three-farthings on capital value, the subsidy be the same as the aggregate receivable by both bodies had the control been under the Road Board and County Council respectively." Mr. Bolton seconded the motion, and it was carried. On the motion of Mr. Peat it was decided, " That, in every case where the rate levied is under 2s. 6d., that 2s. 6d. be deemed to be the amount due for collection." The following resolutions were also carried : — " That the Government be asked to promote a Bill in Parliament having for its object the simplification and consolidation of local government." (Mr. G. N. Engels.) " That local bodies be allowed to take land for gravel-pits under the Public Works Act." (Mr. Kebbell.) " That it is desirable that plans and information requisite for the administration of local bodies be supplied free of charge to local bodies by the General Government." (Mr. W. Monkhouse.) "That the Government be asked to print the renort of proceedings and balance-sheet." (Mr. Field.) "That the necessity of despatch being used as regards audit of accounts be impressed upon the Government." (Mr. John Peat.) [Messrs. McMillan (Selwyn) and Collins (Kaikoura) then took their seats at the Conference.] The Conference adjourned for lunch, and resumed at 2.30 p.m., when the meeting went into committee of the whole to consider various resolutions relating to rating. On the motion of Mr. Peat, seconded by Mr. Bolton, it was resolved, "That, in the opinion of this Conference, it is desirable that valuations for rating be carried out by and at the cost of the General Government." Mr. S. Bolton moved, " That the Land Act be so amended that, where Crown land is leased by the Land Board on whatever tenure, and forfeited, the unpaid rates be a first charge on the land." This was seconded by Mr. Majendie, and carried. Mr. Monkhouse proposed, "That, in making all valuations for rating or other purposes, the increase in value due to improvements made by loans under Government Loans to Local Bodies Act should not be added to land-values." The motion was seconded by Mr. Sommerville, and lost. Mr. Monkhouse moved, "That where a special rating area, defined for loan purposes under the Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, or part of such area, is subsequently included within the boundaries of a new county, the new county shall have power to levy and collect the original special rate made as security for any loan, and pay amount so collected either to original body or direct to the Treasury, toward payment of interest on such loan. And that power be granted to make new rate-roll from original roll of area included in new county as evidence of new local authority's power to levy and collect the rate. Also power, where the whole of original area is in new county, to new county to take over all responsibility for original loan." The motion found a seconder in Mr. Forsyth, and it was lost by 6 to 5. Mr. Engels moved, " That this Conference is of opinion that all local rates should be levied on the unimproved values ; this rule to be absolute, not optional." Mr. Laird seconded the motion. Mr. Lang moved, as an amendment, " That this Conference is of opinion that local bodies should be given power to levy rates on unimproved values." This amendment was seconded by Mr. Phillips, and carried. The President moved, " That, in the opinion of this Conference, power should be given the County Councils to levy (in addition to the maximum three-farthing rate) a general rate, not to exceed one-eighth of a penny in the pound, for the purpose of creating a fund for the restoration of bridges on the county roads : such funds to be invested by the Councils in the Public Trust funds or other Government securities."