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TABLE No. 6. Debt at 31st March, 1884.

TABLE No. 7. Debt at 31st March, 1892.

*It is not strictly correct to say that this amount was outstanding, because, while the.Treasury might have issued debentures for £2,131,200 os. 2d. (see Table No. 1), it only issued £2,117,781. Deducting the difference between these two amounts from £872,808 4s. 9d., there remains £855,392 4s. 7d., which, on the other hand, has to be increased by the following small sums released, but not applied by the Treasury in 1886-87, £17 lis. Bd.; in 1891-9-2, £3 3s. 9d. These being added, the result is £850,413, as stated in Table No. 2.

TABLE No. 8.

* Trustees have dispensed with further contributions from the Treasury. t The contribution from the Treasury annually is 1 per cent, on the amount of the original loan —£7,283,100, and 5 per cent, on the amount of the drawn bonds; the amount, including £210,500 drawn in March last, is now £2,939,800. } Exclusive of £103 15s. belonging to loan of 1860, matured.


ibtat 31st March, 1884. AdjLsted. Loans with Sinking Funds. Gross Debt. Sinking Funds in hand. Net Debt. Add for Sinking Funds subsequently released. Total. £ s. d. 500,000 0 0 93,100 0 0 1,519,400 0 0 5,915,000 0 0 £ s. d. 481,406 2 11 79,005 18 2 586,867 16 7 106,804 3 11 £ s. d. 18,593 17 1 14,094. 1 10 932,532 3 5 5,808,195 10 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 18,593 17 1 93,018 11 1 1,321,442 11 2 5,808,195 10 1 STew Zealand Loan of 1856 .. Sfew Zealand Loan of 1860 .. Sew Zealand Loan of 1863 .. Sf. Z. Consolidated Loan of 1867 Slew Zealand Immigration and Public Works Loan of 1870 Auckland Loan of 1863 Wellington Loan of 1866 liyttelton and Christchurch Railway Loan of 1860 Canterbury Loan of 1862 )tago Loan of 1862 1,000,000 0 0 31,600 0 0 13,500 0 0 71,153 0 8 13,147 9 3 8,590 1 5 928,846 19 4 18,452 10 9 4,909 18 7 78,924* 9 3 388,910 7 9 8,355 19 2 928,846 19 4 18,452 10 9 13,265 17 9 77,700 0 0 22,800 0 0 110,700 0 0 42,867 0 1 3,329 1 0 41,778 10 4 34,832 19 11 19,470 19 0 74,921 9 8 34,832 19 11 19,470 19 0 74,921 9 8 Totals ,9,289,800 0 0 1,434,949 4 4 7,854,850 15 8 476,190 16 2 8,331,041 11 10

Loans with Sinking Funds. Balance of Old Debt at 31st March. 1892. Sinking Funds in hand at 31st March, 1892. Net Old Debt 01dDebt 31st March, 1892. converted. Debentures for Increases of Sinking Funds outstanding at 31st March, 1892. Total. Slew Zealand Loan of 1856 New Zealand Loan of 1860 [STew Zealand Loan of 1863 S\Z. Consolidated Loan of 1867 Sew Zealand Immigration and Public Works Loan of 1870 .. Auckland Loan Act of 1863 Wellington Loan Act of 1866 .. Lyttelton and Christchurcli Railway Loan of 1860 Canterbury Loan Ordinance of 1862 Dfcago Loan Ordinance of 1862.. & 50,000] £ s. a. 55,000 0 0; 103 15 o| 347,680 3 l! 1,175 11 11 £ s. a. j 0.5,000 0 0 Cr. 103 15 0 531,119 16 11 il, 159,024 8 1 £ £ s. d. 23,593 17 1 25 6 1 149,722 14 3 396,271 8 0 £ s. d. 18,593 17 1 93,018 11 1 1,321,442 11 2 5,808,195 16 1 878,800 1,160,800 93,100 640,600 4,252,300 1,000,000 19,800 291,613 8 0 25,335 5 4; 708,386 12 0 0.5,586 5 4 li',800 13,500 220,460 7 4 12,187 16 1 0.234 2 3 928,846 19 4 18,452 10 9 13,265 17 9 71,500 I | | 78,422 0 0 0.6,922 6 0 0,200 3,685 1 8 34,832 19 11 17,00092,000 7,014 2 8 j I 73,322 0 ll 1 9,985 17 4 18,677 19 1 5,800 24,700 35,555 5 11 31,543 10 7 19,470 19 0 74,921 9 8 Totals 3,289,900. .879,066 12 11 2,410,233 7 1 5,048,000| 1*372,808 4 ' 9 [8,331,041 11 10 :.. J

Loans with Sinking Funds. Debentures j outstanding 'at 31st March, | 1892. Due Date of Debentures. Rate of j « ; „v:„„ w „„ j Debentures issued Sinking ! bl "i t " 1 .fJ^ d ! for Estimated Fund j slst a March 1892 ! Accretions taper cent, j mst maron, itaji I 1892-93. New Zealand Loan of 1856 New Zealand Loan of 1863 New Zealand Loan of 1863 New Zealand Consolidated Loan of 1867 New Zealand Immigration and Public Works Loan of 1870 Auckland Loan of 1863 Lyttelton and Christchurch Railway Loan of 1860 Canterbury Loan of 1862 Otago Loan of 1862 £ 50,000 ! July 1, 1894.. 378,800 ! July 15, 1914.. 500,000 Nov. 1, 1915.. 1,100,800 Annual drawing I 1,000,000 j June 1, 1907.. 19,800 i June 1, 1896.. 1 t £ s. d. 55,000 0 0 I 347,680 3 1 1,175 11 11 £ s. d. 17,610 0 0 218,615 0 0 2-4 2 291,613 8 0 25,335 5 4 29,920 0 0 2,155 0 0 71,500 ■ 1893-96 17,000 : 1915-16 92,000 i July 1, 1898.. 3,289,900 j 2 1 1 78,422 6 0 7,014 2 8 73,322 0 11 5,800 0 0 560 0 0 5,640 0 0 Totals 879,562 17 11J 280,300 0 0