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(13.) That foreign animals intended to be landed in the colonies be examined on arrival by a veterinary surgeon, and an Inspector of Stock, who shall report to the Chief Inspector of Stock whether or not such or any other animals on board such vessels are infected. (14.) That if foreign animals (except camels) are infected they be destroyed or disposed of as the Minister directs. (15.) That camels found on arrival to be infected with scab be dressed as the Chief Inspector directs. (16.) That if foreign animals are not prohibited, and are reported free from infection, and if the Chief Inspector be satisfied that they are not infected, they may, after being washed and disinfected when necessary as he shall direct, be landed for quarantine on sufficient bond and guarantee. (17.) That all foreign animals be conveyed by water, at the owners' risk and expense, to quarantine, and remain for the terms respectively prescribed for the different kinds of animals, at their owners' risk and expense, and that they be washed, dipped, or disinfected as the Chief Inspector of Stock shall direct. (18.) That the quarantine for the several animals shall date from the day of landing, and shall be as follows : (a) For horses, fourteen days; (b) for cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, deer, antelopes, llamas, and any other ruminants, sixty days ; (c) for camels, ninety days ; id) for dogs, six months. (19.) That all foreign sheep landed in the colonies forthwith receive two or more dressings with tobacco and sulphur, or with lime and sulphur. (20.) That, on the expiry of the term of quarantine prescribed for foreign animals, they be examined by a qualified veterinary surgeon and an Inspector of Stock, and released on the order of the Chief Inspector. 10. That dogs be quarantined in the Government quarantine grounds only. - 11. That no foreign stock nor skins be transhipped without the permission in writing of an Inspector, and that no foreign stock be put on board any Australasian vessel unless such stock has undergone quarantine, and the regulations referring to foreign stock have otherwise been complied with. 12. That foreign stock, and the stalls and pens used by them, and the attendants' clothes and effects on board a foreign vessel, in any Australasian port be disinfected as the Chief Inspector may direct. 13. That Australasian stock coming into direct or indirect contact with foreign stock, or with infected stock, be deemed foreign or infected stock. 14. That if the Inspector at the port of arrival is doubtful as to the freedom of any stock from infection he may temporarily detain them on board ship, or remove them to some other vessel for a period not exceeding forty-eight hours, at the owners' expense, where they may be dressed or disinfected as the Inspector may direct. 15. That all stock during the period of quarantine be under the surveillance of a qualified veterinary surgeon. Interchange of Australasian Animals. 16. That no colony be deemed to be a clean colony in which scab exists or has existed within the next preceding two years, and no sheep or sheepskins shall be introduced except from a clean colony. 17. That no sheep shall be imported by vessels that have traded to any but a clean Australasian colony within the next preceding three months, nor by any vessel which shall within that period have had any sheep on board from any colony or country other than a clean Australasian colony ; and the captain of the vessel shall, when required, make a declaration to that effect. 18. That no stock, other than sheep, shall be imported by vessels that have, within the next preceding three months, had on board any infected stock, or any stock from any colony or country other than a clean Australasian colony ; and the captain of the vessel shall, when required, make a declaration to that effect: Provided that cattle may be imported into any colony for immediate slaughter in quarantine, and under proper quarantine regulations. 19. That all stock intended to be landed shall be accompanied by a declaration from the owner, and a certificate by the Inspector, or a qualified veterinary surgeon at the port from which such stock were shipped, that they are not infected, and had not during the next preceding twelve months been infected; also that, unless they are intended for immediate slaughter in quarantine, as provided by the last preceding resolution, they are from a clean colony. 20. That, if the Inspector at the port of arrival be doubtful as to the freedom of any stock from infection, he may temporarily detain them on board ship, or remove them to some other vessel for a period not exceeding forty-eight hours, at the owners' expense, and they may be dressed or disinfected as the Inspector may direct. 21. That, if on examination by the Inspector or a qualified veterinary surgeon, and the production of the necessary declaration and certificate, the Inspector considers the stock free from infection, he may allow them to land. 22. That if the stock be found to be infected they may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of, as the Minister directs, without compensation. 23. That where an outbreak of disease occurs in any Australasian colony, the neighbouring colonies may, pending the extent and risk of the outbreak being definitely ascertained, at once issue a prohibition against the introduction of i stock from such colony; and that the duration of the prohibition depend upon the amount of risk arising from such outbreak, 24. That sheep imported into any colony, and certified by an Inspector of that colony as free from infection, may be introduced into any other colony if found to be free from infection by the Inspector of the latter colony into which the sheep are being imported