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AUSTRALASIAN STOCK CONFERENCE.—(CONFEEENCE OF CHIEF INSPECTOES OF STOCK, VETEEINAEY SUEGEONS, AND STOCK-BEEEDEES OF THE AUSTEALASIAN COLONIES, HELD IN WELLINGTON IN OCTOBEE, 1892.) Eepoet. The Conference commenced its sittings on the 25th October, and concluded its labours on the 31st October. It was called together by the Hon. the Premier of New Zealand for the purpose of considering the regulations relating to the introduction of stock, the prevention of disease in stock, and other subjects. The following were the representatives of the several colonies : — New South Wales... ... Mr. Alexander Bruce, Chief Inspector of Stock. Queensland ... ... Mr. P. E. Gordon, Chief Inspector of Stock. Tasmania ... ... Mr. T. A. Tabart, Chief Inspector of Stock. „ ... ... Mr. Archibald Park, M.E.C.V.S., Veterinary Surgeon. New Zealand ... ... Hon. Sir John Hall, K.CM.G., Stock-breeder. „ ... ... Mr. John Roberts, C.M.G., Stock-breeder. „ ... ... Mr. Thomas Brydone, Stock-breeder. „ ... ... Mr. William Boag, Stock-breeder. ... Mr. W. E. Bidwill, Stock-breeder. „ ... ... Mr. Coleman Philips, Stock-breeder. ... Mr. W. F. Lawry, M.H.R., Stock-breeder. „ ... ... Mr. J. McNicol, Stock-breeder. „ ... ... Mr. John D. Ritchie, Chief Inspector of Stock. ••'."'„ ... ... Mr. John F. McClean, M.R.C.V.S., Veterinary Surgeon. Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia were unrepresented. The following is a copy of the circular-letter, dated the 11th July, 1892, addressed to the different Australasian Governments :— " Sm,— " The Premier's Office, Wellington, 11th July, 1892. "As the time is approaching for the triennial meeting of Chief Inspectors of Stock, Government Veterinary Surgeons, and stock-owners of the Australasian Colonies, I have much pleasure on behalf of my Government to convey a cordial invitation that the Conference be held in New Zealand. " I shall be obliged by your advising me at the earliest opportunity if it will be convenient for your representatives to attend, so that the necessary arrangements can be completed. " I would suggest that the Conference be held in Wellington on the 25th October next. "I have, &c, "John McKenzie, " For the Premier." All the delegates were present with the exception of the Hon. Sir John Hall, K.C.M.G., Mr. W. E. Bidwill, and Mr. McNicol, who, it was announced, would arrive later. The delegates were introduced by Mr. Ritchie, Chief Inspector of Stock, who read the following letter from the Hon. J. McKenzie, Minister of Agriculture, apologizing for his being unable to attend through illness. " Gentlemen, — " Minister of Lands Office, Wellington, 25th October, 1892. " I have to express great regret that the state of my health prevents my being present at the opening of the Conference this morning to welcome the representatives of the Australian Colonies and the stock-owners of New Zealand. At the same time I have to express my gratification at the decision of the Governments of Queensland, New South Wales, and Tasmania, to accept the invitation of the New Zealand Government to hold the Conference here. " I trust the outcome of this Conference will be of mutual benefit to all the colonies interested, as I have every confidence that the business brought before the Conference will receive such attention as the importance of the several subjects merits. " I needly hardly add that it will give me the greatest pleasure to render you every assistance iv my power, although I shall unfortunately be absent from your sittings; and again thanking you for your presence, I have, &c, "John McKenzie, " The Members of the Australian Stock Conference. " Minister of Agriculture." Mr. Ritchie thereupon called upon the meeting to elect a chairman, when it was unanimously agreed that the Hon. Sir John Hall, K.C.M.G., be asked to take the chair on his arrival, and that, in the meantime, Mr. John Roberts, C.M.G., be Acting Chairman. The meeting then proceeded to consider the resolutions passed at the Australasian Stock Con. ference held in Melbourne in November, 18S9. The following resolutions were passed :— Preliminary. 1. That each colony represented have three votes. 2. That where a colony is represented by the Chief Inspector of Stock and another delegate, the former shall have two votes. 3. That a notice of motion must be in the hands of the Chairman not later than the day preceding the proposed discussion thereof, unless the matter is considered urgent by the Conference,