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Approximate Cost of 'Batpetr* —Preparation, nil; printing (1,350 copies), £8.

Bobeet J. Collins, Accountant to the Treasury. The Treasury, 25th July, 1892, James B. Heywood, Secretary.

Statement showing Conversion Operations, 1891 (furnished at the request of the Committee).

By Authority: Geoege Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB92. Price (id.]

2—l. 7.


No. Due Date. Description. Amount for conversion. Amount converted. Bate. Converted into Sj % Stock. bv £ y HolLr. Bel eased. Sinking Funds. To be released. Increase of Public Debt by conversions. By Government. Accrued. Balance. £ £ £ £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 1 Mar .-Dec, 1891 Part of 1863, 6 % loan .. 417,000 417,000 104-110 68,768 365,818 424,782 1 2 424,782 1 2 17,586 2 1 July, 1891 Part of 1860, 6 „ 74,100 74,100 104 7,072. 69,992 92,228 9 3 74,575 7 3 17,653 2 0 2,964 3 1 Jan., 1893 Consolidated Stock, 1867, 5 % loan 64,000 1893/97 Lyttelton and Christch'eh Railway, 6 % loan 77,700 6,200 109-115 6,878 78,422 6 0 6,200 0 0 72,222 6 0 678 5 15 April, 1894 Westland, 5 % loan .. 50,000 50,000 107J 53,750 3,750 6 1 June, 1896 Auckland, 6 „ 31,600 11,800 114 13,452 25,335 5 4 11,800 0 0 13,535 5 4 1,652 7 Mar., 1896 Nelson, 7 „ 15,000 8 1 July, 1898 Otago, 6 „ 116,700 24,700 116J-117J 29,015 73,322 0 11 24,700 0 0 48,622 0 11 4,315 9 1915/16 Canterbury, 6 „ 22,800 5,800 136 7,888 7,014 -2 8 5,800 0 0 1,214 2 8 2,088 Stock created t o pay expenses of conversi on (estimat ed) 16,556 16,556 Total .. 868,900 589,600 133,073 506,116 701,104 5 4 499,357 8 5 66,153 2 0 135,593 14 11 49,589