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4. That no member of the Conference be allowed to speak on any subject under discussion for more than ten minutes, but that such time may be extended five minutes, or a still further period by the indulgence of the Conference. The mover of any motion shall have the right to reply. 5. That the following be the subjects for discussion : — (1.) Regulations regarding the introduction of foreign animals. Foreign diseases, i.e., diseases not known in Australasia. (2.) Regulations regarding the introduction of Australasian animals: (a) by sea; (b) by land. (3.) Regulations regarding disease : (a) Scab ; (b) catarrh; (c) fluke; (d) worms; (c) footrot ; (/) anthrax; ig) pleuro-pneumonia; (h) tuberculosis; (j) stringhalt; (&) coccidium and actinomycosis; il) prurigo (horse-mange). (4.) Rabbit-pest. (5.) Frozen-meat trade. (6.) Stud-book for Australasia. (7.) Any other subject which may be suggested and agreed to by members of the Conference. 6. That the term " Australasian colonies " comprises the colonies on the Continent of Australia, also Tasmania and New Zealand; and that the term "foreign" includes all other parts of the world. Animals and Things prohibited. 7. That the following foreign animals and things be prohibited : — (1.) Cattle, sheep, and pigs from all foreign countries and colonies other than Great Britain and Ireland, unless they have been fourteen days in Great Britain or Ireland. (2.) Goats, deer, antelopes, llamas, buffalo, and any other ruminants from all foreign colonies and countries, unless for a zoological society. • (3.) All fodder and litter with which foreign animals have been in contact from any foreign colony or country, or from any foreign vessel. Introduction of Foreign Animals. 8. That the following foreign animals be admitted, subject to regulations framed on the resolutions of the Conference :— (1.) Horses from any colony or country. (2.) Camels from any colony or country. (3.) Cattle, sheep, and pigs from Great Britain or Ireland. (4.) Goats, deer, llamas, antelopes, buffalo, and any other ruminants from any colony or country, if intended for a zoological society. (5.) Dogs from any colony or country. 9. That the following be included among the regulations under which foreign animals and things not prohibited may be admitted into any Australasian colony:— (1.) That twenty-four hours' notice be given by the owner of the animals of his intention to land them. (2.) That the animals be accompanied by a declaration by the owner, and a certificate by the Inspector, or by a qualified veterinary surgeon, in the district from which they start. (3.) That no animals, or any fodder, fittings, or effects, with which foreign stock have been in contact, be landed without the written permission of the Inspector. (4.) That notice be given to the owner when any stock are ailing or are about to be destroyed. (5.) That notices be given personally, or left at the residence or place of business of the person for whom the notice is intended, or sent by registered letter to the address of such person. (6.) That at least fourteen days' notice be given to the Chief Inspector of Stock of an owner's intention to introduce foreign stock. (7.) That all cattle and sheep and pigs exported to Australasia be shipped from the port of London or Glasgow. (8.) That the Agents-General for the several colonies be asked to appoint one (i.e., the same) qualified veterinary surgeon at each port of shipment, to examine all stock intended to be exported to any of the colonies; such veterinary surgeon to give a certificate of health to accompany the animals. (9.) That animals intended to be introduced into any of the colonies, and all other animals on board the same vessel, be examined at the port of shipment by the veterinary surgeon appointed by the colonies, and be accompanied by a certificate from him that they are all free from infection, and that in their case the regulations have been complied with. (10.) That the skins of all animals which may have died or been slaughtered on board any foreign vessel during the voyage, and not destroyed or thrown overboard, be salted and securely packed in cases or casks, and not landed except for transhipment under the supervision of an Inspector. (11.) That a joint declaration be obtained from the captain of the vessel and attendant of the stock as to the health of foreign stock on board on arrival in port. (12.) That all stock intended for ship's use and all dogs arriving by any foreign vessel shall, within forty-eight hours of their arrival in port, be either removed to quarantine or killed under the supervision of an Inspector. The carcases of any cattle, sheep, or pigs so killed may by instructions of an Inspector, and under his supervision, be sold and delivered ashore,